Seeking Closure

Seeking Closure
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 8096Resonance
803Memory Fragment
3Large Wayfinder Resonance Cache
Mini Avala
2000Reward Tower XP

Seeking Closure is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



Lord Halar has refused to give up on Avala. He has hypothesized that a place or items that hold great importance in Avala's memory might hold the key to stabilizing her Echo. Travel to what is left of Avala's ruined home outside of Lower Skylight in the Highlands and see what you can find.


Avala is an Echo, but since she was one of the first Omen and Halar created, she does not have a stable connection to the world. Lord Halar is desperate to find a way to anchor her permanently. He wants you to try finding items that resonate with Avala and might act as a tether to this reality.


Lord Halar was able to permanently stabilize Avala's Deepwood Holt Echo by utilizing a device seized from the First. In the process, more was learned about Lord Halar's family before the Gloomfall. Hopefully through combined efforts, no one has to lose so much again.



Clear Seeking Hope.

Start quest[edit]

Talk to Lord Halar in Skylight.


  1. Seeking Knowledge
  2. Seeking Truth
  3. Seeking Hope
  4. Seeking Closure


  • Phase 1
    • Travel to Avala's Ruined Family Home Outside of Lower Skylight
  • Phase 2
    • Search the Home for Items With Avala's Resonance (4)
  • Phase 3
  • Phase 4
    • Investigate the area where Avala was Killed
  • Phase 5
    • Return to Lord Halar in Skylight
  • Phase 6
  • Phase 7
  • Phase 8
  • Phase 9
    • Bring the Mysterious Device to Lord Halar in Skylight
  • Phase 10
    • Take the Necklace to Avala in Frostmarch
  • Phase 11
    • Return to Lord Halar in Skylight


Start Quest
Lord Halar

I had hoped you would return. I apologize for my demeanor earlier, and that you were forced to witness Omen and my exchange. As you can imagine, Avala is very important to me.

Omen is a pragmatic leader. It is one of her great strengths. Yet I am afraid, on this matter, I cannot compromise. I realize that it is uncouth of me to ask for your aid, but…


I'm with you, Lord Halar.

Lord Halar

I… thank you, my friend. You have no idea how much this means to me.


Where do we go from here?

Lord Halar

I have created a rough hypothesis based on the information you have already gathered. I wonder if you have taken note—resonance and powerful memories are key components when summoning Wayfinders.

The shards of your would-be daggers are important, yes, but equally so is something which is tied to the individual. Something which resonates strongly with their memories.

This is a common theme amongst essences preserved by the Gloom. The Remnants of Aurelian, for example, seem bound to Lost Zones within the monastery.


Is there a place that was important to Avala?

Lord Halar

Avala spent most of her youth living with her parents in their home outside of Skylight. I tried to visit as often as I could, but I had my duties as a Lord of the Seven Winds.

I can be sure of nothing. But, Wayfinder, if there is even a sliver of a chance something there might prove useful, we must try.

Travel to my daughter's—Avala's mother's—old home. If we are lucky, something which remains there might put us on the path to binding Avala permanently to our world.

Clear Phase 1
Lord Halar

Time and circumstance are cruel mistresses, aren't they? I am glad Tabetha is not here to see this place. Look around. We need something that resonates with Avala.

Clear Phase 2
Lord Halar

Is that a journal?


It looks mostly destroyed.

Lord Halar

Tell me—what color is the cover?


Dark pink.

Lord Halar

I see. Leave it. Please.


Is there no resonance within?

Lord Halar

Just… leave it be.


Very well.

Lord Halar

Now then—while we are on the right track, I worry none of these vestiges seem to possess a strong enough resonance. Perhaps we should turn our attention to more recent events.

Perchance, is Ranger Davyn still posted out near the Breach into the Repository of Knowledge? I should like you to speak with him. He… is the one who found Avala. In her final moments.


Does he know Avala is an Echo?

Lord Halar

No. He does not. He believes she was injured, but after a period of recovery, returned to field research. See if he knows where her belongings from that day might be, but do not tell him any more.



Clear Phase 3
Ranger Davyn

Good to see you, boss. You come around to help with the Geartooth, or are you prepping to hop into that Breach behind me?


Neither. I actually have a rather morbid question.

Ranger Davyn

Well, don't keep me in suspense. Shoot.


