Alchemical Tome

Alchemical Tome
Uncommon Accessory
Affinity Statistics
Crit Rating Crit Power Mag Defense
Set Bonus
Secrets of Aurelian
  • 2 pieces: +5% Total Crit Rating
  • 3 pieces: +10% Total Crit Rating
A haphazardly scrawled tome of potion recipes. In desperation, the Azure Shrikes began to drink the arcanic fuel known as Godsblood in a last ditch effort against the warring Rustred faction. Although the strength provided is fearsome, seldom do any who ingest the liquid survive.
— In-Game Description

Alchemical Tome is an accessory that boosts Crit Rating, Crit Power, and Mag Defense. It is a part of the Azure Vengeance set.

Acquisition and Crafting[edit]

Crafting Requirements
Material Amount
Bloodtouched Spectra 12
Molten Spectra 8
Unstable Spectra 4
Gold 2225

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