Find the Liar: Vaf

Find the Liar: Vaf
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 3875Resonance
385Memory Fragment
10Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
1000Reward Tower XP

Find the Liar: Vaf is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



In order to track down who is responsible for the incident in the hidden cave, Rust suggested talking to the three who stayed behind. You should speak to Vaf, a foreman, to acquire information that can help.


A pile of human bones in a hidden cave had a tortured spirit trying to "find the liar." Talk to the residents of Deepwood Holt and figure out who this is before he makes another skeleton.


Vaf suggested investigating a strange totem in the Shrouded Woods, but it was not tied to the liar or the strange cave. Unfortunately, his information didn't bring us much closer to figuring out the truth behind the cave incident.



Clear Find the Liar.

Start quest[edit]



  1. Find the Liar
  2. Find the Liar: Fovur
  3. Find the Liar: Vaf
  4. Find the Liar: Maelon Sol
  5. Elusive Truths
  6. Dark Truths



Clear Phase 1

Ah, another of your ilk. Come to trounce through our ruined village?


Are you Vaf?


I am, though there's days I wish I weren't. I'm also busy at the moment. You here on actual business? The Warden authorize you for something? The Reeve?


I need to know if you've seen anything strange.


Strange? Ha! The woods here are nothing but. We've bloodthirsty shadows, ley lines beneath the earth, and that witch woman who lingers. It'd be strange if I hadn't seen anything strange, no?


So, nothing out of the ordinary? For here, anyway?


I did hear an odd tale from Fovur. Supposedly, there's an old power in the woods. A wooden totem. One of those old Woodwen structures, or maybe the Stonegren. Can never tell 'em apart.

As the story goes, it does weird things to animals. Fovur spotted a deer licking some moss off the thing, and when he put a broadhead into the deer's hide, that arrow bounced off like it was rubber.

Reavers gather around that totem at times. In the early days after the Fall, we had whole patrols go missing near those sites. You want something suspicious, look there.

Clear Phase 2

That totem seemed to empower the Reavers, but I'll need more to draw a connection between this and the cave. I should go and talk to Vaf again.

Clear Quest

What is it this time, Wayfinder? I've got fortifications to repair.


I destroyed that totem in the woods.


And? I don't hand out medals. You want the Reeve for that.


By the way, has anyone been reported missing?


Hmph. We've certainly had enough go missing in Reaver raids. You looking for a head count?


Anyone recently? Besides raids, I mean.


Like I said, lots of strange stuff happens here. Besides, isn't knowing that kind of thing your job?

Now, do you actually need anything, or can I get back to these damned repairs? I've got a lot of stone to cut.

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