Shrike Heir's Bag

Shrike Heir's Bag
Rare Accessory
Affinity Statistics
Max Health Weapon Power Crit Power
Set Bonus
Vex's Dynasty
  • 2 pieces: +5% Total Magical Defense, Max Health
  • 3 pieces: +10% Total Magical Defense, Max Health
Fragments and echoes have merged upon the Matrix here to form something new. This black box has been engraved with all the names of the Vex lineage who came before, and it will assuredly bear those who come after as well.
— In-Game Description

Shrike Heir's Bag is an accessory that boosts Max Health, Weapon Power, and Crit Power. It is a part of the Vex's Dynasty set.

Acquisition and Crafting[edit]

Crafting Requirements
Material Amount
Bloodtouched Spectra 24
Glimmering Veridian Spectra 8
Archaic Bone 3
Trickster's Coin 2
Gold 5375
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