I heard you witnessed Seeker Avala nearly die.

Ranger Davyn

Yank a Windhowler's tail, and you'll surely get the talons in tow. Yeah, I remember the day you're askin' after. It was… hard.

Those first days after the Fall, we had no idea what to expect. Those who did survive were maimed or too afeared to do much but pick up the pieces. Omen was the only one who kept us going.

We had no clue what waited outside Skylight's ruins, and the Seekers needed folks who were willing to risk taking a look. Avala was one of the first to volunteer. Quirky girl. But brave.

Anyhow. A month or so later, I was patrolling near the waterfall not too far from here. Heard a horrid scream. Whatever had got its licks in had left by the time I got there, but Avala…

I'll tell you, boss, the shape that girl was in… Halar must've used one hell of a remedy. Suppose that's the strength of an arcanist.

If you don't mind me asking, but why are you barkin' up this tree anyway?


I'm looking for something she lost that day.

Ranger Davyn

Right. S'pose that checks out. Not sure if there'll be anything left, but if there is, it'd likely still be out near the waterfall. Best of luck to you!

Clear Phase 4
Lord Halar

There is something of great resonance here. What did you find?


A tattered bag and a simple necklace.

Lord Halar

Hmm. Describe the necklace to me, if you would.


It has a blue crystal in a small metal cage.

Lord Halar

Curious. It has the strongest resonance by far. If I recall, that necklace was a gift to Avala from my son-in-law, her father. Though, I am unsure as to the occasion for which he gave it to her.

No matter. Our speculation is of little importance. This necklace of hers seems closely tied to her heart. Bring it and the other items you found to me. Let us hope these will be enough…

Clear Phase 5
Lord Halar

Thank you, my friend. Truly, thank you. Now—let us see what we can do with these items, hmm?

Lord Halar

Again…? <Bold>Why isn't this working!?</> Arcs damn these contraptions—this is no different than the reaction which created Avala's echoes previously.

I don't understand. A year of study, of tribulation, all for this…? The greatest arcanist in the Dominion, Halar of the Seven Winds, and yet...

No... NO! I refuse to lose her again! If we must cast my ineptitude aside, so be it. I am not so prideful. And thus, it appears, the road ahead is clear…


Tell me, Lord Halar.

Lord Halar

Wayfinder. Though I did not wish it to be so, it is clear to me now we have but one recourse remaining. Return to the First Scribe. Best her in her sanctum. And seize the answers by force.

Solar is the element of fire and light, yes, but also revelation. Suffuse her domain with fire. Demand she give you the secret to Omen's creation. And if she refuses, deliver her pain.


Lord Halar… the First is supremely dangerous.

Lord Halar

Then you shall be even more so. Now go!

Clear Phase 6
The First

The Trespasser returns.


You… remember me?

The First

Did you think me to be a simple Remnant? Perhaps it is you who has forgotten. Despite my trappings, I am still the First. I. Am. Infinite.

Yet a question remains. Why return here, I wonder? Has the hero come to enjoy our sanguinary time together? No, I think not. I think, perhaps, the Seeker has come seeking.


I need to understand how you made Omen.

The First

Ha! That you were forced to come here—to pry such minutiae from me—proves my Echo is but a pale copy indeed.

Come to me, Wayfinder. I shall whisper to you each and every secret I hold dear… as I pry that dagger from your miserable corpse.

Clear Phase 7
The First

Wipe that vile smirk from your face. I may be beaten, but you have accomplished nothing.


Tell me how you created Omen. Now.

The First

You desire knowledge to engender yourself with power. You desire secrets. Then I shall tell you one…

Each time you return to my sanctum… Each time you defeat me… I learn just a bit more. About you. Your tactics. Your passions. Your failings.

Continue to visit me, should you like. One day that power of yours will no longer be enough. And your dagger… will break my chains.


Curse you, I wi—wait… what is that?

Clear Phase 8

What a strange device... I should bring this to Lord Halar.

Clear Phase 9
Lord Halar

Good. You return. Were you successful? Did the First relinquish any of her secrets?


No, she did not.

Lord Halar

I see. Of course. It seems… it was a foolish endeavor. Perhaps Omen was right. Perhaps… nothing can be done.


Wait, Lord Halar. I found this in her chambers.

