No Better Friend

No Better Friend
Category Quests
Type Priority
Rewards 1858Resonance
185Memory Fragment
Jobs Unlocked
Helper Coin

No Better Friend is a priority quest in Wayfinder.



The Seekers are overwhelmed by requests from desperate citizens. Commander Wolf has asked you to handle some of these jobs.


Commander Wolf told you about the job board used by the Seeker Order. It is a place for civilian survivors to post their requests for aid. Wolf wants you to assist when you can.



Clear Bad Omens.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.


  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
    • Speak to Mother Kallan Near the Beacon Signal Fire
  • Phase 3
    • Collect Mother Kallan's Rare Lost Coins (5)
  • Phase 4
    • Speak to Mother Kallan Near the Beacon Signal Fire
  • Phase 5
    • Speak to Symone at the Fish Stall Near the Great Lift
  • Phase 6
    • Post Flyers Near the Great Lift (5)
    • Post Flyers Near the Bitter End (5)
  • Phase 7
    • Return to Symone at the Fish Stall Near the Great Lift
  • Phase 8
    • Speak to Watcher Hagran Near the Great Lift in Lower Skylight
  • Phase 9
    • Kill Bears in the Highlands Near the Repository of Knowledge (3)
  • Phase 10
    • Report to Watcher Hagran Near the Great Lift in Lower Skylight
  • Phase 11
  • Phase 12
    • Go to a Job Board


Start Quest

Wayfinder. You've done well since your return! Come to me in Skylight if you ever find yourself idle. There is always work.

Clear Phase 1

We lost much in the Gloomfall, and for many survivors each day is a struggle. Many of our refugees have lost their homes and their loved ones, and our supplies are always dwindling.

The Seekers have established job boards where survivors can post requests for assistance. These tasks won't be as dramatic as fighting the Gloom, but we can't ignore the needs of the common people.

They look to us as problem-solvers, and it helps us to maintain that image. There should be no better friend than a Seeker, and no worse enemy.

I have gathered a few requests that citizens have posted to demonstrate the kinds of tasks that could be asked of you. Let's start small.

Mother Kallan's made a request and is waiting outside the Great Hall near the Signal Fire. Offer your aid... just don't spread around what it's regarding.

Clear Phase 2
Mother Kallan

A Wayfinder? Oh. I was expecting a fresh recruit, and here you are! I've never used the Job Board before, and I wasn't sure how quickly someone would respond.


What do you need help with?

Mother Kallan

It is a small thing, I was cleaning my stall when my knee started arguing with me. I stumbled and knocked my coin collection over.

By the time I got to my feet, some children were throwing the coins into the pond. I threatened to call their parents and they ran off, but they had already thrown away half of my collection.

I would retrieve them myself, but I can't bend like I used to. You look strong and limber, though! Would you wade into the pool and gather my coins?

Clear Phase 3

This seems to be all of them. I'll take them back to Mother Kallan.

Clear Phase 4
Mother Kallan

Oh, bless you! I've been collecting these coins for quite some time now and to have lost them all to some misbehaving children, I don't know what I would have done. Thank you.


I'm glad your assistance helped her, Wayfinder. While it may be a small task, it made a big difference to her. She will tell people we can be trusted.

I have another posting that I think exemplifies what we do. Here.

Clear Phase 5

Ah, hail! A friend of mine told me the Job Board was a great way to get extra help, and here you are. A Wayfinder, yet!


What do you need?


Fishing has been slow lately, so I hedged my bets and ordered from everyone with a net. Then bang! All the fish came in at once. It's going to rot if I can't move it, and this is a one-man enterprise!

There's got to be a million folks in Skylight who need to eat, it's criminal to waste it. I scrawled out some flyers saying "All Fish Must Go," can you post them near the Great Lift and the tavern?

Clear Phase 6

That's all the flyers. I'll report back to Symone.

Clear Phase 7

Thank you, Wayfinder! I'm selling for coppers on the silver, and there's so many mouths to feed I'm still going to come out ahead. This is perfect. Here's a coin for your help!


I saw your flyer, Wayfinder. It's a small action that made a big difference. Of course, others could do this work. Never forget you are most valuable in the field.

Tasks like these can be overwhelming, so the board has a limited number of jobs available. As you complete jobs, new ones will be posted. You can also swap in new jobs to the board, for a fee.

I know of more that require a stronger heart and skill at arms. Watcher Hagran has such a task.

Seek him out near the Great Lift in Lower Skylight and inquire on the request he posted.

Clear Phase 8
Watcher Hagran

Hail, Wayfinder! You are a welcome sight, and not a moment too soon!


What do you need help with?

Watcher Hagran

We've got bears. Starving bears, bulking up for the winter with no fear of humans or even whole caravans. Warden Hass wants us to kill the ones near the Repository of Knowledge.

The problem is, I've also been told to escort godsblood taken from the Shrikes, and it'll be a while before I get it back to Skylight. I can't be in two places at once, so I asked for you.

It's a pity about the bears, they probably lost their usual food sources to the Gloom. But we've got no choice, they're savage now.

Could you cull their numbers? Our caravans feed and equip Skylight, they've got to get through.

Clear Phase 9

That's all of them. I'll report back to Hagran.

Clear Phase 10

Wayfinder. You've done well since your return! Come to me in Skylight if you ever find yourself idle. There is always work.

Clear Phase 11
Watcher Hagran

Fantastic work, Wayfinder! It's a shame it had to be done, but it'd be worse if our Seekers got killed doing it. You really are Arc-sent. Here's a coin for your troubles.


As you can see, even small actions can leave a large impact. I have more to say, and in greater detail. Come speak to me and I will explain the use for those coins.

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