Double Jump

Double jump is a common element in games. However, Wayfinder double jumps might be a bit more complicated than it seems at first glance.

  • The height or range of a double jump becomes slightly higher by holding the jump button down instead of releasing it.
  • The timing of pressing the second jump is crucial. Ideally the second jump should be triggered at the highest point of the first jump. Otherwise the achieved range might be not enough to traverse some areas such as the Dread Legion hunt.
  • Dodging forwards at the end of the double jump can slightly increase the overall range of the jump. But dodging into ledges does not trigger climbing up that ledge.
  • The range and speed of the double jump can be further increased by dodging into the ground while landing and jumping again while hitting the ground. Sometimes referred to as super jump. This also modifies the movement speed drastically while jumping.
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