Memories are flashes of the past that illustrate important moments in an individual's life. The Wayfinders, when first summoned from the Gloom, are imperfect Echoes of the individual they once were in life, and a hallmark malady of the Wayfinders is losing their memories of who they once were and what they did. As such, Omen advises that Wayfinders should make a concerted effort to recover their memories and become more whole.
After completing the priorty quest Thanks for the Memories, a Wayfinder may now find some of these scattered Memory Vestiges dotted throughout the entire world at the place where they happened or at least a location that strongly resonates with the individual, visible from a distance as little purple dots of light. Once a memory is located, as long as the Wayfinder that memory belongs to is unlocked, they may spend 100 Memory Fragments to unlock that memory, using the Gloom Dagger to reveal a spectral vignette of a core memory in that Wayfinder's life while the Wayfinder themselves offers a bit of commentary on the scene. Unlocked memories are visible at any time from the Discoveries tab in the in-game main menu. At present, all Wayfinders have ten memories to unlock, and unlocking all of them for a specific Wayfinder provides unique rewards.
Serene Halls
Silver Codex Monk: Wingrave? I haven’t seen you since your trials. The armor suits you. The Archons couldn’t have picked a better man.
Wingrave: You taught me that the Light was given not to blind but to forge a path to a better world. If I am good, it’s only because of your teachings.
I studied here before I was an Archon. I was so angry back then, but the monks were patient. They gave me a home when no one else would.
Highlands: Right next to the Echo Matrix in front of the Codex Halls.
A Futile Plea
Silver Codex Monk: Wingrave? Show mercy, please!
Wingrave: I'm sorry, Loras. But the Light will be your judge.
There was blood on my sword. The monks—what could have possessed me to turn on them?
Codex Halls Expedition: In the spawning area of the Codex Halls.
Archon Commander: Put your past aside. You are an Archon, Wingrave. You know what must be done here.
Wingrave: Yes, Commander. I will burn out the shadows.
I had doubts. But Creed inducted me into the order. He'd become my family. I trusted him, no matter the cost.
Highlands: Right next to the Undercroft Signal Fire.
Codex Curse
Codex Sage: If only you’d stood with us, boy. The First will build a better world. I fear you won’t live to see it!
Wingrave: Neither will you.
We found horrors in the depths of Aurelian. Even now, the memory grips me in a cold sweat.
Highlands: In front of the Repository of Knowledge, next to Ranger Davyn, close to the wall on the right.
The Last Command
Archon Commander: The heretics are hiding among the innocents; we can't take any chances. You have your orders, Wingrave.
I held the gate. So many tried to escape... begging, swearing they were innocent... But none made it past me.
Undercroft Expedition: In one of the spawning areas of the Undercroft.
Old Fears
Skylight Citizen: They say Castaela is gone. Are we still safe here in Skylight?
Wingrave: As long as I breathe, you will be safe here.
I hoped that my words might spare them a life of fear. But the Eldren attacked. I fell and so many were slaughtered. What a fool I was.
Skylight: Between the Seekers Archives and Damon's Bell, right in front of a door with a crossed goblin graffiti.
Old Omens
Omen: The power that destroyed Castaela... the answer is here, in the Westreach.
After I left the Archons, Omen led us to the Westreach. There were stories of distant cities being consumed by shadows, and we were searching for answers.
Frostmarch: On the base of a pillar with lit candles on a frozen lake, infront of the entrance of Bal Duum.
Rallying Cry
Wingrave: We will hold this line against the Maze! We fight for the Empire and the Light!
I stood stalwart for my men, but as the Mazewar dragged on I grew weary. The Empire wielded the Light as a sword. But how could a better world be built upon corpses?
Frostmarch: In the southern gate of Fort Koken.
Cold Death
Stomper: You're surrounded, Archon! No need to die here.
Wingrave: The Light does not flee!
I should’ve walked away—known it was wrong to spill blood so freely. But all a man can do is learn from his faults, and walk forward all the same.
Frostmarch: West of the Gloomfallen Cavern, up a large log onto a ledge overlooking Betrayer’s Blade.
Feud in the Forest
Wingrave: We don't have to fight, Grendel. We could stop this.
Grendel: Where's the fun in that?
In time, I grew tired of the endless war. But there are those who are always hungry for battle.
Reaver Woods: Spawn point of any Reaver Woods lost zones.
The Face of the Empire
Archon Commander: You're lucky we're here, boy. Without us to protect you, the Maze would slaughter you all. Now get out of my way.
You can smell an Imperial a mile away. Think it's the arrogance.
Skylight: Next to Foreman Ruby.
