Shimmering Ashes

Shimmering Ashes
Rare Accessory
Affinity Statistics
Ability Power Weapon Power Phys Defense
Set Bonus
Wondrous Chaos
  • 2 pieces: +5% Total Magical Defense, Physical Defense
  • 3 pieces: +10% Total Magical Defense, Physical Defense
The ashes in this pouch continually shift in shade and scent. These are the raw embers of chaos, sifted from the Gloom, and their energy flows through you.
— In-Game Description

Shimmering Ashes is an accessory that boosts Ability Power, Weapon Power, and Phys Defense. It is a part of the Wondrous Chaos set.

Acquisition and Crafting[edit]

Crafting Requirements
Material Amount
Unstable Spectra 12
Silver Spectra 24
Halcyon Orb 1
Trickster's Coin 1
Gold 2750
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