Seeking Truth

Seeking Truth
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 5397Resonance
535Memory Fragment
14Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
1000Reward Tower XP

Seeking Truth is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



Seeker Avala has collapsed and needs help from Lord Halar in Skylight. Hopefully he can help cure whatever ails her.


Seeker Avala continued to flicker in and out of reality before collapsing. She has pleaded you to find Lord Halar in Skylight in hopes that he would be able to help her.


Seeker Avala was plagued by some strange ailment which seemed to be tearing her from reality itself. With Lord Halar's aid, you were able to stabilize her, though the interactions between he and Omen have been strange. He has promised to explain the full story once you have time.



Clear Seeking Knowledge.

Start quest[edit]

Talk to Seeker Avala in Deepwood Holt.


  1. Seeking Knowledge
  2. Seeking Truth
  3. Seeking Hope
  4. Seeking Closure


  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
    • Craft the Stabilization Cuff at the Echo Matrix
    • Craft the Anchoring Agent at the Echo Matrix
    • Craft the Infrangible Clasp at the Echo Matrix
  • Phase 3
    • Give Lord Halar the Parts of the Stabilization Device
  • Phase 4
  • Phase 5
    • Return to Lord Halar in Skylight
  • Phase 6
  • Phase 7
    • Return to Lord Halar in Skylight


Start Quest
Seeker Avala

You've returned! Wonderful. I apologize for any distress I may have caused before, but I assure you, I am feeling just fine. As for analysis of th-th—ant life in the Fr—march…


I think you're getting worse.

Seeker Avala

Oh, Wayfinder! Do mind the nearby snow. I am in the process of testing a deadly yet entirely invisible chemical on the environment here. I'd hate for you to lose your boots! Or your feet.


Avala, you already said that earlier.

Seeker Avala

Earlier? Wha-wh-ever do you m-m—? You need t-to en—th—Hollow He—and best the Reaver King b-be-bef—



Seeker Avala

Wh-what... where… I?... I…

Th-Th—p-p-ain-ul. P-Pl—se… AHHH!



Seeker Avala

W-W-Way-der… S-Sk-ght… Grandf-f-ather will help… please hurry.

Clear Phase 1
Lord Halar

One moment. I have nearly finished charging this receptacle with the proper arcanic infusions. Hmph, ah! There we are! Now, what can I do for you?


It's Seeker Avala. She needs your help

Lord Halar

Avala? Oh, dear. What… what has happened?


I'm not sure. She's... flickering. Like a remnant.

Lord Halar

Spatial distortion? No, that… Which—ah—where is Avala currently posted? Quickly, please.


She was doing research in Deepwood Holt.

Lord Halar

In Deepwood? No. No! I was certain I had more time. I ran the calculations hundreds of—


Forgive me Lord Halar, but Avala collapsed.

Lord Halar

She collasped?!


What should we do?

Lord Halar

A remedy must be found. And quickly. I hoped the stabilization process would allow me more time to develop a permanent solution, but it appears I was mistaken. And so we must act in haste.

My observations from the Highlands indicated she was doing well. Is this a unique reaction…? Or will more soon come?


Lord Halar?

Lord Halar

I can help her, but I shall need your aid to gather the proper materials. You will need to return to Aurelian. There, lost in the Gloom, are materials I require to fashion a stabilization catalyst.

Here are a list of materials you will need to craft the myriad parts of the device. Inform me as soon as you have fashioned them and we shall complete the instrument needed to stabilize Avala.

Quickly! Please. Time… Time is of the essence.

Clear Phase 3
Lord Halar

Well done, my friend. Well done. Give me a moment to complete the installation.

Lord Halar

There we are. The device should be functioning now…

A thousand curses! It appears we're still missing something. You must to speak with Omen. Ask her for a Celestial Gem. With that in hand, I should be able to complete the device.


I'll be right back.

Clear Phase 4

You seem a touch disquieted, my friend. What has happened?


I need a Celestial Gem.


A Celestial Gem, you say? And was it Lord Halar whom asked for this?


Yes. Avala is unwell. It's urgent.


I see.

Our cache is filled for the moment and thus I have resources to spare in this regard. I will give you a Celestial Gem. But, first..




When you deliver this to Lord Halar, tell him to report to me as soon as he has a free moment. He knows that… this was always an eventuality. As cruel as that may seem.


What do you mean, Omen?


It is not my place to say more.


Very well. I'll do as you say.

Clear Phase 5
Lord Halar

Has Omen given you the gem?


Yes, here it is.

Lord Halar

Good, good. I should be able to complete the device with this. Hold on a bit longer, Avie.


Lord Halar?

Lord Halar

I need to focus on this. Kindly wait a moment.


Omen wants you to check in with her.

Lord Halar



When you have a moment, that is.

Lord Halar

I haven't the time for her lecturing! Avala's existence may very well be unraveling and stabilizing her is our utmost priority. Do you understand?


Yes, of course.

Lord Halar

Damn these old hands. Hrmph. Finally. Here, take this Stabilization Bracelet to Avala. Fast as you can now! Once she is stable, we shall speak further. Please, just… just hurry.

Clear Phase 6

Quickly. Put this on!

Seeker Avala

Wh-wh—t—urious device…


Can you stand?

Seeker Avala

Y-Yes, thank you. It seems… the pain has subsided. If you hadn't been here when I collapsed, I don't know what I would have done.


You should take it easy.

Seeker Avala

That would be the practical path, yes. Yet my experience, while torturous, was also fascinating. As if I was being torn between physical and etheric existence.

This is… something much grander than gloomtouched flowers, I surmise. And this time, quite personal. Tell me—what did my grandfather make of the incident?


Not much. He was concerned about your wellbeing.

Seeker Avala

Of course… Well, I shall take a moment to rest. But I must record my recollections of the experience while they are still fresh! Perhaps I will find an answer within.

If you are venturing back to Skylight, please confer with him for me. If he fashioned my cure, he must have some inkling as to what was plaguing me. I would surely like his insight.

Alas and alack, incidents like this are one of the risks of field research. Oh, the myriad of compounds I've been exposed to! Anyway, thank you again, Wayfinder. I owe you… a great debt.

Clear Quest
Lord Halar

Excellent. I was but moments away from contacting you through your dagger. How is my dear girl? Is Avala stable?


It seems to have stopped. And she's in less pain.

Lord Halar

My colleagues from the Imperium have always been quick to thank the Architects in times such as these. I, instead, have always placed my faith in the arcanic sciences.

But it would be untruthful of me to deny… as I waited for your return, I found myself pleading for their light for the first time in many years.

I cannot know whether some vestige of their power aided me today. All I can do is thank you. And acknowledge the blessing that you are.


What is going on, Lord Halar?

Lord Halar

Yes, of course. You are deserved answers, and I have not upheld the decorum befitting of a man of my station. For that, I apologize. In truth, it is… a long story, my friend.

The strife of our world waits for no one. As a Wayfinder, you are needed for more than this. Markedly. When you are ready, however, return. I shall explain it all then.

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