Marksman Ranged

Marksman Ranged is a class of weapon, a ranged weapon class. Marksman weapons are guns that attack from a distance, with the optimal range differing based on the subclass. A basic attack fires the gun once, and the attack button can be held to continuously fire the gun as fast as its fire rate allows. Heavy attacks will perform a melee rifle butt strike, dealing minor damage but significant Break damage. Holding the secondary attack button has the user aim down sights (ADS) for improved accuracy, at the cost of slower movement speed. When aiming, the reticle will notify if the target is within the optimal range of damage.
Marskman weapons fire ammunition from magazines, with the ammo count visible around the crosshair, and must reload when emptied; attempting to fire an empty gun will automatically trigger a reload. These weapons feature an active reload mechanic: while reloading, a timing minigame appears on screen, and properly timing the reload button inside the correct window triggers a Perfect Reload, instantly reloading the weapon and triggering a buff related to the weapon subclass. The Perfect Reload buff duration is inversely related to the amount of ammo reloaded - the less ammo in the magazine, the longer the buff duration; reloading from empty results in a max buff duration of five seconds. Failing the active reload forces the full reload duration, and no reload buff will be given.

The Marksman's weapon mechanic is Eagle Eye. Shooting an enemy builds the Eagle Eye meter, visible as a yellow bar next to the reticle, and when maxed out, a weakspot will appear on an enemy on the next shot, signified by an audible bird's cry. Shooting the weakspot deals bonus damage and grants a charge of Locked and Loaded, allowing a use of the weapon ability; up to three Locked and Loaded charges may be stored at a time. The Eagle Eye meter resets after scoring a weakspot hit.

There are four sub-classes of Marksman weapons: Rifles, Burst Rifles, Shotguns, and Runecannons.
Rifle - Semi-automatic single-shot longarms, firing single shots at a moderate pace. Rifles are the all-rounder option with a healthy balance of power, fire rate, and distance, useful in a variety of situations and specializing in long-range encounters. The rifle's Perfect Reload buff is +35% fire rate. Rifles have light armor penetration, ignoring 25% of the damage reduction of armored enemies.
Burst Rifle - Longarms that fire a 3-round burst with each trigger pull/firing interval. Excelling at mid-range skirmishes (since they lack the Rifle's perfect accuracy), burst rifles have the largest magazine size and highest rate of fire of the guns. The burst rifle's Perfect Reload buff is +50% Crit Power. Like rifles, burst rifles have light armor penetration, ignoring 25% damage reduction of armored enemies.
Shotgun - Fire shredding swarms of projectiles with each trigger pull/firing interval. Preferring close-quarters brawls, shotguns deal the highest Break Damage of the guns, to make up for their limited range and ammo capacity. The shotgun's Perfect Reload buff is +50% Break Power.
Runecannon - Fires a single powerful shot with each each trigger pull/firing interval. Purpose-built for extreme-range marksmanship, runecannons are slow and powerful, with the slowest fire rate and comparatively small ammo capacity to make up for having the longest range and highest raw damage of the guns. Runecannon shots pierce their target and can hit multiple enemies in a row. The runecannon's Perfect Reload buff is +50% Weapon Power. Runecannons also feature heavy armor penetration, ignoring 50% of damage reduction from armored enemies.
Weapon | Ability | Ability Description |
![]() Ransom |
![]() Scattershot |
Fires multiple projectiles in a blast, while evading backwards. Consumes 1 Locked and Loaded charge. |
![]() Longshot |
![]() Deadeye |
Spawns Deadeye Weakpoints on enemies in range. Shooting a Weakpoint deals additional damage and is guaranteed to crit. Consumes 1 Locked and Loaded charge. |
Burst Rifle[edit]
Weapon | Ability | Ability Description |
![]() Voidbinder |
![]() Abyssal Anchor |
Consume 1 Locked and Loaded charge to fire off a powerful soul spear that pierces through enemies and attaches a faint shadow tether to all enemies hit. Subsequent shots will damage all tethered enemies. Striking a single target with additional Abyssal Anchor's will deal bonus damage. |
![]() Nightshade |
![]() Wyvern's Fury |
Reloads the gun with an empowered clip. During this clip, the weapon is fully automatic and every bullet is infused to apply a stack of Poison on hit. Poison is a small DoT that stacks up to 20 times and deals damage over 6 seconds. |
![]() Last Ditch |
![]() Shadowy Flight |
Consume 1 Locked and Loaded charge to fire a shadowy blast, damaging nearby enemies and throwing the player backwards. |
Weapon | Ability | Ability Description |
![]() Tempest |
![]() Bullet Storm |
Consumes all Locked and Loaded charges and fires 2 rapid blasts per charge. |
![]() Hellswarm |
![]() Volcano |
Fires a mortar blast into the sky which rains down fireballs in an area around the player over time. |
![]() Covetous |
![]() Golden Touch |
Fires a cursed coin, afflicting one target with the Mark of Greed. After 10 seconds, the marked target (and any nearby enemies) will be savagely attacked by a Deceiver. Attacking the marked target with Covetous accelerates this process. |
Weapon | Ability | Ability Description |
![]() Arcstorm |
![]() Arcbeam |
Fires a piercing beam in a line dealing high damage and ignoring defenses. Consumes 1 Locked and Loaded charge. |
![]() Requiem |
File:Eye of Judgement.png Eye of Judgement |
Fire a spectral chain that wraps around the target, locking down their movement. Whenever a nearby enemy is chained, the Eye of Judgement will appear and attack. If no chained targets are nearby, the Eye will fade away after a few seconds. |
![]() Vesper-III |
![]() Null Zone |
Places a Null Zone in front of you, blocking projectiles and damaging enemies within the field. Size and damage increase with Lock and Load charges. |
![]() Duskbringer |
![]() Vortex |
Fires a slow moving vortex that builds in size as it travels and deals damage over time to anything inside of it. |
At certain Wayfinder Ranks (10, 20 and 30), a Wayfinder will be granted higher tiers of a passive Weapon Mastery. The Weapon Mastery bonuses will vary based on the Wayfinder's Archetype.
Archetype | Mastery | Description |
![]() |
Marksman Brawler | Improves Damage and Break Damage of all Rifle Attacks by (5/7.5/10)% to enemies within close range. |
![]() |
Magic Chamber | Rifle Standard shots deal bonus Ability Damage based on how empty the clip is, up to (30/45/60)% of Ability Power. |
![]() |
Critical Reload | On a Hotspot reload grants up to (8/12/16)% Crit Chance, based on the amount of shots reloaded, for 10 seconds. |