Sphere of Crystalized Gloom

Sphere of Crystalized Gloom
Epic Accessory
Affinity Statistics
Ability Power Crit Rating Mag Defense
Set Bonus
Forbidden Artifacts
  • 2 pieces: +5% Total Resilience, Crit Rating, Weapon Power
  • 3 pieces: +10% Total Resilience, Crit Rating, Weapon Power
Raw Gloom energy held in perfect stasis. The Mother of Shadows showed the First wonders she could seldom comprehend. Her first experiments to replicate what she had seen produced this.
— In-Game Description

Sphere of Crystalized Gloom is an accessory that boosts Ability Power, Crit Rating, and Magical Defense. It is a part of the Forbidden Artifacts set.

Acquisition and Crafting[edit]

Acquired from The First.

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