
Category Locations
Type Social Hub

Skylight is a social hub in Wayfinder. It is a mountain town located on the northern end of the Highlands. It is home to one of Evenor's Beacons, and is one of the many sites affected by the Gloomfall.

Named for the Great Beacon whose light shields us from the Gloom, Skylight itself acts as our last light in a world of encroaching dark. In the time before the Fall it was the greatest city in the Westreach, bolstered by the godsblood mines in the surrounding hills. Scholars and arcanists tinkered with discoveries both old and new. Children's laughter filled the Hollow to the rhythm of encamped buskers. Merchants thrived trading fine wares to the Westreach's elite. But today, it plays an even more important role. Today, Skylight is the cradle of the Wayfinders. Though much of the city is still in ruins, Skylight exemplifies its namesake. Past the ruins of Aurelian, beyond the Westreach and to Evenor entire, our call is heard. Skylight stands. Championed by Wayfinders, until our bitter end.


Skylight map

Bee's Skylight Map
Bee's Skylight Map

Notable NPCs[edit]

Wayfinder summoning
Lord Halar
Helper Coin vendor
Weapon crafting
Consumable crafting
The Engineer
Relic crafting
Foreman Ruby
Housing item crafting


The Gloom Gate
The Gloom Gate
Long dormant, the Gloom Gate was activated by the Eldren of the Shadow Nation when they attacked Skylight. Our enemies fled when the Seekers relit the Beacon, but the Gloom Gate remains open—a stable breach into the endless void. Omen believes it's safe so long as the Beacon shines, that our enemies cannot attack us while the Beacon remains lit. But I've noticed she never goes far from the Gate; she's always standing watch. It frightens me, but it's certainly useful. As a Wayfinder, you can use the Gate to reach any Lost Zone you're connected to.
The Beacon
The Beacon
Skylight takes its name from the Beacon. It's an eternal light burning in the mountains, a welcoming sight for travelers in the Highlands. But the Beacon is older than the city, and may be older than humanity itself. The Great Beacons are one of the wonders of our world, indestructible sources of light and arcanic power. There are a dozen of them scattered across Evenor, each now at the heart of a great city. For centuries the Beacon has been a useful tool and a tourist attraction. Now, it is our last line of defense. The Avar Creed says they were built by the Celestial Architects as the final act of creation, to stabilize the Primal Chaos and to hold back the Outer Darkness. Regardless of whether you follow the Avar faith, we know that the Gloomfall began when the Eldren extinguished the Beacon. The Gloom swept in, swallowing up the world around us. Omen relit the Beacon before the Gloom consumed the Highlands, and its light is our shield. But will it last forever?
The Great Lift
The Great Lift
Once used to haul freight up from the lower city, this lift is now the sole link between Skylight and the Highlands.
Market Row
Market Row
Before the Gloomfall, the Market of Skylight was the pride of the Westreach. Merchants and artisans traveled from across Evenor, sharing exotic goods and fine wares. Now the world is broken and people need necessities, not luxuries. The Seekers work to provide the people of Skylight with the things they need to survive. But Market Row remains home to artisans working in specialized trades and salvagers who have recovered curiosities and treasures from the ruins of the Highlands. It may be a shadow of what it once was, but it's all that remains.
Signal Fire
Signal Fire
Like the Great Beacon of Skylight, Signal Fires are older than humanity. The Avar Priests say that the Fires are a gift of the Architects, designed to guide and help humanity. Other scholars attributed the Fires to the mysterious Precursors, suggesting that they were built for a civilization that existed before humanity and that our use of them is just convenience. What we know with certainty is that Signal Fires are part of an arcanic network, tied together with threads of mystical powers. A skilled arcanist can forge connections between two Fires and instantly move people or objects between them. This has always been difficult and dangerous. But over the last year we've discovered that it is a simple and reliable act for a Wayfinder—almost as if the Signal Fires were designed to be used by Wayfinders. Whatever the truth, you will find Signal Fires to be a quick and reliable way to move around the Westreach; and if Omen is correct, by attuning to Signal Fires you are also helping to restore this network and strengthen the Beacon of Skylight.
Bitter End
Bitter End
“If these are our final days, let's not spend them alone.” This is the motto of the Bitter End, the last tavern in Skylight. Here, Seekers and survivors share stories of absent friends and better days, banishing the Gloom for at least an evening. Come for the company, stay for the vile rotgut.
The Great Hall
The Great Hall
Before the Gloomfall, the Golden Bounty was the finest inn in Skylight. After the Eldren attack, Wolf claimed the hall to serve as the base of operations for the Watchers and Wayfinders. There's little luxury left in this broken world, but the Great Hall at least provides a comfortable haven for when you need a break from your battles.
The Pretty Penny
The Pretty Penny
Once an exclusive saloon serving Skylight's most unscrupulous citizens, the Pretty Penny has been shuttered since the Gloomfall. However, a number of shady characters still make deals on the Penny's stoop.
West Gate
West Gate
Over the last year, the Seekers have restored the heart of Skylight. But most of the city remains in ruins, shattered during the devastating Eldren attack and warped by the Gloom. The Eldren have been driven off and the Beacon holds the Gloom at bay, but the ruins are still dangerously unstable. The Builders hope to reclaim more of the city, but for now, the West Gate remains sealed.
Aurelia's Fountain
Aurelia's Fountain
Long before Skylight was built, the anchorite Aurelia made her home by the Beacon. She wrote her Celestial Reflections while gazing into this serene pool. When the city was built, Aurelia's pool was preserved; it remains a peaceful place to escape from the chaos of every day life. Perhaps you, too will see the mysteries of the Architects revealed in its waters.
Seeker Archives
Seeker Archives
As our world is consumed by the Gloom, it is more important than ever to preserve records of what we've lost and what we hope to rebuild. Every page we can find in the ruins, every memory shared by the survivors—we store them here in the Archives.
The Hollow
The Hollow
Before the Fall, the Hollow was a favorite haunt of musicans and pickpockets alike. Today it's both safer and quieter, but some say you can still hear the echoes of forgotten songs.
Salvage Lane
Salvage Lane
There are countless comforts of everyday life that have been lost in the Fall. Salvagers explore the ruins for these little sources of joy. These trivial things may be insignificant for the Wayfinders fighting to save what's left of the world, but they are glorious treasures for the survivors fighting to remember their lost lives.
Damon's Bell
Damon's Bell
Damon's Bell has long been a source of warning for the people of Skylight and the Highlands below. It last rang when the Eldren attacked Skylight, and the survivors dread the day that they hear it ring again.
East Gate
East Gate
Skylight was shaken when Shrike sappers used explosives to damage the East Gate. Though the gate held, it was a reminder that no sanctuary is entirely secure. The gate remains sealed while the Builders repair the damage.


Like many of the other nations of Evenor, Skylight was one of locations directly affected by the events of the Gloomfall. Notably, the Deep Eldren emerged from Gloomsphere at the base of the Beacon, attacking the locals of Skylight. A number of the original Wayfinders met their fate here, namely Wingrave, Silo, and Niss. Over a year later, the Arcanist Omen manages to revive the Wayfinders as Echoes to fight back against the Gloom.

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