Grinding the Geartooth

Grinding the Geartooth
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 3391Resonance
340Memory Fragment
9Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
1000Reward Tower XP

Grinding the Geartooth is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



Ranger Davyn needs you to take care of some of the Geartooth goblins at Ironstone Keep. Something has them riled up and they're far more aggressive than usual.


The Geartooth Goblins in the Highlands have been causing a lot issues for the caravans in the area. Ranger Davyn wants you to head out near Ironstone Keep and thin their numbers before the goblin problem gets any worse.


You managed to take down the goblins around Ironstone Keep but uncovered some arcane materials the Geartooth were hoarding. Ranger Davyn seems concerned they might be working towards something much more horrible than the occasional raid on a caravan.




Start quest[edit]

Talk to Ranger Davyn in the Highlands.


  1. Grinding the Geartooth
  2. Unexpected Visitors
  3. Cleansing Fire


  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
    • Investigate the Northeast Tower of Ironstone Keep
  • Phase 3
    • Investigate the Northwest Tower of Ironstone Keep
  • Phase 4
    • Investigate the Southeast Tower of Ironstone Keep
  • Phase 5


Start Quest
Ranger Davyn

Well, this is a surprise. I wasn't expectin' one of your ilk out here in the Highlands. I've actually something of a problem worthy of your prowess.

Name's Ranger Davyn. I scout the area around the Aurelian Gloom Wall. If we ever hope to build beyond Skylight again, we'll need to clear this area sooner or later. Preferably, sooner.

Sounds well and good, right? Trouble is the Gloom's decimated our forward forces. Supply lines are in shambles, and half the new fighters we manage to recruit don't make it past the first month.

And then came the goblins. Moths to the flame, those little cretins. They're known as the Geartooth goblins here in the Highlands, and they've been pillagin' every caravan Skylight sends.

I pick ‘em off where I can, but I'm just not equipped to take on the numbers they're accumulatin' these days. And then, there's my real concern…

Used to be, the Geartooth just raided and scavenged. Didn't kill unless they truly needed. But in the last month they've gotten veritably bloodthirsty.

I can't stomach another slaughtered caravan on my watch. Thin their numbers, if you're willing. I know everyone at the Crossroads Foundry would sleep easier knowing they've safe passage again.

Clear Phase 1
Ranger Davyn

You feel that too, right? Like a stone sinking in my gut. Let's pay a visit to Ironstone Keep. A lot of them have been gatherin' there, and it's got me more than nervous.

Clear Phase 2

Books and papers littering the area. Within hastily written text is scrawled atop arcane diagrams. Can any of these goblins actually read their own handwriting?

Clear Phase 3

Scrolls. This time stained with bloodied prints. A ritual, maybe? I didn't figure goblins as the studious type.

Clear Phase 4

On top is a leatherbound book. Its diagrams are reminiscent of the scrolls from earlier. I should take this to Ranger Davyn.

Clear Quest
Ranger Davyn

Have you considered changing your title to Goblin Hunter? I can't thank you enough. Though, I am curious, did you find anything of note?


Possibly. Take a look at this book.

Ranger Davyn

Hmm, looks like a journal. Could a goblin really have authored this? Advanced stuff ‘ere. Give me some time to look through this. Maybe I can figure out what the vermin were attemptin'.

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