Seeking Knowledge

Seeking Knowledge
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 5397Resonance
535Memory Fragment
14Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
1000Reward Tower XP

Seeking Knowledge is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



Seeker Avala wants to learn more about the corruption of plant life in the Frostmarch. Collect plants in the Shrouded Woods and samples from Hollow Ones in the Hollow Heart so Avala can compare them.


Seeker Avala wants you to collect vegetation from the Shrouded Woods and Hollow Ones samples from the Hollow Heart so she can compare them and try to understand how the Gloom is corrupting the plants in the Frostmarch.


In an effort to study the corruption of plant life in the Frostmarch, Seeker Avala tasked you with collecting samples from the nearby woods. Though you were successful, Avala seems to be experiencing strange symptoms not unlike what you've observed of remnants and gloom creatures. Though she seems unperturbed, something clearly isn't right.



Clear Wormwood.

Start quest[edit]

Talk to Seeker Avala in Deepwood Holt.


  1. Seeking Knowledge
  2. Seeking Truth
  3. Seeking Hope
  4. Seeking Closure



Start Quest
Seeker Avala

Oh, Wayfinder! Do mind the nearby snow. I am in the process of testing a deadly yet entirely invisible chemical on the environment here. I'd hate for you to lose your boots! Or your feet.

It's fascinating what's happening here with the Hollow Ones, isn't it? We're witnessing a complete usurpation of the local flora. I'd love to study it further, if you're willing to lend a hand.

And if the warm glow of advancing Arcanic science isn't enough for you... by understanding how the Gloom corrupts vegetation, we could find a way to produce Gloom-resistant crops.


Alright. That sounds useful.

Seeker Avala

I knew you'd understand! To start, I would like to compare the yet unaffected plant life in the woods with those that have been afflicted and twisted into Hollow Ones.

Head into the Shrouded Woods and collect some flowers for me. Perhaps Fireflowers? Then, head into the Hollow Heart, slay a few Hollow Ones, and bring me their samples!

I do wonder how the mutati—mutat—mutations are af-af-ecting th—pla—life -ere-ere-re…?



Seeker Avala

Pardon? What do you mean?


You... flickered there for a moment.

Seeker Avala

Hmm. Are you experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations perhaps? Fascinating! This could well be a side effect of the chemicals I've been testing in the area. I shall have to log this!

Not to worry. I'm sure it is only a modest deterioration of your brain functions! You'll feel better once you head into the woods. Go on then. We'll speak when you've collected those samples.

Clear Phase 1
Seeker Avala

Oh, well done! Do be ca-ca-refu—ith—hem. They are lik-ely-ly quite fragile!

Clear Quest
Seeker Avala

Look at these sam-am-ples! Have I ever mention-ed-ed-ed you are my most favorite of W-Wa-fi-ders. I ca-can't w—t to d-d-d…


Avala, something is wrong with you.

Seeker Avala

I do feel a touch light headed. Or is it a brain fog of sorts? Onset malaise? Per-er-er-haps the ch—m—cals are e— Oh, isn't that a deliciously horrible observation!


I don't think this is because of those chemicals.

Seeker Avala

Perhaps, perhaps not. Regardless, we've grown distracted, hmm? A bit of rest should solve any fatigue of mine, but it won't help Skylight learn more about the Hollow Ones!


Are you sure you're okay?

Seeker Avala

Relax! You're beginning to sound like my Grand-Gra-ther. Field work is my expertise, and I assure you, I am aware of the contaminants around my person. Now, give me some time to examine these.

The more we learn of the Hollow Ones, the more I might be able to aid you in your struggle against the Gloom!

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