Elusive Truths

Elusive Truths
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 4953Resonance
490Memory Fragment
13Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
1000Reward Tower XP

Elusive Truths is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



Many people who went missing were near the cave. If the Reavers are responsible, they would have taken them to the Bone Orchard. Investigate there. If you can save anyone, question them to get at the heart of what happened.


Many people who went missing were near the cave. If the Reavers are responsible, they would take them to the Bone Orchard. Investigate there and save anyone you can find.


Despite freeing the captured residents of Deepwood Holt, you found no smoking gun. Reeve Maelon Sol, Vaf, and Fovur all seem equally suspicious in their ties to the cave. Warden Rust is formulating a plan to trick the traitor into revealing themselves.



Start quest[edit]



  1. Find the Liar
  2. Find the Liar: Fovur
  3. Find the Liar: Vaf
  4. Find the Liar: Maelon Sol
  5. Elusive Truths
  6. Dark Truths



Start Quest
Warden Rust

Wayfinder. I was hoping you would check in soon. Have you uncovered anything more?

Clear Phase 1
Warden Rust

Fovur dropped by earlier. Asked a lot of questions. He gave me a list of missing persons you said you had asked after. But, we need something conclusive.

Warden Rust

Hmm. Seems they all had a strange story or two to tell, but then, so do most of those who survived the past year in the Frostmarch. It's not much to go on.

We cannot just wait around for another body to turn up. Perhaps, instead, we should act on Fovur's list. He's listed the recently missing as: Torvan, Asalam, Megdar, and Grem.


Were these some of the group that tried to leave?

Warden Rust

I believe so. If Maelon is to be believed, these four went into the woods of their own volition in search of a way to escape the Frostmarch. You said there were no bodies near their belongings...

Therefore we must act on the assumption that they still live. I've heard tell that the Reavers abduct people and use them for dark rituals. If that is the case, they may be held in the Bone Orchard.

Until now, I haven't had the resources to send out rescue missions into the woods. There's no telling what horrors you'll find. What has been done to these people...

I'll keep a watch for you. Until then, best of luck.

Clear Phase 2
Freed Prisoner

Thank the Arcs! I thought we were dead!


How were you captured?

Freed Prisoner

Fovur sent me to the Shrouded Woods to get steel off a wagon that got raided. He said he needed it or we wouldn't have arrowheads. Once I got there, I was ambushed by Reavers.


Did he tell you to go to a specific place?

Freed Prisoner

Yeah... he did, actually. He claimed the wagon would have been dragged inside one of the Reavers' caves. Now I've got to run... I know the way back, and I'm not waiting a second more!

Clear Phase 3
Freed Prisoner

You're... not a Reaver! How did you even get in here?


How were you captured?

Freed Prisoner

Huh? Well, Reeve Sol and I went to get supplies for Vaf. He said we needed mortar and nails. In usual Vaf fashion, he insisted that I start near a cave nearby.

While we were out looking, I was hit on the back of the head. Blacked out. Imagine waking up here with no clue what happened and the most painful headache ever.

I... I'm not sure... He was looking with me. But I never saw him here with the other prisoners. I thought him dead.

A lot of us had similar stories. Vaf sent us with Maelon to get supplies and then someone ambushed them.

Thank you again. I'll head back to Deepwood Holt as fast as I can.

Clear Phase 4
Freed Prisoner

He lied... Arcs help us, he lied to all of us.

Freed Prisoner

Swords, guns... they are toys before the darkness. You are nothing. We are all nothing...


I've cleared the Reavers for now. It's safe.

Freed Prisoner

Reavers...? Ha! There are worse things than Reavers in these woods...

Clear Phase 5
Warden Rust

Wayfinder! Several survivors made it back. They're wrapped in blankets and being fed soup as we speak. It's not every day we get news this positive.


It's not all good. They talked about being set up.

Warden Rust

We've tried the subtle approach to no avail. Go. Speak to each of them and see what they have to say for themselves. Either they'll have a logical explanation, or they won't.

Question them. Report back to me when you are finished. And if we've found the culprit, we'll move on them together.

Clear Phase 6
Maelon Sol

Ah, you're a welcome sight, my friend! Though, you look quite sullen... I do hope you are well.


The prisoners I found had much to say about you.

Maelon Sol

Yes, I heard about your rescue. Well done! I cannot speak for the rumors amongst the prisoners, but if you encountered who I think you did, it was Torvan, Vaf's right-hand man.

When he disappeared, our storehouse had been raided the previous night. Worse still, our supplies were critically low. While Vaf was salvaging what he could, he sent his flunky to forage for more.

As Reeve, it was my duty to assist. We lived hand-to-mouth then, every shortage a disaster. Vaf told us of an area he had been before that had yielded fantastic results.

But, we were ambushed. The Reavers came... swiftly, silently. I watched as they clubbed Torvan over the back of the head. I am... no warrior. Not like you. And I am sorry to say, I fled.

I ran and ran, and somewhere along the way I hit a branch or tripped on a rock, perhaps, I don't really remember. All I know is I didn't come to until many hours later, bleeding and cold.


Why didn't the Reavers take you, too?

Maelon Sol

I have no idea. Maybe they felt Torvan was easier prey. Maybe they saw me lying in the snow and presumed I would be dead too quickly, and of no use to them.

Either way, I must thank you for saving them. If my name is smeared, so be it. It is my failure as Reeve which saw Torvan captured in the first place.

Clear Phase 7

You're back. Again. What is it?


I spoke to a former friend of yours.


I heard Torvan lived. What's he saying now?


You sent him into the woods for supplies.


Yes. Would you have rather had us starve? Or perhaps, our lodgings should have crumbled around us as we did nothing?


While Torvan was out, he was captured.


Yes, that's what happens when you're ambushed by Reavers and fail to outrun them.


The ambush. Did you set it up?


Do I look like a Reaver to you, fool? No? Then, go! Get out of my face! I've suffered enough. I will not stand an outsider accusing me in the Holt.

Clear Phase 8

Oh, here for more rumors? Tall tales, perhaps?


There's a few about you, actually.


Then I... should like to know what they say. You'll tell me, won't you?


You sent people into the woods to be captured.


Excuse me? Who in the world told you that?


Torvan and the other prisoners of the Reavers.


That's absurd! The Reavers take people all the time, and I've certainly nothing to do with it. Besides, I was the one who told you Torvan was missing in the first place!


You had them go to the ambush spot. Specifically.


That doesn't mean I wanted anyone captured! I happened to see a location with some good supplies for the boys to bring back. What was I supposed to do?

This past year, we barely made it. Forget the Reavers. The wildlife, our food stores... we were running scarce. Scavenge runs kept us alive. I may have made a mistake, but I don't regret it.

Clear Quest
Warden Rust

From the look on your face, I'm guessing you didn't make much headway.

Perhaps we should review what you've learned. While you were away, I had an idea on how we might root out who's deceiving us.

I will admit... it's a bit of a stretch. Let me know when you want to hear it.

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