Bracer of the Flower Knight

Bracer of the Flower Knight
Rare Accessory
Affinity Statistics
Break Power N/A Weapon Power
Set Bonus
Evenor's Depths
  • 2 pieces: +5% Total Break Power, Ability Power
  • 3 pieces: +10% Total Break Power, Ability Power
A worn bracer overgrown with plantlife. It is said Belrand the Butcher raided every settlement from Corlaan to Witherward, leaving naught but cinders in his wake. When he reached the Viridian Tower, his long campaign ended, and his transgressions were cleansed within the Tower's waters.
— In-Game Description

Bracer of the Flower Knight is an accessory that boosts Break Power, and Weapon Power. It is a part of the Evenor's Depths set.

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