Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 2362Resonance
250Memory Fragment
6Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
1000Reward Tower XP

Birds of a Feather is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



While playing Tavern Keeper, Kestrel slipped you another note. It seems like she has more work for you. Head to her hideout in Lower Skylight and speak with her there.


The last time you spoke with Kestrel, you had just discovered strange blueprints of machinery frequenting the Shrike ranks. The smuggler has asked you to meet her in her hideout once again. Perhaps she's uncovered more about the Shrike Syndicate's plans.


The blueprints you found before were drafted by Kestrel's old partner, Rook, who she believes betrayed her to the Shrikes sometime after the Fall. In an effort to dismantle the Shrike operations using his machines and finally enact her revenge, Kestrel sent you back into the mines. Though, it seems as if you have uncovered something much more perilous than she initially thought.



Clear The Kestrel and the Rook.

Start quest[edit]

Talk to Tavern Keeper Wren in Skylight.


  1. The Kestrel and the Rook
  2. Birds of a Feather
  3. The Caged Bird Sings


  • Phase 1
    • Travel to Kestrel's Hideout in Lower Skylight
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 3
  • Phase 4
    • Find What's Behind the Hidden Wall Near the Excavation Unit Event in the Pit
      Expedition: The Pit
  • Phase 5
    • Travel to Kestrel's Hideout in Lower Skylight
  • Phase 6


Clear Phase 2

Took you long enough. I do love our little chats in the Bitter End, but we've got business, so keep it speedy, yeah? I've been busy since you helped me last. Short version? I found something big.


Did you look into those blueprints?


I didn't need to look into those blueprints. I was quite familiar with them, in fact. But I did verify their origin. Or rather, double checked that they were penned by the machinist I was suspecting


Who is this machinist?


Hell of a question, that. How about this... What do you say I tell you a story?


I'm listening.


Once upon a time—before the Fall, before the Gloom, before the Shrikes betrayed all they were supposed to be—there was a kestrel and a rook.

Birds of a feather, those two. Greatest smugglers this side of the Westreach. Folks say on their first job together they made the Dalan Bridge Run in a single night. And that was only the start.

The Arevor Raid, the Firehawk Job, Operation Eminence. The kestrel and the rook poached a fortune from the Maze and the Empire both, and those nationalist blowhards were none the wiser.

But good things seldom last in this life. If you haven't learned that yet, trust me, you will.

One day, another bird entered the flock. A raven. And over the years, that raven, she began to turn all of the kestrel and the rook's friends cruel.

The Battle for Skylight was the nail in the proverbial coffin. Soon after, this raven turned all the good birds rabid, and began hunting down what few refused to fall into line.

But the kestrel was alright. The kestrel was fine. She had the rook, you see. Like she always had…

The rook came to the kestrel, and told her, he was planning something big. One last job. A score so big, Skylight could thrive on it for years to come, and their names'd be inked in legend.

‘Course, the kestrel agreed. Not for Skylight. Not for revenge on the rabid shrikes. But for the rook. It'd always been about the rook, you see. It'd always been about him and her.

But the day of the job, the rook didn't show. It was the raven's birds that'd been waiting for her. She'd been setup. Betrayed. And left for dead.

And that, love, is the end our tragic tale. Or at least, it was, until you brought me those blueprints. Until I saw Rook's cant.

All this time, I thought Rook had been smart. I thought he'd taken whatever the Raven had paid him for my life, and ran for the hills. But these blueprints? They're his. I'd know his designs anywhere.

That means he's still on the Raven's payroll. That means he's still in my reach. No way do I let this lie. No way, would I just let him…

He was always a brilliant machinist. Best the Shrikes ever had. By the look of these designs, he's building them some kind of specialized drills. It's time we dismantled them.

Head into the Bloodworks. Rook often worked with elemental fire when crafting his machines. Try diving into the Gloom with a touch of Solar this time. Might get us closer.

If all goes well... you'll get answers as to what the Shrikes are digging for, and I'll get one step closer to putting a dagger to that backstabber's throat. It's a win-win, love. So get moving.

Clear Phase 3

Odd. It looks like those Shrikes were mapping out a layer of the mines. Searching for... a hidden wall in the cavern? That can't be a coincidence. Find it.

Clear Phase 4

Another stash of blueprints. More maps of the cavern system too. But why would these be hidden? Bring those back to me.

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