Kestrel's Lesson
Silo: Could get us a good price for this godsblood at the Crossroads.
Kestrel: We'll give your old man what he needs to keep the lights on, but I'm still skimming my ten percent.
The Shrikes—we were smugglers. But my father was always looking for ways to help the common people of the Reach.
The Pit Expedition: Spawn point of The Pit.
Hatching the EGG
Silo: Alright, got you a new Arcanic lookin' thingy, and this matrix should do something. Time to flip the power...
Silo: You're working! What d'you say we hit a few caravans, little guy?
Ha! Took me years to get EGG working right. Worth it, considering all the Imps he's fried.
Highlands: In Lower Skylight, at the end the zipline right behind Watcher Isti.
Helping Hands
Skylight Citizen: I don't know how we'll ever repay you.
Silo: Won't have to. Call it a gift from some Imps.
Before the Gloomfall, the Shrikes helped the people of the Reaches. Now they're monsters. What happened to them?
Skylight: Right of the entrance of Market Row.
Better Days
Skylight Citizen: Ten shots down range, and ten Imps down. Kid's a deadeye!
Skylight Citizen: What're you drinking, Silo? Next round's on me.
People used to like seeing a Shrike. It meant something then.
Highlands: At the Crossroads Foundry, take the stairs behind the fast travel point.
Quoth the Raven
The Raven: Sorry, kid. No idea where your father went. I'm sure he'll turn up.
Something about the way she spoke—like she was smiling behind her mask.
The Bloodworks Expedition: Spawn point of The Bloodworks.
Unwelcome Reunion
Silo: Look, I like shady meetings as much as the next guy, but aren’t you both supposed to be on the Dalan job?
Shrike Upstart: Mind your business, kid. Be a shame to find a knife in your back.
Dad wanted the Shrikes to fight for the people, but even back then, some only looked out for themselves.
Highlands: Northwest of Crossroads Foundry, and directly east of the The Sword of the Reaches Landmark Signal Fire.
Sword of the Precursors
Omen: Fascinating. It looks like stone, but it is not. I believe this to be a relic of the Aegis War.
Silo: So is some cosmic giant gonna come back for it someday?
Frostmarch: Behind the Betrayer's Blade.
Raven's Roost
Silo: When did we start smuggling books?
Name: They're mine, kid. Tricks of the trade.
Never got a good feeling about Dad's 'arcane advisor.' Wish I'd said something.
Frostmarch: In an abandoned house in Deepwood Holt.
Omen's Interpretation
Silo: I've seen these things all over the Westreach. What're they for?
Omen: It eludes me. They are tied to the Beacon... some sort of signal fire, perhaps.
I was working with Omen before the Gloom. We've learned a lot since then... But we never expected the cost to be so high.
Frostmarch: Next to the Shrouded Woods Signal Fire.
At Home In The Shadows
Niss: Skylight feels oppressive to me—too open, too bright. Cold stone and darkness... this feels like home.
I was born in Dra Shadhur, a city untouched by the sun. The light, the warmth—it just reminds me of all I have lost.
Highlands: In the south exit of the Night's Maw cave, behind the waterfall.
The Bridge of Shadows
Syrazel: Our people are dying, Niss. The Great Mothers will restore us.
Niss: And bind us all as slaves.
The Precursors promised us power. Salvation. Even Syrazel, my oldest friend, bowed in the end.
Highlands: In the spawning area of a Gloom Tear event.
Open Eyes
Syrazel: Please, Niss—you must flee to the surface!
Syrazel: The Great Mothers have called for your execution. Your clan shall be purged down to the last child.
I never thought my people would be driven to spill Eldren blood. I was wrong. Had Syrazel not helped me escape, I would have died with the rest.
Highlands: On the end reward platform after a Gloom Tear event has been completed. Need to summon the Heroic Variant to get to this platform. See Opening the Tear for details.
An Imperial Welcome
Archon Commander: You'll go no further, shadow spawn. Burn in the light!
Exiled from Dra Shadhur, I fled to the surface... this world of soft soil and harsh sunlight. This was my first encounter with these usurpers.
Highlands: Next to the Undercroft, on top of the ledge on the right next to some dead goblins.
Enter The Maze
Goblin Hunter: You'll have to earn your place in the Maze, horns. Let's see how you and Venomess work together.
Venomess: An Eldren, huh? Least you got good taste in blades.
The Maze welcomed outcasts, but they only ever saw me as another sword. Ven, though. Eventually, she saw me.
Highlands: On the edge of the Bloodwork area, at the upper exit of the big hollow tree trunk.
Parting Shots
Niss: I cannot stay, Ven. You know why.
