Charred Antler Pendant

Charred Antler Pendant
Rare Accessory
Affinity Statistics
Weapon Power Resilience Max Health
Set Bonus
Flora Corruption
  • 2 pieces: +5% Total Weapon Power, Max Health
  • 3 pieces: +10% Total Weapon Power, Max Health
Pieces of burned antler from an elder grazer were fashioned into this simple necklace. Although ravaged by fire, the antler's foundations remain untouched, suggesting some form of arcane protection.
— In-Game Description

Charred Antler Pendant is an accessory that boosts Weapon Power, Resilience, and Max Health. It is a part of the Flora Corruption set.

Acquisition and Crafting[edit]

Crafting Requirements
Material Amount
Deepwood Spectra 18
Glimmering Molten Spectra 8
Witchcharmed Effigy 2
Wormwood Ether 1
Gold 6700

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