A Champion's Blood

A Champion's Blood
Category Quests
Type Main Story
Rewards 4955Resonance
Red Gloomstone
490Memory Fragment
20Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
Beast Within
Bear Knuckle
2000Reward Tower XP
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Lies Within Lies The Ring of Blood

A Champion's Blood is a main quest in Wayfinder.



Go deeper into the Frostmarch and seek out the Beastmaster. If you defeat him we can force the Reaver King from his sanctum.


Graymourn has tasked you to find and kill Kolaar the Beastmaster, the King's chief lieutenant. If you defeat the Beastmaster, Graymourn can help you force a confrontation.


You successfully defeated Kolaar the Beastmaster and Graymourn imbued you with his essence. Now you can are ready to challenge the Reaver King in the Ring of Blood.



Clear Lies Within Lies.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.




Start Quest

UGH! I can still feel the touch of Aturach's tainted steel! He was a fool to strike at me in this place, and yet he wounded me as I've never been wounded before. He will pay for what he has done here!

You will be my weapon. You have no choice—the Reavers threaten us all, and my path is the only one that leads to victory. But do not think I will love you for it. You are my tool, nothing more.

Do you know what you are, little Echo? Memory wrapped in threads of spirit. You are a tapestry of all those you have destroyed. I will weave Marrow's Essence into your shell, like so...


I feel... hunger. Muted rage.


Yes. Now Marrow's heart is a part of you, and your blade will strike true. You must still slay both bear and king at once, but if you do, you will kill the King Who Cannot Die.

Aturach is in the Heart of the Woods. He defiles it with his presence. And yet, I can feel the wards he has raised, strengthened by its ancient power. Even I cannot breach those barriers.

Clear Quest

Ahh, Kolaar the Beastmaster. Once he honored the ancients, but I can smell the stench of the Gloom even in his blood. It is good that you ended his life... and now we will use what's left.

Reaver though he may be, Aturach is still King. He is bound by the old laws. As such, he must face a rightful challenger in the Ring of Blood.


What is the Ring of Blood?


It is how the Woodwen choose their king. Only the strongest can wear the Petrified Crown. Should any doubt the King's strength, they can demand proof in the Ring of Blood.


But I'm not Woodwen... or Reaver.


Aren't you? I've woven the essence of the Storm Twins and Marrow into your tapestry, little Echo, and now I'll add a thread of Kolaar. You are everything you've killed. You're Reaver enough.

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