The 5 main imbuements[1], clockwise from the top: Chaos, Solar, Shadow, Greed, Flora
Imbuements are items - essences of primal powers - used with a Wayfinder's Gloom Dagger to modify the conditions of Lost Zone expeditions. Imbuements will cause Mutators to affect the Lost Zone, with their effects dependent on which imbuements are chosen. Initially, only one imbuement can be slotted into the dagger after completing the Eyes to Seemain quest. The second and third imbuement slots are unlocked after completing the Duality and the Roots of Evil quests, respectively.
When using multiple imbuements, their effect will combine to create a new mutator; specifically, the first two imbuements set the primary mutator (three in the case of triple Shadow), while the third imbuement provides a unique boon. In addition to the imbuement effects, mutated Lost Zones will have altered rewards, enemies, mechanics, and environmental hazards; notably as well, using imbuements grants an experience point multiplier for that excursion, with +10% EXP for each imbuement. Imbuements may also influence the odds of making certain events in a Lost Zone more likely to appear.
Rewards altered by mutators will be unique to those imbuements[2], such as Molten Spectra and Brightburn Scarf being unique to the Solar Imbuement. Combining imbuements to consolidate their unique rewards, as well as adding a mutator-specific accessory. Using two or three imbuements will add the Ring of Unstable Creation and Necklace of Unstable Creation to the possible accessories, regardless of imbuements.
Imbuements can be obtained through various Events, rewarded from Lost Zone expeditions and hunts, and can be crafted at an Echo Matrix. Currently, there are 5 imbuements: Shadow, Flora, Solar, Chaos, and Greed. Other known but unused elemental powers include Storm, Radiant, and Order (and possibly Lunar). According to Lord Halar, there are twelve primal powers in total, and all magic manipulates these elements.
The Shadow Imbuement strengthens the Gloom, empowering enemies and causing them to retaliate on death. When used as a third imbuement, the Shadow boon causes shadowy tentacles to lash out at enemies from Wayfinders, causing lifesteal damage.
Mutation Effect
All enemies have been empowered by the Gloom. At half health, they will Enrage and grow larger, dealing more damage. When enemies die, they will explode in a deadly burst.
+ Gloomshroud
Gloom has infested this area. Activate and stand near the corrupted shrines to cleanse them, but beware: enemies will try to stop you.
+ Corpsebloom
Enemies are infected with dormant spores. Death will activate the spore, causing it to seek a new host and sproud a toxic mushroom.
+ Black Flame
Gloomtouched enemies are infused with flame. Their deaths have a chance to leave the ground permanently ablaze.
+ Shadowspawn
All enemies are Gloomtouched, and their deaths will call forth something from the other side.
+ Goldencache
Dark treasures can be found within. Only the power of the Gloom can release them.
++ Gloom Collapse
The world has collapsed under the Gloom. You must carry a torch and find your way through the deadly Gloom.
+ + Shadow's Embrace (Boon)
You periodically erupt with shadow energy, launching tentacles that leech health from enemies.
The Flora Imbuement contaminates a Lost Zone with toxic effects, using poison to weaken Wayfinders and heal enemies. When used as a third imbuement, the Flora boon grants toxic damage to Wayfinders, poisoning enemies on every attack, and when a poisoned enemy is slain, the toxin spreads to nearby enemies.
Mutation Effect
Home to Toxic Mushrooms that ooze pools of slime, break them to clear the path. Venomous foes will cause damage over time when they attack.
+ Corpsebloom
Enemies are infected with dormant spores. Death will activate the spore, causing it to seek a new host and sproud a toxic mushroom.
+ Overgrowth
Enemies are overflowing with Flora Energy. Toxic heals enemies over time. Upon death, they will leave a Toxic Pool that grows as it damages players.
+ Eruption
Toxic vents periodically erupt from the ground, damaging nearby players.
+ Chaos Spores
Enemies are host to Chaotic Spores. Without a host the infection will erupt and spread dangerous spores about.
+ Gold Blooms
Flora have taken root in long-forgotten piles of gold. Brave the poison to claim the gold, but manage your greed to survive!
+ + Nature's Fury (Boon)
Weapon attacks add a stacking Toxic damage over time to your enemies. If infected upon death, the infection will explode, spreading the infection to nearby enemies.
The Solar Imbuement imparts burning attributes to enemies, allowing them to ignite their targets. When used as a third imbuement, the Solar boon allows Wayfinders to build up energy with each attack and, when filled, cashes out the stored energy on the next finishing hit for massive damage.
Mutation Effect
Under sweltering heat, enemy attacks cause you to burn. Beware the heatwave that comes and goes, it will strengthen your foes.
+ Black Flame
Gloomtouched enemies are infused with flame. Their deaths have a chance to leave the ground permanently ablaze.
+ Eruption
Toxic vents periodically erupt from the ground, damaging nearby players.
+ Solar Flare
Solar energies are concentrated within scorching the world where they are strongest. The Heatwave will fully consume enemies in flame and ignite the scorched regions.
+ Firebombs
The chaotic trickster hides within, and he's been playing with fire. His gifts will leave the floor too dangerous to play on for long.
+ Phoenix Eggs
The power of the Phoenix imbues your foes. Destroy the eggs they drop on death, or the Heatwave will resurrect them.
+ + Solar Power (Boon)
Doing damage will build stored power within you. Once fully charged, your next combo finisher or eagle eye shot will release the energy, doing damage to enemies near the impact.
The Chaos Imbuement causes mayhem throughout an expedition, with unpredictable and explosive effects. When used as a third imbuement, the Chaos boon causes friendly bombs to appear near Wayfinders that buff allies and debuff enemies in range of the explosion.
Mutation Effect
A Trickster hides within, and he will shower you with “gifts” while you visit.
+ Shadowspawn
All enemies are Gloomtouched, and their deaths will call forth something from the other side.
+ Chaos Spores
Enemies are host to Chaotic Spores. Without a host the infection will erupt and spread dangerous spores about.
+ Firebombs
The chaotic trickster hides within, and he's been playing with fire. His gifts will leave the floor too dangerous to play on for long.
+ Mayhem
The Trickster's gone mad! His bombs could afflict you with anything.
+ Golden Bombs
The Trickster's bombs are infused with Greed energy. Enemies caught in the blasts will be encased in gold, while players struck will face the penalties of their greed.
+ + Turned Tables (Boon)
The Trickster's secrets revealed! You launch your own bombs that benefit you and hinder your foes.
The Greed Imbuement enhances Gold rewards, at the cost of increased danger. When used as a third imbuement, the Greed boon gives Wayfinders a damage and movement buff for every Greed stack.
Mutation Effect
Piles of gold may be found within, but beware! The more gold you grab, the more damage you take from your foes.
+ Goldencache
Dark treasures can be found within. Only the power of the Gloom can release them.
+ Gold Blooms
Flora have taken root in long-forgotten piles of gold. Brave the poison to claim the gold, but manage your greed to survive!
+ Phoenix Eggs
The power of the Phoenix imbues your foes. Destroy the eggs they drop on death, or the Heatwave will resurrect them.
+ Golden Bombs
The Trickster's bombs are infused with Greed energy. Enemies caught in the blasts will be encased in gold, while players struck will face the penalties of their greed.
+ Midas
Enemies are encased in a shell of gold. Shattering the shell to collect the gold. But beware the penalties of greed
+ + Power From Profit (Boon)
Greed Stacks additionally increase your damage output, movement speed, and power level!