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Statistics, or Stats, are the attributes of Wayfinders and Enemies that influence their combat prowess, such as survivability and damage. For Wayfinders, their statistics can be affected by a variety of sources, such as the Wayfinder themselves, their equipped Weapons, Accessories, and Echoes, and allocated Talents and Affinities. A Wayfinder's overall statistics is summarized as their Power Rating. For enemies, their base statistics are scaled to the Power Rating of the Lost Zone, which affects their level.


Max Health[edit]

Max Health is the amount of damage a Wayfinder can endure before falling. In multiplayer, reaching zero health will cause a Wayfinder to enter Gloom Grasp, a bleed out state where the player can only crawl to safety. Allies can revive a downed player by interacting with the affected player, or the player may use a Phoenix Oil to self-revive. During single-player, the Gloom Grasp state will not occur unless a Phoenix Oil is equipped.

If a player is not revived in 15 seconds, they will have Fallen and will respawn at the nearest lit Signal Fire.


Resilience or Guard is a meter that prevents a Wayfinder or enemy from being staggered by attacks, and reduces incoming damage by 25%. For Wayfinders, Resilience will slowly recover when not taking damage.

Damage to Resilience is affected by the opponent's Break Power, and when depleted, a target will be Guard Broken. Guard Broken targets will take full damage and will be staggered by attacks, and will remain broken for eight or ten seconds, for enemies or Wayfinders, respectively. Enemies that recover from being broken will grant them the Unstoppable buff, which prevents their Resilience from taking damage for 15 seconds.

Weapon Power[edit]

Weapon Power affects damage output from weapons, and is reduced by a target's Phys Defense. Damage from weapon abilities use both Weapon Power and Ability Power. Damage indicators from weapons will be colored white.

Ability Power[edit]

Ability Power affects damage output from a Wayfinder's abilities, and is reduced by a target's Mag Defense. Damage from weapon abilities use both Weapon Power and Ability Power. Damage indicators from abilities will be colored white with a pink outline.

Crit Rating[edit]

Critical Rating affects the critical chance of attacks. Critical hits add the value of Crit Power, then by an additional +50%. Damage indicators of critical hits will be larger and colored yellow. Critical ability hits will also have a pink outline.

Crit Power[edit]

Critical Power is additional damage added to critical hits.

Break Power[edit]

Break Power or Guard Break affects the amount of damage dealt to a target's Resilience. This has no effect on enemies without Resilience. Damage indicators of Break damage will be colored orange next to the target's Resilience bar.

Phys Defense[edit]

Physical Defense reduces the damage from Weapon Power attacks. When equipped with any melee weapon, an additional 10% damage mitigation is granted.

Mag Defense[edit]

Magical Defense reduces the damage from Ability Power attacks. When equipped with any melee weapon, an additional 10% damage mitigation is granted.


Stamina is an unlisted statistic shown below a Wayfinder's health bar. Dodging and sprinting during combat will deplete the stamina bar.

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