A Woodwen's Plea

A Woodwen's Plea
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 2402Resonance
6Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
1000Reward Tower XP

A Woodwen's Plea is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



You must help Unar the Mystic gather the ingredients for a purifying potion that will prevent him from becoming a Reaver.


You need to gather ingredients to brew a purifying potion for the Woodwen Mystic Unar, using Fireflowers and Frostcap mushrooms. Two Flora imbuements should finish it, then brew it all in Unar's cauldron.


You met Unar, a Woodwen Mystic, in the Bone Orchard. He asked for help brewing a Purifying Potion to save his mind from becoming corrupted. It didn't work, but he still has hope!




Start quest[edit]

Talk to Unar the Mystic in The Bone Orchard Expedition.


  1. A Woodwen's Plea
  2. Think Faster
  3. Hope Blooms and Burns
  4. From the Edge of Death
  5. The Last Potion



Start Quest
Unar the Mystic

Stay back! Don't come any closer! I might kill you!


For a threat, that sounds... indecisive.

Unar the Mystic

This is not a time for mockery! Some sort of... corrupting force has consumed the minds of my people. Soon I will share their fate.


Who are you, exactly?

Unar the Mystic

I am Unar of the Woodwen. My kind used to thrive here. Now only a handful are left. All others stalk the night as Reavers, serving their master and his darkest hungers.

I ventured into the Heart of the Woods, believing I could save them all. But even the spirits were twisted and cold. They pierced my aura, and the rot is deep. I won't last much longer.


Can anything be done?

Unar the Mystic

It's best I stay here, where I will harm no one. But I have some skill at potions. If I direct you to my cauldron, perhaps we can brew a draught to stave off this degeneration.


There's too many Reavers already. I can help.

Unar the Mystic

You are a noble soul. First you must gather the ingredients for a purifying potion. You'll need a catalyst—Fireflowers should suffice. Then, a cleansing essence—Frostcap mushrooms will do.

Normally, spirits strong in the powers of nature would help. I do not know if any still haunt the Frostmarch, but for my sake... try. Then mix them in my cauldron.

Clear Quest
Unar the Mystic

The purifying potion! Let me smell it. Yes... and now to see if it works...

Arrgh! It's like drinking fire! It should burn the corruption away. I just need to... Need to hold on...

I... I still feel the haze. The world is weak and steel and fire are the only means of cleansing it. Death will bring new growth...


Sounds like the purification potion failed.

Unar the Mystic

Ancient ones, what can I do? Give me a moment to consult with the lesser spirits. Perhaps they can see the unseen answers.

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