Modest Sash

Modest Sash
Rare Accessory
Affinity Statistics
N/A N/A Resilience
Set Bonus
Solstice Vessel
  • 2 pieces: +5% Total Break Power, Attack Power
  • 3 pieces: +10% Total Break Power, Attack Power
The witch-queen Akisheba's rival, the great arcanist Suleran, professed his love for her at Eventide, though she did not believe him. In her letters, she demanded he present himself at her palace wearing nothing but a sash she sent him. He did so, but he had enchanted the sash so that it covered his body wherever she looked. Amused at his trick, she gave the sash to her courtier Laira, who was later lost in the wild frontier and greatly mourned.
— In-Game Description

Modest Sash is an accessory that boosts Resilience. It is a part of the Solstice Vessel set.


Drops from Abominus found only within Eventide Vale Expedition during Eventide.

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