Greater Broodcrystal Ichor

Greater Broodcrystal Ichor
Type Potion
Increases Physical and Magical Defense by 35%, up to a Max of 2250 and satiates the user, increasing all xp gains by 3%. Lasts 30 minutes.
— In-Game Description

Greater Broodcrystal Ichor is a potion that temporarily boosts Phys and Mag Defense by 35%, up to +2250. A minimum Phys and Mag Defense of 6429 is needed to reach the maximum effect. The potion will also grant the Satiated buff. Both effects will last 30 minutes.


May be obtained randomly as a drop from enemies or chests. Once the recipe has been found, it can be crafted by Venge with the following materials:

Crafting Requirements
Material Amount
Deepwood Spectra 12
Verdant Spectra 6
Glimmering Veridian Spectra 4
Gold 125
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