Venomess: They're dead! I'm alive. Don't throw this away.
There were moments in the Maze, with Ven, where I thought I'd found peace. But the blood of my clan still called for vengeance. I could not refuse them.
Frostmarch: On a cliff between Cindered Village and Gloomfallen Caverns.
New Omens
Niss: We share an enemy, and I will see them dead. But I am not your servant.
Omen: Of course. Welcome to the Seekers, Niss.
I found Omen after leaving the Maze. All I cared about was revenge, and she was a tool I could use.
Skylight: On the upper floor of Wolf's building, on the balcony of the open room with a bathtub next to the water wheel, overlooking the Gloomgate.
Another Imperial Welcome
Wingrave: Omen may trust you, but I was at the Abyssal Gate. I'll be watching, Shadow Dancer.
Niss: Careful, Archon. Test me and the ravens shall feast on your corpse.
I worked with the Seekers for a time before the Fall, but Wingrave never trusted me.
Frostmarch: Found on the path to the Imperial Mill from Deepwood Holt.
Venomous Reunion
Venomess: Niss, there's something I've needed to tell you. For a long time.
Niss: Let us speak when our enemies are dead.
She came for me the day of the Gloomfall, but when I saw the False One, I rushed to the Beacon. If I had not died before we spoke, could things have been different?
Frostmarch: North of The Hollow Heart Signal Fire.
The Hunted
Niss: Tuulash chi'va!
The Great Mothers would not let a heretic roam free. I was hunted. But I refused to die, even if it meant the spilling of Eldren blood.
Frostmarch: Near the north entrance to Deepwood Holt.
The Long Dream
Kyros: What is this wondrous place? It has the qualities of a dream...
Kyros: ...Or a nightmare.
I woke in the Gloom, possessing power yet bereft of memory.
Void Dungeon Expedition: Randomized spawn point in the Void.
Calculations in the Gloom
Kyros: You're just an equation waiting to be solved.
Kyros: Like so.
Despite my countless victories over these creatures, I remained a prisoner within the Gloom.
Void Dungeon Expedition: Randomized spawn point in the Void.
A Voice in the Void
Omen: Can you hear me? Quickly, follow my voice.
I'd almost forgotten the sound of human speech. It was exhilarating and terrifying.
Void Dungeon Expedition: In the last room in the Void.
Voice to the Voiceless
Omen: You are quite the mystery, my friend. Try speaking now.
Kyros: Can you understand me?
I am no longer formed of flesh and blood. But Omen's gift lets people understand me, even if I speak without words.
Skylight: To the left of the Gloom Gate.
Alone In A Crowd
Skylight Citizen: Who do you think would win in a fight... Grendel, Senja, or Wolf?
Skylight Citizen: Senja, no question. She'd take down Wolf with one punch!
I could speak, but what was there to say? These were not my people, and I did not know their stories. I was still alone.
Highlands: Northeast of Warden Hass, near a cliff.
Wren's Wisdom
Tavern Keeper Wren: Can't eat or drink, huh? What did you enjoy, before the Gloom?
Kyros: Strawberries.
Wren encouraged me to remember who I was, and what I once loved.
Skylight: Up the stairs next to Tavern Keeper Wren, in the Bitter End.
Helping Halar
Lord Halar: See? The crystal in the dagger repels radiant energies.
Kyros: Try balancing it with elemental shadow.
What Lord Halar called magic, I knew as science. But I knew how to solve the problem he faced.
Skylight: In the Seeker Archives, close to Chronicler Corbin.
Fixing The Forge
Kyros: By balancing the elements properly, you can double the efficiency of the matrix.
Omen: Remarkable!
It appears that my civilization is fallen and forgotten. But if our science can help these people survive, we will have achieved something.
Skylight: In the back room of Arsenal’s Shop in Market Row.
Rising To The Challenge
Kyros: I have calculated the path of your destruction.
There is nothing I can do to save my homeland, but I will not allow a second world to fall.
The Shrouded Woods Expedition: In the Traitor's Mill (random tile set) underneath the zipline.
Found Family
Foreman Ruby: Another story, Kyros!
Lord Halar: And another round!
I am determined to learn what became of my people. But now... this is my home.
Skylight: Found near Repair Crew, on the catwalk area near Foreman Ruby.
Roar of the Crowd
Obsessed Citizen: Sen-ja! Sen-ja! Sen-ja!
Senja: Raise your voices! I am the storm, and you are my thunder!
I can still hear the roar of the people, cheering for their champion. I will give them something to celebrate!
Highlands: Southwest of the Crossroads Foundry, on the shore opposite from the Earthshaker.
