Seeking Hope

Seeking Hope
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 5397Resonance
535Memory Fragment
14Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
1000Reward Tower XP

Seeking Hope is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



Lord Halar has revealed that Avala is an Echo. However, as she was the first Echo Omen and he created, she does not have a stable connection to the world. Halar is desperate to find a way to anchor her permanently. He hopes that if you venture into the Undercroft and the Repository of Knowledge, you might be able to use the monk's research about Echoes to aid her.


Lord Halar has revealed that Avala is an Echo. However, as she was the first Echo Omen and he created, she does not have a stable connection to the world. Halar is desperate to find a way to anchor her permanently. He hopes that if you venture into the Undercroft and the Repository of Knowledge, you might be able to use the monk's research about Echoes to aid her.


Despite searching in the Undercroft and Repository of Knowledge, nothing could be found on how to stabilize Avala's Echo in Deepwood Holt. Lord Halar and Omen disagreed over the Wayfinder's involvement in searching for a stabilization method. However, after some convincing, it appears she will not impede further progress.



Clear Seeking Truth.

Start quest[edit]

Talk to Lord Halar in Skylight.


  1. Seeking Knowledge
  2. Seeking Truth
  3. Seeking Hope
  4. Seeking Closure



Start Quest
Lord Halar

I suppose you have returned for an explanation. Very well. You were instrumental in stabilizing Avala and I cannot begrudge that I owe you as much.

Avala is my granddaughter. She is, in fact, the only family I have left.


I'd gathered that.

Lord Halar

However, there is something about my dear Avie that most remain unaware of. Only Omen and myself, until now, knew the whole truth.

Avala is… an Echo.


I don't understand. She's not a Wayfinder, is she?

Lord Halar

No, she is not. Though, much like you, Avie had also…

Apologies. It shall be easier for me if we return to the science of the matter. Suffice to say, creating a Wayfinder was not an easy task. Omen and I toiled for months. Avala was our first attempt.


What do you mean?

Lord Halar

Omen could feel you, lost in the Gloom. We knew very little of Echoes in the days following the Fall. Yet, Omen was sure if one only had a strong enough will, they might yet be drawn from the void.

Yet the question remained. How might an Echo be drawn from the Gloom? And more importantly, how could they remain?

Avala always possessed a stronger will than most. That's even putting it lightly, perhaps! I petitioned Omen to select Avala as our first contender, and thankfully, she agreed.

We tried countless times to pull her from the brink. All unsuccessful. Though she could be drawn initially, we were missing some component allowing her to stay anchored to our reality.

Eventually, however, Omen and I found our answer. Soon after, we created the first Gloom Dagger. And Wayfinders were born.


But you said Avala isn't a Wayfinder.

Lord Halar

We used other arcane devices to tether her Echo to this world.


Why not create a Gloom Dagger for her?

Lord Halar

I pleaded my case, but in the end, such an avenue was not allowed. Gloom Daggers are created from a finite resource, and as Avala is a non-combatant... Omen was forced to decline.

That aside—I have not lost hope. Omen herself is an Echo. A creation of the First Scribe. And she needs no dagger to anchor her. The answer must lie within the First's research materials.

You must return to Aurelian. Begin with the Undercroft. Search for any documentation left behind related to the First's research into immortality. With any luck, we will find what we seek.

Then, I would like you to return to the Repository of Knowledge. It was her inner sanctum, after all. I expect she kept her darkest secrets there.


I never found anything before.

Lord Halar

Then you will need to journey deeper. The Gloom is not a monolith. It is a branching, moving, fragmenting mutation of reality. There are many layers within.


We could always ask Omen.

Lord Halar

I don't know how Omen is anchored, and I don't believe that she does either. The revelation that she was created by the First Scribe was a shock to all. Beyond that...

I must request, that in this matter, we do not involve our noble leader. Her views on what resources should be lent to stabilizing Avala… are quite different than mine.


Alright. I'll see what I can find.

Lord Halar

Thank you, Wayfinder. Truly.

Clear Phase 1

The few notes I've found don't seem helpful. But I'll take them to Lord Halar in Skylight to see if he can glean anything useful from these.

Clear Phase 2

My friend, I noticed you have been retreading paths into the Undercroft and the Repository. I have a feeling I know why. Come to me. It is time you, Lord Halar, and I put this matter to rest.

Clear Phase 3

My friend, I noticed you have been retreading paths into the Undercroft and the Repository. I have a feeling I know why. Come to me. It is time you, Lord Halar, and I put this matter to rest.

Clear Quest

I surmise you returned to Aurelian in search of my progenitor's research. That is in your nature. What I find uncharacteristic, however, is that you decided to keep this from me.

Lord Halar

Do not fault the Wayfinder. They've only done what I asked. You have made your thoughts on my granddaughter's condition known, and I did not wish to argue with you again.


The Precursor's sword is a scarce resource. It is our only way to create new Wayfinders, and what shards we possess are quickly dwindling. So, let me be very clear, Lord Halar...

A shard WILL NOT be used to create a device for young Avala. Hate me, if you must. But as leader of the Seekers, it is my duty to decide what is best for all of Skylight. For all of our people.

To lend a shard to her, when instead, a new Wayfinder could be created... would be an irresponsible decision. And spit in the face to those whom still call desperately for our aid.

We always knew that the method of Avala's creation was imperfect. We always knew that one day, her form in this world might fail, and that she might fade away.

Lord Halar

Do not lecture me on her creation, Omen! It is I who designed the process, and I am well aware of its faults. That does not mean I have to accept her fate. I refuse to watch her fade away.


It's just one piece. Surely we can spare that?


If it was only a manner of our finite resources, I might consider it. However, the shards of that sword are dangerously powerful.

Our knowledge of its interactions with Echoes is limited at present, but our research suggests that most individuals would be ripped apart by the sword's power. I believe Avala is among these.

My friend, which of Avala's Echoes was experiencing these issues? Or was it all of them?


What do you mean, “which”?


As I thought. Lord Halar has yet to divulge the entire story. There are several Echoes of Avala. It was an arduous process, and it took many attempts... Sadly, we lost some along the way.

Lord Halar

I never wanted any of them to suffer… All the same, I refuse to abandon any of those which remain.


I know, Lord Halar, I know.

Lord Halar

Then you will let me speak! She is my granddaughter, and a proud Seeker who placed herself in danger for the sake of our survival. She will have our aid. I will not compromise on this.

I know there is another way to stabilize her. Your existence, Omen, is proof of that. We must simply find it!

You possess no Gloom Dagger. Yet you remain in our world via powers unknown to me. It seems, in my view, the First Scribe devised a method of which we are still unaware.


You are… not wrong, old friend.

So be it. Lord Halar, Wayfinder. I will not stop you from continuing your endeavors. I will only remind you of this…

We have bigger problems than saving one of many echoes. Threats which grow by the day. Worse still, we have precious few resources to spare, and Wayfinders are our most precious of all.

The First may hold the answers you seek. But she is cunning. Dangerous. If you are not careful, she may also hold our doom. Think on that. Both of you. Then, do whatever you wish.

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