Unraveled Remains

Unraveled Remains
Category Quests
Type Main Story
Rewards 3875Resonance
Unraveling Brazier
Large Wayfinder Resonance Cache
Hoplomachus Arm
5000Reward Tower XP
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Unraveling Doubt Lighting the Flame

Unraveled Remains is a main quest in Wayfinder.



While you have managed to slow the unraveling consuming Aurelian, the spreading chaos persists. If your world is to survive, the unraveling must be reversed and the Lost Zones preserved.


Lord Halar believes that the unraveling can be reversed if the source is destroyed. Using the materials found within the unraveling Lost Zones, craft an imbument and defeat the Unraveled.


The Unraveled has been defeated and the spread of the unraveling has been stopped for the time being. However, the First Scribe appears to have gained the ability to communicate outside the confines of Aurelian. Only time will tell what my come of her newfound powers.



Clear Unraveling Doubt.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.



  • Phase 1
    • Speak With Lord Halar in Skylight
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 3
    • Hunt the Unraveled in the Breach Near the Repository of Knowledge
      The Unraveled
  • Phase 4


Start Quest

It's time. Lord Halar and I have discovered the key to the unraveling. Head to him immediately.

Clear Phase 1
Lord Halar

Ah, good. I'm eager to get you up to speed. I've spent every waking hour since your discovery in Aurelian pouring over these wondrous findings of yours, and, well…

I finally cracked it! These resins you see… they look to be made of little more than ethereal dust at a glance, but they are brimming with Chaos energies.

So much so, in fact, that their arcanic signature is quite unique in our world. I believe we could harness this power.


Harness it?

Lord Halar

Yes. Much like an imbuement, really. Is it truly so strange to consider?

Our goal is to find and destroy the crux of this unraveling. Whatever it may be, we know it began somewhere within Aurelian.

We can therefore deduce this abominable thing exists somewhere deep within the Gloom. Likely a layer of its own making.

Creating an imbuement from its very own residue should allow you to enter the layer we seek. And, if your track record is to be believed, save us all.

With any luck, destroying whatever crux is holding the unraveling plague together should reverse some of the damage. It will also give me more data to study the phenomenon.

But I have held you for long enough. Go. Fashion the imbuement. Enter the Gloom. End the unraveling.

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