Fading Light

Fading Light
Category Quests
Type Main Story
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Eyes to See Walking in Shadows

Fading Light is a main quest in Wayfinder.



Commander Wolf is concerned about Gloom anomalies in the area which seem to be responsible for a number of missing Watchers. Head to the sites of these anomalies and investigate.


The portals that have appeared seem to be a result of the Beacon itself weakening. For now, all that can be done is to close as many of them as possible when they appear, and find a way forward, before the Beacon and all of creation fall.



Clear Eyes to See.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.



  • Phase 1
    • Complete an Expedition in a Void Dungeon While Using an Imbuement
      Void Dungeon
  • Phase 2


Start Quest

Welcome back, old friend. I hoped to speak with you. Wolf informed me of the danger just after you left to engage the threat. Tell me—what have you learned?


Portals leading deep into the Gloom have appeared.


I feared as much. To the naked eye, the Beacon's light looks to be as stalwart as ever. This, however, has confirmed suspicions I've harbored. Our Beacon is in danger.


What's happening to it?


These portals into the Gloom… they are proof that the Beacon is fading faster than we realized. We are running out of time.

We must find and light more Beacons. Continue to repair the Arc's network. This has never just been about protecting Skylight. The Precursors want to unravel creation itself. We will not let them.

Until then, we should continue to close any portals that you find. We cannot let these spread.

We must know if they behave similarly to Lost Zones. You have the ability to manipulate reflections of places lost to the Gloom, but we don't know if you are capable of shaping the deeper void.

Enter a portal using an elemental imbuement. Lord Halar and I may be able to learn much from the data you gather, and we need every advantage we can get.

Clear Phase 1

The Gloom is shaping to the imbuement just like a Lost Zone. I should report this to Omen.

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