Cleansing Fire

Cleansing Fire
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 8096Resonance
803Memory Fragment
2Large Wayfinder Resonance Cache
File:Gloom Warrior.pngGloom Warrior
2000Reward Tower XP

Cleansing Fire is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



You and Ranger Davyn have uncovered the truth behind the Geartooth's plot, but they still need to be stopped before they can unleash a Precursor weapon. You must not let them summon this fragment of Pyre. Whatever the cost.


Led by Shuul Baelhorn, the Geartooth goblins intend to summon part of an ancient weapon known as Pyre. If this force is unleashed, all of the Highlands may burn. Head to the Charred Rise and stop the Geartooth before it's too late.


With a lot of luck, the Talon of Pyre was defeated. Davyn appreciated the help most ardently, and Lord Halar seems ecstatic to begin analyzing Baelhorn's work. Let's hope the Geartooth don't make a quick return.



Clear Unexpected Visitors.

Start quest[edit]

Talk to Ranger Davyn in the Highlands.


  1. Grinding the Geartooth
  2. Unexpected Visitors
  3. Cleansing Fire



Start Quest
Ranger Davyn

In your escapades around the Highlands, have you ever heard of Shuul Baelhorn?


Can't say that I have.

Ranger Davyn

He's the Geartooth's leader and mystic, and I'd add, a vicious little bastard. The journal you found was his.

Now, the Geartooth have plagued these lands, little vultures that they are, for long as I can remember.

Leave a machine unattended for the night? Stripped clean. A cabin undefended? Best check your foundations.

I'll admit, they're resourceful. They take not but scraps and always manage to fit them together into somethin' useable. Arcs, half the time they put together somethin' better.

But Baelhorn's got 'em dreaming big. Figure that's probably why they've gotten so vicious of late. Emulating the master.

Baelhorn goes on for about forty pages in this thing about his visions from on high. Visions of a new world born from the ashes of the old. Now, that could be the ravings of a lunatic…

Or considering the Geartooth have found themselves a Precursor cache, that could very well mean they've found themselves more powerful relics than we realized.

And that's the thing with goblins, Wayfinder. First, they scavenge. Then, they put the parts together. They make something better. Or, in this case, worse.

Baelhorn found a piece of something called Pyre. I can't say for sure how knowledgeable the goblins are on the topic, but they seem to think they've got themselves a Precursor Doomsday device.

And you, Hero, need to destroy it.


You want me to fight a Doomsday weapon?

Ranger Davyn

Well, if you don't, Baelhorn intends to raze the Highlands to the ground. Something about goblin-kind rising from the ashes, remember?

If it makes you feel any better, this is apparently just a piece of whatever Pyre was. So, you know, maybe it won't be too bad?


I find that hard to believe.

Ranger Davyn

Yeah, me too. I'd start looking near Ironstone Keep. They've been amassin' there lately after all. Oh, and a warning…

If this really is Precursor tech you're dealing with—Doomsday tech even—you're going to have a tough fight ahead of you. You may want to see if any other Wayfinders can join you in the fight.

Good luck, boss. And Arcs protect you, for whatever that's worth.

Clear Phase 2
Ranger Davyn

It appears... we are too late. If ever there was time for a hero, it'd be now. Muster whatever strength you have left. Destroy the Talon of Pyre. Save the Highlands.

Clear Phase 3
Ranger Davyn

Arcs above... that was a hell of a show! Once you've caught your breath, head on back to me. You deserve a rest.

Clear Phase 4
Ranger Davyn

I won't lie. For a moment there, I thought it was all over. The Seekers, Skylight, our fight against the Gloom...

You saved our movement, you know. You saved us.

You probably hear that two, three times a day, huh? But that doesn't change the truth of it, and I need you hear that truth just now.

I'm just a simple ranger, boss. I can't take on the Gloom. I can hardly take on a pack of goblins on a good day. And the Gloom is so much bigger than a few upstart Geartooth.

The weight of that fact chips away at a man. Makes 'em feel heavy. Makes 'em want to lie down and give in.

But what you did out there today... Well, lets just say, you sure know how to make a guy hope again. And hope, lucky for us, can be a dangerous thing.

Now that you've got me proper wistful... Here, take Baelhorn's journal for me. I want you to give it to Lord Halar. If anyone can make use of the Geartooth's failure with the Talon of Pyre, it's him.

Do check in again when you've the time. I wouldn't mind the company.

Clear Quest
Lord Halar

Ah, Wayfinder! Greetings to you. I heard you had quite the day in the field. Pray tell, did you wrest anything interesting from the wreckage of your exploits?


Does Shuul Baelhorn's journal interest you?

Lord Halar

Shuul Baelhorn—the Geartooth mystic? That would be... Yes, let me examine this journal at once!

Aha... I see... Well, their calligraphy certainly needs some refinement. I anticipate it will take some time for me to, ah, translate these entries.


Baelhorn summoned the Talon of Pyre.

Lord Halar

Th-They what!? Of Pyre, you're certain? Wayfinder, we must rally the Seekers forthwith. The fate of our city may depend on it.


Rest easy. It's been dealt with.

Lord Halar

You... defeated it? Astounding. Astounding indeed. If you can do that... perhaps this old man yet possesses a reason to clutch onto hope.

You mentioned the creature you fought was called the Talon of Pyre, correct? Pyre, you see, is familiar to me—my mentor in the Dominion researched the topic for quite some time, in fact.

It ruined his reputation. Most Arcane Lords within the Dominion believed Pyre to simply be a concept of mythos. My mentor, however, was not so sure.


What is Pyre, exactly?

Lord Halar

An excellent question. One my mentor was close to answering before the Gloomfall. Alas, he perished like so many others.

My only guidance on this topic come from sparse notes of his which I managed to recover.

He believed, it seemed, whatever Pyre was before had been scattered. A great power, divided. Though for what purpose, I cannot say.


The Geartooth believed it was a Precursor weapon.

Lord Halar

Precursor? I suppose it is possible. Though, if my mentor's notes are to be heeded... he believed we may have been gazing into an abyss far older than even they.

In any case, I must study this journal more closely. Now, leave me! There is yet research to be done!

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