Flora Imbuement

Flora Imbuement
Type Crafting
Imbued with Flora Energy
— In-Game Description

Flora Imbuements are one of the Imbuements used to mutate Lost Zones. Flora-imbued zones typically involve toxic hazards on the ground, making maneuverability more difficult. Enemies may become venomous, inflicting a 9-second Toxic Poison debuff on attacks. Flora Imbuements can found from Events, Lost Zones, or can be crafted at an Echo Matrix with 10Cragged Spectra and Gold50.

Unique rewards from Lost Zones with an active Flora Imbuement include:

Mutator Combinations[edit]

Imbuements Mutation Effect

Home to Toxic Mushrooms that ooze pools of slime, break them to clear the path. Venomous foes will cause damage over time when they attack.
Enemies are infected with dormant spores. Death will activate the spore, causing it to seek a new host and sproud a toxic mushroom.
Enemies are overflowing with Flora Energy. Toxic heals enemies over time. Upon death, they will leave a Toxic Pool that grows as it damages players.
Toxic vents periodically erupt from the ground, damaging nearby players.
Chaos Spores
Enemies are host to Chaotic Spores. Without a host the infection will erupt and spread dangerous spores about.
Gold Blooms
Flora have taken root in long-forgotten piles of gold. Brave the poison to claim the gold, but manage your greed to survive!
Any Imbuement + Any Imbuement +
Nature's Fury
Weapon attacks add a stacking Toxic damage over time to your enemies. If infected upon death, the infection will explode, spreading the infection to nearby enemies.

Toxic (Flora)[edit]

Enemies are venomous, inflicting a 9-second Toxic Poison debuff. Toxic mushrooms grow throughout the area, each surrounded by a patch of toxic slime. Touching the slime causes continuous poison damage while in contact. The mushrooms can be destroyed by damaging them, removing the slime and occasionally rewarding Veridian Spectra. Destroying the mushrooms with melee attacks grants a stacking 30-second Mushroom Masher buff that increases Attack Power by 2.5%, up to 20 stacks.

Corpsebloom (Flora/Shadow)[edit]

Enemies are Gloomtouched, and are infected with Flora energy. On death, they spawn a toxic orb that homes in on players, dealing damage on contact. On contact with either a player or terrain, a toxic mushroom will spawn.

Overgrowth (Flora/Flora)[edit]

As with the single imbuement, toxic mushrooms grow throughout the area. Along with damaging players, the toxic slime will also slowly heal enemies standing within it. On death, enemies will leave behind a small, near-permanent toxic pool which has the same damage/healing properties as the mushroom slime. However, the toxic pools will gradually increase in size as long as a player is within it. The size limit of the pools is very large, but not limitless.

Eruption (Flora/Solar)[edit]

Enemies are imbued with burning properties, inflicting Solar Ignition. At random intervals, pillars of toxic gas will erupt from the ground, dealing poison damage and applying Toxic Poison. The Heatwave effect will occur throughout, empowering enemies.

Chaos Spores (Flora/Chaos)[edit]

On death, enemies will leave behind a spore pod that explodes into smaller, bright spores that grow into large mushrooms. After a delay, the mushrooms explode in a medium radius, inflicting Toxic Poison.

Gold Blooms (Flora/Greed)[edit]

Enemies are venomous, inflicting Toxic Poison. The piles of gold throughout the zone each surround a poisonous plant that creates toxic slime. At random intervals, the plants will launch gold projectiles towards players, dealing minor damage and applying one stack of Greed. Picking up the gold pile will remove the plant and slime, but will also add one stack of Greed and will occasionally spawn Gold Mites.

Nature's Fury (Flora Imbuement Boon)[edit]

Player attacks apply a Toxic effect on enemies, dealing damage over time and can stack with multiple hits. If an enemy is still poisoned upon death, Flora energy will erupt and seek nearby foes, spreading the toxin further.

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