
The Shadow Dancer
Archetype Arcanist
Starting Weapon Slicer & Dicer
Niss is an Eldren Shadow Dancer, and is at her best when she's in motion. She dances around her enemies, defending herself with a cloak of shadows and striking them down with spectral blades.
— Offical Site Description

Striking from the shadows, Niss is an Eldren Wayfinder - the self-styled and self-proclaimed "blade of shadows" - who focuses on evasive and offensive abilities, dodging enemy attacks and striking back with umbral magic. She is one of the three starter choices, along with Silo and Wingrave.


Base stats

Stats Value
Max Health 12
Resilience 11
Weapon Power 16
Ability Power 24
Crit Rating 18
Crit Power 18
Break Power 6
Phys Defense 7
Mag Defense 8
Total 120

Stats scaling

Scaling type Value
Level 18
Awakening 18
Total (Level 30) 612

Echo slots

Level Slot type

1 Attack
1 Balance
8 Cross
14 Rush
24 Attack
30 Cross



Rare resources
Mythic Essence 9 Complete bounties to earn Mythical Weapon Essences, which can be used to attain high levels of weapon awakening.
Trickster's Coin 19 Unique crafting resource,awarded from winning trickster events. Used to craft characters, weapons, and relics.
Treasure Phoenix Down 19 Unique crafting resource found by completing the Treasure Phoenix event. Used to craft characters, weapons, relics and consumables.
Halcyon Orb 19 Unique resource found by completing events in the Ruins.Used to craft characters, weapons, relics and consumables.
Common resources
Shadow-Warped Spectra 770 Used in Tier 1 crafting recipes. Found in Lost Zones when one Shadow mutator is active.
Molten Spectra 210 Used in Tier 1 crafting recipes. Found in Lost Zones when one Solar mutator is active.
Memory Fragment 21000 Restore Wayfinder Memories by infusing Memory Vestiges with Memory Fragments.
Gold 70000 Currency of the realm. Acquired from enemies, chests and events.

Wayfinder abilities[edit]

Lingering Shadow
Lingering Shadow
After dodging, gain AP for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
Shadow Step
Shadow Step
Dash in a line, dealing damage along the way. After a short delay a gloom clone will dash from your initial position to you, dealing damage to enemies it passes through.
  • Level 1: Using Shadow Step increases Ability Power by 10% for 6 seconds. Dashing through an ally will grant them this effect as well.
  • Level 2: The followup clone has 50% piercing.
  • Level 3: Increases the damage of the followup attack by 15%.
Umbral Aura
Umbral Aura
Niss is empowered by Umbral magic, causing her next three dodges to pierce a nearby enemy with shadow. Nearby allies are also empowered for one dodge.
  • Level 1: Refreshes 1 charge of Shadow Step.
  • Level 2: Umbral Aura damage gains 50% piercing.
  • Level 3: Grants an additional stack of Umbral Aura to Niss and to allies. Increases the maximum number of Umbral Aura stacks to 4.
Vengeful Shade
Vengeful Shade
Briefly become immune to attacks while damaging enemies around Niss. Following up with a Light or Heavy Attack causes Niss to slam back down, further damaging enemies. Following up with a Dodge causes Niss to backflip away.
  • Level 1: Performing a follow up reduces incoming damage by 30% for 8 seconds.
  • Level 2: Increases damage by 10%.
  • Level 3: Backflip follow-up refreshes half of Vengeful Shade cooldown and slam follow-up grants a charge of Shadow Step.
Gloom Shroud
Gloom Shroud
For 10 seconds, Shadow Step can be used at no cost.
  • Level 1: While in Gloom Shroud you have 100% piercing.
  • Level 2: Dashing while in Gloom Shroud causes a nearby enemy to be pierced by shadow as if Niss had Umbral Aura. This does not consume Umbral Aura stacks.
  • Level 3: After Gloom Shroud ends, all nearby allies gain 3 stacks of Umbral Aura and Niss gains max stacks.

Archetype abilities[edit]

Innervation Orbs
Innervation Orbs
Defeating enemies has a chance to spawn an Innervation Orb, which can be consumed by the Arcanist or their allies to increase Ability Power.
Arcanists benefit from the largest invincibility window when dodging attacks with their Blink, and also travel an increased distance.

Affinity perks[edit]

Icon Name Perks
5 Improved Lingering Shadows Improved Lingering Shadows Increases the Ability Power gained from Lingering Shadows by an additional 2% per stack.
15 Recurring Shadows Recurring Shadows Performing an ability in combat has a 10% chance to grant a stack of Lingering Shadows.
25 Sundering Shadows Sundering Shadows When Shadow Step's follow-up attack hits an enemy, their Damage Taken is increased by 10% for 6 seconds.
5 Empowering Shadows Empowering Shadows Lingering Shadows now grants 2% Weapon Power per stack.
15 Piercing Shadows Piercing Shadows 10% of your Weapon and Ability Damage pierces enemy armor.
25 Improvd Piercing Shadows Improvd Piercing Shadows Niss's attacks and abilities Pierce an additional 10% of damage reduction from enemy Resilience.
5 Orb of the Shadows Orb of the Shadows Dodging while in combat has a 5% chance to spawn an Innervation orb.
15 Innervating Shadows Innervating Shadows Innervation Orbs grant a stack of Lingering Shadows.
25 Focused Shadows Focused Shadows Triples the amount of Ability Power gained from Innervation Orbs.



Niss is kin to the shadows, and darkness serves as her weapon and her cloak. She is one of the Deep Eldren, an ancient people who now serve the malevolent Precursors. When Niss and her clan challenged the Precursors, her family was wiped out and Niss escaped into exile. Deadly and swift, Niss cares little for humanity. But she has sworn to destroy the Precursors, and the Seekers can help her take her revenge.

The Eldren are the first children of the broken world, formed from the blood of Infinites spilled in the Aegis War. There are Eldren of the woods and water, but Niss is one of the Deep Eldren, born in an abyss of stone and soil untouched by the sun. Her people shape shadows like clay; Niss mastered the shadow-dance as a child, learning to sculpt shielding shrouds and deadly blades from insubstantial darkness. For all their many gifts, the Eldren are a dying people, whose essence fades with each generation. When the ancient Mother of Shadows came to them, promising renewed strength in exchange for absolute loyalty, most swore themselves to her service. When Niss and her clan refused to bow to the Precursors, most were slain; Niss escaped into exile. She has sworn to destroy the immortal beings who have corrupted her people, whatever the cost.

Niss is a grim and deadly warrior, a silent assassin who strikes from the shadows. But as an echo returned from the Gloom, there’s much she cannot remember. She knows she endured countless hardships in her time of exile, but the details escape her. She remembers challenging the Mother of Shadows, but not how she survived. But these memories may yet return to her…

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