
The Warmage
Archetype Arcanist
Starting Weapon Typhoon
While he prefers to avoid close combat, Kyros wields tremendous mystical power. He can scatter foes with blasts of raw energy and crush enemies with a massive shockwave.
— Offical Site Description

A powerful mage with mysterious origins, Kyros is a Wayfinder who uses his powers to siphon arcanic energy from his foes, allowing him to crush and tear through opponents with ease.


Base stats

Stats Value
Max Health 11
Resilience 11
Weapon Power 21
Ability Power 23
Crit Rating 13
Crit Power 13
Break Power 12
Phys Defense 8
Mag Defense 8
Total 120

Stats scaling

Scaling type Value
Level 18
Awakening 18
Total (Level 30) 612

Echo slots

Level Slot type

1 Attack
1 Attack
8 Cross
14 Rush
24 Balance
30 Cross


Summoned by Omen in Skylight with Kyros' Summoning Stone. The summoning stone can be obtained randomly from gloom chests inside the void.


Rare resources
Mythic Essence 9 Complete bounties to earn Mythical Weapon Essences, which can be used to attain high levels of weapon awakening.
Trickster's Coin 53 Unique crafting resource,awarded from winning trickster events. Used to craft characters, weapons, and relics.
Treasure Phoenix Down 53 Unique crafting resource found by completing the Treasure Phoenix event. Used to craft characters, weapons, relics and consumables.
Archaic Bone 53 Unique crafting resource found by completing events in the Mines. Used to craft characters, weapons, relics and consumables.
Common resources
Glimmering Shadow-Warped Spectra 1610 Used in Tier 2 crafting recipes. Found in Lost Zones when two Shadow mutators are active.
Glimmering Unstable Spectra 315 Used in Tier 2 crafting recipes. Found in Lost Zones when two Chaos mutators are active.
Memory Fragment 84000 Restore Wayfinder Memories by infusing Memory Vestiges with Memory Fragments.
Gold 70000 Currency of the realm. Acquired from enemies, chests and events.

Wayfinder abilities[edit]

Arcane Fragments
Arcane Fragments
Arcane Fragments grant extra charges of Savage Rake. Generate Arcane Fragments by using Siphon Radiant on enemies, landing combo finishers, and from various Ability Upgrades.
Savage Rake
Savage Rake
Rakes the ground with violent energy, dealing damage to all enemies in front of Kyros. Arcane Fragments can be consumed to cast Savage Rake without using an ability charge.
  • Level 1: Increases Rake damage by 10%.
  • Level 2: Unlock a third Savage Rake combo finisher which deals an extra 25% damage.
  • Level 3: Hitting a target with Savage Rake heals Kyros a small amount.
Siphon Radiant
Siphon Radiant
Releases a wave of energy around Kyros that damages enemies and absorbs arcane power, reducing cooldowns and granting an Arcane Fragment.
  • Level 1: Cooldown reduction increased to 50%.
  • Level 2: Siphon Radiant generates one fragment per enemy hit, up to the fragment cap.
  • Level 3: Increases damage taken for 10 seconds.
Arcane Focus
Arcane Focus
Marks enemies in the immediate area. Mark increases in power as the marked target is hit. After reaching max power or after 8 seconds, the mark explodes, dealing damage based on the power of the mark.
  • Level 1: Increases explosion damage by a moderate amount.
  • Level 2: Increases effect radius of Arcane Focus.
  • Level 3: Deals a small amount of damage each time you hit a target with Arcane Focus.
Hand of Reckoning
Hand of Reckoning
Deals massive damage to enemies in a large radius around Kyros.
  • Level 1: Slows enemies by 50% for 6 seconds.
  • Level 2: Generates an arcane fragment per enemy hit.
  • Level 3: Increases damage by 15%.

Archetype abilities[edit]

Innervation Orbs
Innervation Orbs
Defeating enemies has a chance to spawn an Innervation Orb, which can be consumed by the Arcanist or their allies to increase Ability Power.
Arcanists benefit from the largest invincibility window when dodging attacks with their Blink, and also travel an increased distance.

Affinity perks[edit]

Icon Name Perks
5 Ultimate Orb Ultimate Orb Each Arcane Fragment that is consumed by Savage Rake will slightly charge your ultimate meter.
15 Ultimate Focus Ultimate Focus Hits against a target with Arcane Focus will slightly charge your ultimate meter.
25 Ultimate Weight Ultimate Weight Weapon Abilities now slightly charge your ultimate meter based on the amount of weapon resource consumed.
5 Vicious Rake Vicious Rake Increases damage dealt after using an Arcane Fragment by 5% for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
15 Vicious Protection Vicious Protection Decreases incoming damage after using an Arcane Fragment by 3% for 8 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
25 Vicious Recovery Vicious Recovery While you have maximum Arcane Fragments, Savage Rake reduces the cooldown time of your other abilities by 20%.
5 Infused Orbs Infused Orbs Grants a 50% chance to gain an Arcane Fragment when picking up an Innervation Orb.
15 Excess Orbs Excess Orbs Increases max possible Arcane Fragments by 2, up to 5.
25 Empowering Orbs Empowering Orbs Increases damage dealt by 2% for each Arcane Fragment stored.



Arcane power flows through Kyros, and he can unleash this force to devastate his enemies. He's the last survivor of a forgotten civilization, a wizard who transformed his flesh into pure mystical energy. Though his people are long lost, he's sworn to keep the Gloom from destroying the world that remains.

There is a place known as the Kingdom of Ashes. Bones are scattered across beaches of black sand, and charred remnants of crystal spires still reach toward the sky. This has been a shunned ruin for thousands of years, but Kyros still remembers it as it once was, a glorious civilization whose achievements dwarfed those of the Avar Imperium or the Maze. He remembers studying the nature of reality itself, and even learning how to transcend his own flesh to become a being of pure mystical energy, bound to a skeleton of arcstone and crystal. While he possesses devastating power, Kyros is first and foremost a scientist. He is determined to stop the Gloom; he will not watch another civilization be destroyed. But he believes the key to defeating the Gloom is to understand it.

Kyros is a deadly warmage and a brilliant researcher. But he has been lost in the void for countless centuries, and there’s much he has forgotten or never knew. What became of his people? How did his wondrous nation become the Kingdom of Ashes… and did he have something to do with it? The answers must be out there, waiting to be found.

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