Roots of Evil

Roots of Evil
Category Quests
Type Main Story
Rewards 5545Resonance
2Red Gloomstone
550Memory Fragment
23Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
Windmother's Fang
Twin Beacon
File:Mutator Master.pngMutator Master
2000Reward Tower XP
Reaver King Gloomtrace Fragment
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Wormwood (quest) The Deathless

Roots of Evil is a main quest in Wayfinder.



You've absorbed Wormwood's Essence with the help of Graymourn. Now you must find the roots of the Hollow Heart and destroy them.


You've absorbed Wormwood's Essence and enhanced your ability to shape the Gloom. Now you must find the roots of the Hollow Heart and destroy them. Only then can you destroy the Reaver King and end the threat of the Hollow Heart.


Strengthened by the essence of Wormwood, you were able to find and destroy its roots in the Gloom. The Reaver King claims you're still too weak to defeat him. It's time to prove him wrong.



Clear Wormwood.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.




Start Quest

The Reaver King and Wormwood—both are vessels of the Hollow Heart. Aturach is consuming the light of your Beacon. Wormwood was grown to seize the Gloom, to feed on Chaos and Shadow.

You see these forces in opposition. The Beacon imposes one vision of reality. The Gloom shows many possibilities. If the Heart controls them both, there will be endless horrors.


I destroyed Wormwood.


Not quickly enough. You severed the trunk, but the roots have burrowed deep throughout the Gloom. And they spread still, carrying the vile power of the Hollow Heart.


How do we stop it?


The roots are spreading to domains deep within the Gloom. Levels of reality you cannot touch. At least, not as you are now. To reach the roots…


What would I have to do?


Wormwood was made to shape the Gloom and infiltrate its deepest layers. The sliver of Wormwood that you've brought me… it still holds that power.

You are a tapestry, little Echo, formed of many threads. I could weave Wormwood's power into you, just as I did with Kolaar the Beastmaster.


You want to make Wormwood a part of me?


With Wormwood's essence bound to your spirit, you could find the roots deep in the foundations and destroy them. You could kill Aturach and end the threat of the Hollow Heart.


Isn't this the power that corrupted the king?


Yes, it is. And it will seek to twist you with its hunger, with its hate. But you've stolen the echoes of many fallen foes and made them a part of you… Have you been corrupted yet?


I should ask Omen…


You know what she will say. She's seen the corruption of her creator and fears she will fall to that same darkness. Will you be governed by her fear? Or will you trust your strength?

Look at all you've done. You walk in Gloom-lost shadows. You've forged weapons from dreams. You wield the strength of your fallen foes. You were made for this, little Echo.

Aturach, The Reaver King

How... unexpected. Can you feel what I feel? Can you feel the hunger of the Heart? Can you see the cage of light—the ancients bound above and below?

Don't you seek to change the world... Wayfinder? Let the Heart be your guide. Surrender to its power. Let this world fall into the primal chaos it was always meant to be!

Control? Yes. Control the chaos. Rule it. Shape the world in your image. This is just a taste of the power you could wield. When you are ready for more... we will be waiting.


No! I won't—


There! It is done. Your control over the void has grown. You should sense a third imbuement slot in your Gloom Dagger. Now, you can reach the roots in the deepest layers of the Gloom.

Seek them out and destroy them. Then, we will bring our vengeance to the King, and end the threat of the Hollow Heart. Are you ready for battle?

Start Quest
Aturach, The Reaver King

Don't you feel the hunger? Let go of what you were. Surrender to the Hollow Heart.

Clear Phase 1
Aturach, The Reaver King

Cease your struggle. Let this suffering world die. Allow the Chaos to claim it.

Clear Phase 2
Aturach, The Reaver King

Your struggle is meaningless. You cannot stop us! We've come too far.

Clear Phase 3
Aturach, The Reaver King

This cannot be. This cannot be!

Clear Phase 4
Aturach, The Reaver King

Oh, Wayfinder. Do you truly think what you accomplished here has mattered? You may have held our beautiful chaos at bay, but you have only bought a sliver of time.

You have cut our roots, but once we claim your Beacon, we will spread those roots anew. We will kill your last Architects and their treacherous servants. We will tear down their foundation.

If you would stop us, then come! Face us. I would water our roots with your blood.

Clear Quest

Still alive! Astonishing. I was certain Wormwood's power would destroy you. Yet, here you are... triumphant.


You thought the power would kill me?


I knew you'd lay down your life to serve the greater good... and I thought you'd have to. But you surprise me. You've severed Wormwood's roots. You've weakened and isolated the Hollow Heart.


I thought this would stop the Heart?


It cannot be destroyed or stopped forever. You must be ever watchful for its roots and its spawn. But you've shattered its power for the moment, and now it is time to defeat its final servant.

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