Ring of the Unraveled

Ring of the Unraveled
Epic Accessory
Affinity Statistics
Ability Power Weapon Power Break Power
Set Bonus
Chaos Restrained
  • 2 pieces: +5% Total BreakPower, Ability Power, Magical Defense
  • 3 pieces: +10% Total BreakPower, Ability Power, Magical Defense
It seems solid to the touch, but whenever you aren't looking directly at it, the ring flickers like a flame in the wind. Yet it gets no lighter, as if it is with you now and will stay, until the rest of the world becomes as corrupted as the ring itself.
— In-Game Description

Ring of the Unraveled is an accessory that boosts Ability Power, Weapon Power, and Break Power. It is a part of the Chaos Restrained set.

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