
Gloomstones are resources used to improve Wayfinder and Weapon Affinity, as well as tempering weapons. Gloomstones can be found throughout Lost Zones, but can also be crafted at an Echo Matrix with Gloomstone Shards.

Gloomstone Types[edit]

The location of the Lost Zone determines the color of rewarded Gloomstones, with later zones giving more powerful Gloomstones in greater quantities.

Grey Gloomstone

Blue Gloomstone

Red Gloomstone

Black Gloomstone
  • Mythic Hunts (not implement yet...) [1]

Black Gloomstone Note: whilst possible to drop elsewhere, it may of been patched out & there will be some form of "liquidation" event for any existing stones.[2]

Crafting and Reducing[edit]

Gloomstones can be created with Gloomstone Shards, and can also be reverted back into shards at an Echo Matrix. Reducing a Gloomstone will return half the shards needed to craft one.

Gloomstone Craft Reduce
Grey Gloomstone 20 10
Blue Gloomstone 40 20
Red Gloomstone 80 40
Black Gloomstone 160 80

Affinity Upgrading[edit]


Upgrading one Affinity from 0 to 15 will require a total of 30Grey Gloomstone, 34Blue Gloomstone, 3Red Gloomstone, and Gold 26250.

Level Gloomstones Gold
1 None None
2 2Grey Gloomstone Gold 250
3 4Grey Gloomstone Gold 500
4 6Grey Gloomstone Gold 750
5 8Grey Gloomstone Gold 1000
6 10Grey Gloomstone Gold 1250
7 1Blue Gloomstone Gold 1500
8 2Blue Gloomstone Gold 1750
9 3Blue Gloomstone Gold 2000
10 4Blue Gloomstone Gold 2250
11 6Blue Gloomstone Gold 2500
12 8Blue Gloomstone Gold 2750
13 10Blue Gloomstone Gold 3000
14 1Red Gloomstone Gold 3250
15 2Red Gloomstone Gold 3500


Upgrading one Affinity from 0 to 10 will require a total of 30Grey Gloomstone, 30Blue Gloomstone, and Gold 27500. Upgrading all three Affinities from 0 to 10 will require 90Grey Gloomstone, 90Blue Gloomstone, and Gold 82500.

Level Gloomstones Gold
1 2Grey Gloomstone Gold 500
2 4Grey Gloomstone Gold 1000
3 6Grey Gloomstone Gold 1500
4 8Grey Gloomstone Gold 2000
5 10Grey Gloomstone Gold 2500
6 2Blue Gloomstone Gold 3000
7 4Blue Gloomstone Gold 3500
8 6Blue Gloomstone Gold 4000
9 8Blue Gloomstone Gold 4500
10 10Blue Gloomstone Gold 5000

Weapon Tempering[edit]


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