Tooth and Claw
Senja: Do you hear the crowd, beast? They call for your death. And I will make it glorious.
Grendel: You gonna talk me to death, little girl?
That was the first time I fought Grendel. Such a glorious battle... I still carry the scars.
Highlands: North-east of The Pit entrance, on a platform overlooking the Gloom Gate.
Shurrk Week
Announcer: Can the Champion overcome this Legion of the Deep?
Senja: Is this supposed to be a challenge?
Ha! They thought they could overwhelm me with numbers. But all fell before the Champion!
Highlands: On the beach north of the Crossroads Foundry.
Iron Scars
Senja: Do they still remember me in the Dominion, Lornafel?
Monk: It is forbidden to speak of the Iron Sisters, Senja. But how could your deeds be forgotten?
I fought in the arena to forget my past, to drown my pain in the roaring crowd and the blood of my foes. But the scars have never healed.
Aurelian: Any Aurelian expedition, next to the waypoint right before the final room.
Queen of the Mountain
Senja: Is that all there is? Will no one prove a challenge?
Others may fear the Gloom and its beasts. Not I! I crave a real challenge, and I have yet to meet my match.
Highlands: North-east of the Crossroads Foundry, down the elevator, across the bridge on the left, under the tower.
The Connection
Potion Master: Even the greatest warrior needs an edge! My elixirs will sharpen your senses and strengthen your arm!
Senja: I am an Iron Sister, worm. I have no need of your tricks.
When I fought in the arena, I relied on steel alone. But now I fight to save the world; there is no shame in using Venge's potions.
Frostmarch: At the lower entrance to Deepwood Holt.
Adoring Fans
Skylight Citizen: It's Senja! Zap me with lightning, Senja!
Skylight Citizen: Senja! Could you sign my arm with this calligraphy brush?
Someone asked me to punch them in the face, too. I held back. No need to lose an overly enthusiastic fan.
Reaver Woods: Any Reaver Wood expeditions, outside the Fighting Pit event.
The Legend Lives
Skylight Citizen: It's her, I tell you! I saw her defeat Grogar the Grim in the arena of Throne!
Skylight Citizen: If Senja's fighting for us... Maybe there's a chance!
This place is far from the Imperial Arena. But even here, there are those who know me... And I will fight for them.
Skylight: In Wolf's building on the left side, at the table next to the door.
Deals With Darkness
Senja: Drinking this will make someone a better fighter? Guaranteed? Stronger and faster?
Potion Master: Yes, yes, yes! But... I thought you had no need of my elixirs?
I was so desperate for a true challenge, I even tried dosing my enemies with this worm's oils.
Frostmarch: Next to the Signal Fire east of Fort Koken.
The Heartbreaker
Skylight Citizen: Don't leave me, Senja! There's no one else like you.
Senja: True. But there's a thousand like you.
I treated love as another battle, one I always won. Perhaps... I was wrong.
Skylight: In Wolf's building, upstairs, next to the only open room.
Operation Killjoy
Archon Commander: You're surrounded, Mazen scum.
Venomess: You finally caught me. Bravo.
Operation Killjoy. You know, it's surprisingly easy to poison a whole battalion when they walk you straight into their camp.
Highlands: North-east of the Repository of Knowledge, up the stairs right behind the big bell goblins use as a shelter.
Venomess: Breathe deep. Die fast.
Doesn’t matter how sharp your sword, or radiant your “Light”… Everyone has to breathe.
Highlands: North of Ironstone Keep on the cliff overlooking the water.
Half Measures
Silo: They surrendered! You didn't have to kill them!
Venomess: You talk a big game, Silo, but that’s all it is. Half measures.
Let one Imperial go and you’ll have ten more raiding you come dawn. There’s only one way their oppression ends. Imperial corpses.
Reaver Woods: Any Reaver Wood expeditions, next to the checkpoint in the gloom ambush random tile set.
A Bitter Blow
Wingrave: Rigor! Stay with me!
Archon Commander: Do not mourn. I go now to the Arc’s Light.
Love when they go down in a single shot. Thousand yards out. Single officer in the open. Delicious.
Aurelian: In the hallway towards the Tracer Decoder Event in any Aurelian expeditions.
Difficult Decisions
Venomess: "Find an orb," Tox said. "It'll be easy," Tox said. Didn't mention the den of Deceivers.
Tox sent me hunting for an artifact here. The catastrophe causing kind. Needed every edge as the war dragged on. We were losing.
The Deep: Found in a common random tile set in any The Deep expeditions. (The tile set is shaped like an "I", usually has an event in the middle and a waypoint at one end).
A Maze of Monsters
Name: Arm's throbbing again. Damned Imperials.
