Heart of the Dark Solstice

Heart of the Dark Solstice
Epic Accessory
Affinity Statistics
Weapon Power Crit Rating Resilience
Set Bonus
Monarch of Eventide
  • 2 pieces: +5% Total Resilience, Attack Power, Crit Rating
  • 3 pieces: +10% Total Resilience, Attack Power, Crit Rating
A strange crystal lies where the Frost Queen's heart should be, and as you hold it, you can feel it suck the heat from your hand. As humans take in air to animate their blood, she took in the bitter cold to keep herself together.
— In-Game Description

Heart of the Dark Solstice is an accessory that boosts Weapon Power, Crit Rating, and Resilience. It is a part of the Monarch of Eventide set.


Purchased for 50Revel Rubies.

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