Unexpected Visitors

Unexpected Visitors
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 3391Resonance
340Memory Fragment
9Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
1000Reward Tower XP

Unexpected Visitors is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



Davyn needs some time to read through the book you found. In the meantime, he wants you to destroy whatever monstrosity the goblins unleashed nearby before it goes on a rampage.


Davyn needs you to search for Geartooth goblins attempting to summon something with scavenged Precursor relics. You need to stop them before they muster something that might place all of the Highlands in danger.


You demolished the Chaotic Lancer the goblins summoned and stopped them from completing their ritual. Unfortunately, it seems they have something even worse up their sleeves.



Start quest[edit]

Talk to Ranger Davyn in the Highlands.


  1. Grinding the Geartooth
  2. Unexpected Visitors
  3. Cleansing Fire


  • Phase 1
    • Defeat the Chaotic Lancer Near the Repository of Knowledge
  • Phase 2
    • Search for Goblins Using a Precursor Summoning Stone
  • Phase 3
  • Phase 4


Start Quest
Ranger Davyn

If you've come back to slap around a few more goblins, I'm afraid I've got bigger fish for you to fry.


How big of a fish are we talking?

Ranger Davyn

Commendably large, Wayfinder. I scoured that journal you, eh, procured from Ironstone. I admit, I'm not much of an arcanist, so my analysis is likely a spot rusty…

But even I know the look of a diagram that's dependent on Precursor artifacts.

By the looks of it, these goblin fools must've found an old Precusor cache. Worse, they're tinkering with the relics.

We're talkin' ancient creations here, filled to brim with powers beyond our understandin'. Do they mean to turn this whole valley to ash? The Geartooth'll never be able to control it.

I need some more time to analyze this journal. There may be larger implications here. In the meantime, head toward the outskirts of the Repository of Knowledge.

I heard there was a ruckus thereabouts. If I'm right… the goblins might've unleashed something very old and very powerful.

Clear Phase 1
Ranger Davyn

Well, it looks like whatever they did put this thing on an out of control rampage. Ah, bless their dark little hearts.

Also, one small thing. I skimmed ahead in this tome and there's a slight chance the simpletons were messing with a Precursor summoning stone as well.

I'm sure it's totally fine, but on the off chance that, you know, they're about to rip a hole in our reality, why don't you go check it out?

Clear Phase 2
Ranger Davyn

There! Quickly, stop them if you can!

Clear Phase 3
Ranger Davyn

Well, you certainly made quick work. Bring me that stone. We can't risk it being picked up by another goblin.

Clear Quest
Ranger Davyn

I hope you're gettin' paid for all this, Wayfinder. Be a shame to give a talent like yours away for free. Anyway, I appreciate your work.

Now for a bit of bad news. I've finished reading through the more discernible parts of that journal…

The Geartooth were plannin' on using that stone to summon a foul mess of a creature to come fight for them, yes, but it looks like whatever you fought was just the tip of the iceberg.

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