Venomess: I'll get you salve at the next outpost. I promise. Just sit tight, doll.
They left us with a land of scraps. Called us monsters. Fine. If that’s all they’ll ever see, I’ll be the deadliest monster of all.
Frostmarch: Northeast of Fort Koken, near a patrol.
Token Totem
Goblin Hunter: Hurry up! Tsk. Thought Tox said you worked fast.
Venomess: You can't rush perfection.
Tox, my handler. If he said kill, I killed. If he said blow up a damned relic, I asked how big a bomb.
Frostmarch: To the west of the Orchard's Threshold arena event.
The Railway Job
Grendel: Hrmph. Should just blow up the damn train.
Venomess: And walk our way back to the coast? Pass. You kill the target, and I’ll hijack the train. Easy.
Worked with the big guy a lot over the years. Grendel's good at what he does. Even better when he leaves the thinking to me.
Frostmarch: On the southern ledge overlooking the collapsed train track near Fort Koken.
Warning Shot
Venomess: That was a warning shot, Niss.
Venomess: You only get one.
Sometimes you think someone is your home. But everyone disappoints in the end. When I saw her again… guess I saw red.
Frostmarch: In the corridor east of the Gloomfallen Cavern Signal Fire.
Bark and Bite
Grendel: Talkin' real big for someone with bones fit for breakin'.
Venomess: I poisoned you two minutes ago. You want the antidote? Then sit... or play dead.
You win few friends in the Maze with sunshine and rainbows. Nightshade and venom bombs on the other hand...
Highlands: In Tyran's Bane's cave, located between Avala, Outer Aurelian, and Repository of Knowledge.
Wolves Howl
Grendel: Well fought, Wolves. Now keep yer blades sharp—our work’s just begun.
War's in my blood. I was a fighter from the moment I could make a fist.
Highlands: On the road from Ironstone Keep to Outer Aurelian.
The Architect's Curse
Silver Codex Monk: If you kill me, the Architects will avenge my death!
Grendel: Then I'll kill them too.
I must've raided this place a dozen times. But it wasn't my boys who brought it down.
Aurelian: On the bottom floor of the Orbital event in any Aurelian expedition.
Imperial Steel
Archon Commander: Die, monster!
Grendel: You first.
I've fought a lotta these guys. Don't even remember how many I've killed.
Highlands: Up on the ledge near the Codex Halls entrance.
Grendel: Your empire drove my people into the shadows. You started this slaughter. But we’re gonna finish it.
We won that battle. But there was always another war.
Frostmarch: On the tower southeast of Fort Koken.
Horns and Fangs
Niss: I have seen many horrors in the depths. But you… you are a monster.
Grendel: Thanks.
Little Niss. Running from the deeps, looking for a hole to hide in. She ran with the Maze for a time. But she didn't have the stomach for it.
The Deep: Found near the waypoint in the Excavation Unit event in any The Deep expeditions.
Marching Orders
Grendel: About time you showed up.
Venomess: Quit whining, Grumble. Imperials are setting up barricades in the Grayhold Pass. Time to move on.
Slippery little Ven... Scouting, spying, filling the trenches with poison gas. Damn Imperials were more afraid of her than they were of me.
Frostmarch: West of Imperial Mill, near a patrol.
Just Us
Wingrave: I’ve been waiting for this moment, butcher. Today you face justice.
Grendel: No… just you.
This wasn't the first time I fought this guy, or the last. I wanna kill him before he gets too old and it's not fun anymore.
Reaver Woods: At the end of any Reaver Woods expedition, on the left near a chest.
Passing in the Night
Grendel: What’re you doing here? Haven’t seen you since the Shadhur job.
Venomess: You’re not cleared to know my business, Grumble. Just stay out of my way.
Never did found out what she was doing here. But... I don't remember what I was doing here, either.
Skylight: Next to the water canal, left of Avarys, below the West Gate.
A Simple Job
The Raven: How’d you like to make a lot of gold shedding a little blood?
Grendel: I’m listening. But you’d better talk fast.
When the war was cold, I sold my sword in the Westreach. I've killed a lot of Shrikes, and she wanted me to kill one more.
Highlands: Outside Lower Skylight at the end of the elevated railway tracks leading towards The Pit.
The Price of a Life
Grendel: I’ll be leaving now. I’m not protecting your little flock of sheep.
Omen: I brought you back, Grendel. If I die, you die. If the Beacon falls, you die. You had best protect us both.
Omen says my life is linked to hers. That if she dies, or if Skylight falls, all the echoes will be lost to the Gloom.
Skylight: On the balcony of Damon's Bell (the bell tower), near the Great Lift.
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