
Weapons are equipment used by Wayfinders, along with their character-unique abilities, to fight against enemies. Every weapon a Wayfinder employs is an Echo of a weapon of legend, most of which were lost to the Gloom; their strength and form can be replicated by a Wayfinder's power. While a Wayfinder's suite of abilites and features dictate their role to a certain degree, their equipped weapon helps determine their overall playstyle. Each weapon has their own unique Weapon Ability that further defines each weapon's playstyle.[1][2] Each weapon has their own Statistics that will be granted to the Wayfinder wielding it, influenced by that Wayfinder's Affinity.

In combat, Wayfinders and their weapons benefit from a universal mechanic called the Heat of Battle. Each attack landed builds up a combo counter, which in turn builds up a combo multiplier. This multiplier increases the damage of weapons as long as the combo is maintained. For most weapons, the combo multiplier caps out at 200%. Certain weapon classes, talents, and abilities can temporarily increase this cap.

Weapons are sorted into classes, which may have subclasses within it. Each major class has its own method of generating resources to use a Weapon Ability, as well as a unique Mastery passive based on the wielding Wayfinder's Archetype. Currently, there are four classes and nine subclasses (standalone major classes count as a subclass for this purpose).


Weapons can obtained as rewards from defeating Enemies, opening Treasure Chests, and completing Lost Zones and Events. Certain weapons will only drops from certain Lost Zones or Bosses, or can only be obtained through vendors. The Power Rating of a zone will determine the level and number of Echo slots a weapon has, while the type of Echo slots are randomized, with the exception of Rush-type echo slots. The Echo capacity of the weapon is tied to the weapon's level. Weapons purchased from Arsenal and obtained from Quests will scale to the highest level Wayfinder.

Like Wayfinders, weapons can be Awakened at Arsenal by spending gathered resources to reform components of the weapon's echo and awaken deeper powers, increasing its Awakening rank to increase its power, augment its echo capacity and even unlock new echo slots; Awakening applies to all instances of that weapon, even retroactively. Awakening a weapon is described as merging parallel instances of a weapon's echo to come closer to the legendary original article, granting it "power beyond its initial limitations."

Acquiring a weapon for the first time also unlocks its skin as a cosmetic customization for use as part of a Wayfinder's Style. Certain weapon skins only exist as a skin and not a standalone weapon, and those skins are not featured here.



Main article: Guardian Melee

Guardian Melee Weapons are sword-and-shield defensive melee weapons, capable of blocking with a shield to not only defend against attacks and reduce damage, but also allow for powerful counterattacks. Alongside quick sword strikes, the shield can also be used as a weapon in combat, dealing significant Break Damage.

Guardian Melees have a unique Latent Power mechanic: blocking attacks and attacking enemies will build up the Latent Power meter. Once the meter is full, performing a shield slam attack or guard counter attack will earn 1 Latent Power pip, up to a max of 3 pips, and reset the meter. Latent Power pips can then be spent with weapon abilities, with more pips increasing the ability's power.


Main article: Executioner Melee

Executioner Melee Weapons are two-handed offensive melee weapons, with slow but crushing strikes to deal massive damage to enemies. Staying aggressive makes them stronger as a battle goes on. Executioner Melees can block attacks, similar to Guardian Melees, but are less efficient; however, they can perform a shoulder tackle during blocks, which can power through enemy attacks with reduced damage taken.

Executioner Melees have a unique Momentum mechanic: continuous attacks during combat will build up a three-bar Momentum meter, which drains quickly when outside of combat. The Momentum meter can be spent to use and empower weapon abilities, which increase in strength with more bars.

There are three types of Executioner - the Breaker (axes and maces), the Greatsword, and the Greatscythe.

Twin Striker[edit]

Main article: Twin Striker Melee

Twin Striker Melees are dual-wielded melee weapons that focus on withering offense at close range with rapid attacks. Longer combos can lead to powerful Flourish heavy attacks and a more intense Heat of Battle. Twin Strikers cannot block attacks like Guardian and Executioner Melees, but can instead parry incoming attacks, which will stagger the attacker and negate damage.

Twin Striker Melees have a unique Blade Dance mechanic: every 4th consecutive melee strike grants a Flourish point, up to a maximum of three. Executing a Heavy attack spends the points and performs a Flourish, with the effects and strength being dependent on the number of points, while also building the Blade Dance meter, which allows the use of the weapon’s ability when filled. Activating the weapon ability will also activate the Blade Dance, causing all weapon attacks to hit twice for a short time.


Main article: Marksman Ranged

Marksman Ranged are ranged weapons that fire projectiles at a distance, needing to be reloaded after emptying the magazine. During the reload, pressing the reload button at the right time for a Perfect Reload will boost offensive power for a time. In a pinch, Marksman weapons can strike enemies with the butt of the rifle to deal damage.

Marksman Ranged weapons have a unique Eagle Eye mechanic: damaging enemies will expose weakpoints that can be shot at, dealing bonus damage and rewarding one Locked and Loaded charge, up to three charges. Locked and Loaded charges can be spent on weapon abilities, with the effect varying depending on the weapon.

There are four types of Marksman - the Rifle, the Burst Rifle, the Shotgun, and the Runecannon (sniper).

All Weapons[edit]


Sword & Shield
Dual Daggers


Before the Echoes update, weapons were only acquired once through crafting and would gain experience in combat, increasing their level and stat bonuses[3], similar to Wayfinders. At certain levels, weapons could be Tempered with Gloomstones to slightly increase their bonuses.


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