Unraveling Doubt

Unraveling Doubt
Category Quests
Type Main Story
Rewards 3715Resonance
16Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
Matriarch Belt
2000Reward Tower XP
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Unraveling Chaos Unraveled Remains

Unraveling Doubt is a main quest in Wayfinder.



Aurelian is unraveling, and if nothing is done, it may collapse into the void. Omen does not trust that the First's intentions are entirely aligned with the Seekers, but for the time being, you must do everything in your power to preserve the Lost Zones. Lest chaos envelop your world too.


The unraveling has spread to all levels of the Aurelian Monastery. If you do not find a way to stop the spreading chaos soon, Aurelian will fall into the void. With the First's direction, you were able to find a more concentrated material which Omen believes may help lead the Seekers to the origin of the unraveling.



Clear Unraveling Chaos.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.



  • Phase 1
    • Investigate the Codex Halls Breach in Highlands
  • Phase 2
    • Speak to the Arcanists Outside the Codex Halls Breach in Highlands
  • Phase 3
    • Investigate the Undercroft Breach in Highlands
  • Phase 4
    • Speak to the Arcanists Outside the Undercroft Breach in Highlands
  • Phase 5
    • Investigate the Repository of Knowledge Breach in Highlands
  • Phase 6
  • Phase 7
  • Phase 8
  • Phase 9
    • Escape Unraveling Aurelian
  • Phase 10


Clear Phase 1

There are the arcanists. Let's check in.

Clear Phase 4
Arcanist Faust

Hope you didn't come looking for answers. We've close to zilch.

Arcanist Cyr

I said to ease them into it, Faust! Arcs help me...

Arcanist Faust

You think they've got time to shoot the breeze? World's falling apart, I'm fairly sure.

Look, Wayfinder, our instruments started going haywire the moment we got within earshot of the Breach. We're trying alternatives, but we've no easy way to collect any data.


Any theories?

Arcanist Cyr

Whatever's happening inside, it seems to be more concentrated than the reports from the Repository. It's possible the unraveling started in the Undercroft.

I'm sorry, I know that's not much to go on.

Wouldn't risk venturning within until we've gotten a better lay of the land. Suppose you could head back to the Repository though. The way I hear it, the Breach over there has only grown worse.

Clear Phase 5
The First

Xal was ungrateful, disrespectful. Faust was incompetent—worse, arguably. These Seekers paint a poor picture of support for one such as you. It's a wonder you ever made it to my sanctum.


What's your point?

The First

My point? The monastery is descending ever further into chaos. The halls—overrun with umbrals, and you will need to fight the horde to slow the unraveling's course.

It is a death trap of degradation and chaos, but I can be your guide… should you only let me.


Just don't get in my way.

Clear Phase 9
The First

This resin's primordial signature differs from the last sample you found. It is… purer. More concentrated.

It is possible this was in close proximity with whatever nexus or entity is responsible for the unraveling.

Return to your Seekers. With this, I am certain even they should be capable of pointing you toward a solution.


And what will you do?

The First

I shall remain in this contemptible cage. It is the trial of all who ascend to power—to be hindered by the fearful masses.

You will see. One day. When the battle is over, yet you their champion, their sword, remain. The people will turn on you. Fear you. Then it is you, Trespasser, who will be caged.

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