The Deathless

The Deathless
Category Quests
Type Main Story
Rewards 5690Resonance
3Red Gloomstone
565Memory Fragment
4Large Wayfinder Resonance Cache
Wayward Dream
Happiest Sky
File:Reaver Kingslayer.pngReaver Kingslayer
5000Reward Tower XP
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Roots of Evil Epilogue

The Deathless is a main quest in Wayfinder.



After many trials, you're ready to challenge the Reaver King. To protect Skylight and the world, you must defeat him.


Many trials and tribulations have led to this moment. Aturach the Deathless, the Reaver King, is the greatest threat you have ever faced. To protect Skylight, to protect all of Evenor, you must defeat him.


The Reaver King has been defeated, and Skylight's Beacon is safe once more. You've gained a third imbuement slot and your power of the Gloom continues to grow. But the question lingers—who corrupted the Hollow Heart? Who created the Reaver King? And what will they do next?



Clear Roots of Evil.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.




Start Quest

The Reaver King cloaks his fear with arrogance. But fear he should. You've made his familiar mortal. You've challenged him in accordance with the old laws, the laws of the Heart itself.

You found the source of his corruption and made its power your own. You found the roots that gave him strength and ripped them from the soil. He is vulnerable. One final stroke is all that remains.

Still... Even without the power of the Heart, Aturach is a deadly foe. Especially with Marrow at his side. Be careful.

I take no joy in what lies ahead. Once Aturach was a great champion of my people. He maintained the balance of the wild and honored the old ways. But the world we knew is no more.

Put an end to this all and kill the King Who Cannot Die.


I'll do what must be done.


I know. May the Ancients guide you... Wayfinder.

Clear Phase 1
Aturach, The Reaver King

Face me, if you dare. I will gut you and parade your corpse through your city's streets. I will wrest the light from your Beacon. And I will undo all that you have done.

Clear Phase 2

I don't know what you've done, but the Beacon is restored. The Reaver presence—it's gone!

Clear Phase 3

I don't know what you've done, but the Beacon is restored. The Reaver presence—it's gone!

Clear Quest

I wish I could take more joy in this moment. But I feel only rage. We may contain the threat posed by this Hollow Heart, but we can never undo the damage that has been done.

My people tended the Heart for countless generations. Now I am the last of the Woodwen, and the Heart has been corrupted—wounding the primal spirit of nature itself.

I will know who defiled the Heart of the Woods, and I will hunt them down. I will feast on their screams. I will consume their essence, leaving just such a sliver that their suffering never ends.

This is my sole purpose now. Anyone who had a hand in this will face my fury. Do not come to me with the petty problems of your people, for I am bound to vengeance.


We could still work together.


No. This is the end of the road we travel together. Do not come between me and my prey, and pray that you and your kind aren't responsible for this tragedy, for I will show no mercy if you are.




Let her go, my friend.

You saved us all. The Beacon was nearly drained. If the light had been lost... I could feel the Gloom surging, ready to consume Skylight. We could have lost everything.

The link to the Balefire is stable and secure. We can begin recovering vital supplies from the Frostmarch. And we can look for the next Balefire—we can continue to restore our world.

The Hollow Heart will linger, and we'll have to be sure we deal with the surviving Reavers and its Hollows. But this is a great victory, and Skylight is in your debt.


But who was responsible? Who corrupted the Heart?


Who led the attack on Skylight? Who taught the First Scribe to manipulate the Gloom? It can only be the Precursors. We must learn more. But for tonight, come back to Skylight and let us celebrate.

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