The Caged Bird Sings

The Caged Bird Sings
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 3810Resonance
398Memory Fragment
6Large Wayfinder Resonance Cache
Mini Kestrel
2000Reward Tower XP

The Caged Bird Sings is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



The Shrikes have unknowingly unleashed a mechanical catastrophe in the Godsblood mines. Dismantle the Bloodbore before it destroys the mines, and our source of Godsblood, for good.


Rook designed an advanced drill machine, called the Bloodbore, to dig into the depths of the Godsblood mines. The Shrikes have unknowingly unleashed it, unaware that its operation could spell catastrophe. Dismantle the Bloodbore before it's too late.


You dismantled the Bloodbore and, in the process, learned that Rook, Kestrel's old partner, had not betrayed her a year ago. Instead, he'd hidden a cache of invaluable supplies for Kestrel and Skylight, though died by the Raven's hands. Now, Kestrel has sworn revenge. For Rook, and the Shrike Syndicate that she once loved.



Clear Birds of a Feather.

Start quest[edit]

Talk to Kestrel in the Highlands.


  1. The Kestrel and the Rook
  2. Birds of a Feather
  3. The Caged Bird Sings



Clear Phase 2

That machine… it seemed to be operating entirely on its own. And still no sign of Rook. Do me a favor and look around the area. There has to be something we missed.

Clear Phase 3

I don't know how this survived, but this note looks important. Better read it in a safer place than here.

Clear Phase 4

I… read the letter as you did. Through that damned dagger of yours.

Rook. I can't believe he…

I was so angry at him. And now… he's gone.

Sorry, love. I… need a minute. Check out the spot he mentioned, would you?

We met in the Highlands. Beneath the old Bell Tree. It's a quiet spot. Used to spend a lot of time there together.

Clear Phase 5

Looks like a ton of materials are buried under here. We'll need a team to dig them all up. I should tell Kestrel.

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