Lord Halar

Hmm. What a strange device. You say it was in the First Scribe's chambers? Curious. This aura—it is reminiscent me of the Precursor's sword.

The First and the Silver Codex were experimenting with the manifestation of remnants and even echoes. Could the First have gained access to Precursor tools?


Anything is possible.

Lord Halar

Yes. I do believe you are right! Wayfinder, allow me some time to study this device. Perhaps… perhaps we hold here the key to something miraculous.


If anyone can do it, it's you, Lord Halar.

Lord Halar

Thank you, my friend. Now, I must focus…

Lord Halar

Yes! YES! This aura, this force, it is unmistakable. Nearly identical in signature to that of the Gloom Dagger! I think this will do it!

Quickly, get this Anchor to Avala immediately. Tell her… Tell her she is never to take it off for <bold>any</> reason!


I understand.

Lord Halar

Wayfinder, I… I do not know if I will ever be able to repay you. Not for this.


There's no need.

Lord Halar

You are too kind. Make haste then. Once given, please return to me. I should like an update me on her condition.

Clear Phase 10
Seeker Avala

Oh, hello again! I'm sure you'll be thrilled to know I have successfully purged the nearby area of any hazardous chemicals. It is now a perfect environment for any willing research subjects…?


How are you feeling?

Seeker Avala

Better. Though, to be candid, there are some discrepancies in my journal entries these past few days. I am not entirely sure if I have once again become… untethered, as it were.

Tell me—were you able to confer with my Grandfather? I haven't had a chance speak with him.


This is from him, actually. NEVER take it off.

Seeker Avala

From Grandfather? What is it?


That doesn't matter for now. Put it on.

Seeker Avala

Doesn't matter!? Oh dear, you'll never make it as a researcher.


Lord Halar made it. It will help long-term.

Seeker Avala

Very well, let us see then!

Wait. This stone in the center...

Oh my! I... I thought I had lost this forever! Did Grandfather dredge this up? This necklace was a gift from my father, you see. This stone it features is… one of my greatest treasures.


What is it?

Seeker Avala

A memento from my first outing. I was a wee thing, but transfixed with the mystical research Grandfather was known for. However, he was rarely here when I was little and had seldom time for us.

My father saw how obsessed I was, and in my grandfather's stead, took me to a research site he'd been frequenting. That's where I found this rock.

The local excavator didn't think much of it, but I knew it held arcanic power. I bit down hard on the pebble—in hindsight not the most effective testing method—and a reaction formed!

Father preserved it for me in this necklace. Said a researcher should always remember their first experiment. He was thoughtful like that. And kind. I miss him dearly.


I'm sorry, Avala. But it's a lovely story.

Seeker Avala

That's quite alright. Though, I must say it's strange… I don't quite remember how I lost this. I always keep it with me. To be honest, I thought I'd still had it… and yet…


What matters is it is found. You should put it on.

Seeker Avala

Yes, of course, you are right! Welcome back, old friend.

Oh… What a surreal feeling…


What is it?

Seeker Avala

I feel so very warm. As if a familiar hand has come to rest upon my shoulder. It does make me wonder…

But even I grow weary of pondering from time to time! Suffice to say, I feel much better. I expect I owe you and grandfather both a thank you. I've… many questions when I next venture to Skylight.


Remember, never take it off.

Seeker Avala

You needn't remind me! If I can help it, this shan't leave my person ever again. Take care, Wayfinder. And… until next time.

Clear Quest
Lord Halar

I have been waiting with bated breath. So, Wayfinder, how is she?


Better. Stable, I think.

Lord Halar

Thank the Architects… I will want to observe her closely. And, of course, there is the matter of equipping the other echoes with this device, but…

I am truly, deeply in your debt. I do not speak lightly when I tell you this. Whatever may come, my friend, please know… you shall have my aid. To the very ends of Evenor itself.


We all have things we can't bear to lose, Halar.

Lord Halar

Right you are... Right you are. Now, to one last matter of great import…


Oh? What is it?

Lord Halar

Take a breath. How much of your day is spent fighting tooth and nail for those of us lucky enough to have known you, I wonder? And so, my friend, I ask that you rest.

When you are done, and only then, we shall continue our work. We shall rebuild this broken world. One fragment at a time.

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