Find the Liar: Fovur

Find the Liar: Fovur
Category Quests
Type Side Story
Repeatable False
Rewards 3875Resonance
385Memory Fragment
10Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
1000Reward Tower XP

Find the Liar: Fovur is a side story quest in Wayfinder.



In order to track down who is behind the murder site left in the hidden cave, Rust suggested talking to three people who stayed behind. Fovur, a weaponsmith, is one. Hopefully he'll have information that can help track down the murderer.


In order to track down who is behind the murder site left in the hidden cave, Rust suggested talking to three people who stayed behind. You should speak to Fovur, a weaponsmith, to acquire information that can help.


Fovur suggested looking for a strange crown in the Shrouded Woods, but it was not tied to the liar or the strange cave. Unfortunately, his information didn't bring any of the truth to light, but he is going to give you a list of people who have disappeared recently.



Clear Find the Liar.

Start quest[edit]



  1. Find the Liar
  2. Find the Liar: Fovur
  3. Find the Liar: Vaf
  4. Find the Liar: Maelon Sol
  5. Elusive Truths
  6. Dark Truths



Clear Phase 1

Hello, stranger. Or should I say, Seeker? You look like a soldier—but fancier than Rust.


Call me Wayfinder.


Oh, I—good to meet you, Wayfinder. Do you need any arms or armor?


I'm curious why you stayed in the Holt?


My family's been here for generations. Reavers or not, I'm not leaving this place. If I abandon it now… everything my family built will have been for naught.


The Reavers and Winterspawn don't worry you?


‘Course they do. My brother barely escaped them alive. His children didn't. Story goes, he found a crown in a clearing. All shiny, alluring. So he picks it up, sees if it fits.

That's when he hears the horn. The Reavers. A hunting party. We all know to run when we hear it. The sound gives me… night terrors still.

The second he put that crown on, he said, it was like there was… something with him. Anyway, he tossed it while fleeing from the Reavers. Said they dove after it, actually.


The Reavers all dove after that crown?


It sounds bizarre, but who's to say it didn't happen? Even before the Gloomfall, those Woodwen and that witch, they messed with strange magics.

If you're keen on proof, you go to the Shrouded Woods. See if you come back without a story to tell.

Clear Phase 2

That crown, it's almost as if it whispered to me. But… that didn't give me any information about the cave. I better go talk to Fovur again.

Clear Quest

Oh, you're back again. Did you just come back to chat?


Something else. Has anyone gone missing recently?


Always, but it's been better. The Reavers haven't come into the Holt as often the past few months. I could make a list for you, if that's something you're wanting.


See that you do.


Anything to help. Believe it or not, we know each and every person who's gone in and out of the Holt. It's safer when someone keeps track. The gossip I hear, that's just a bonus.

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