
Single Imbuements[edit]

Gloomtouched (Shadow)[edit]

Enemies are Gloomtouched, causing them to double in size at half health, increasing their damage. Shortly after their death, a small explosion will occur.

Toxic (Flora)[edit]

Enemies are venomous, inflicting a 9-second Toxic Poison debuff. Toxic mushrooms grow throughout the area, surrounded by a patch of toxic slime. Touching the slime causes continuous poison damage while in contact. The mushrooms can be destroyed by damaging them, removing the slime and occasionally rewarding Veridian Spectra.

Heatwave (Solar)[edit]

Enemies are imbued with burning properties, inflicting a 9-second Solar Ignition burn. Periodically, a Heatwave will occur; tinging the air orange. During the Heatwave, enemies will be engulfed in flames and have increased strength.

Trickster (Chaos)[edit]

At random intervals, 1 - 3 Trickster Chests will spawn around players, which will detonate after a delay. These explosions will damage both players and enemies. Opening chests will also spawn 2 - 3 smaller Trickster Chests that explode in a smaller radius. Enemies may drop fake items, indicated by red markings instead of blue. The fake items will explode shortly after they have been touched, or on their own after some time.

Greed (Greed)[edit]

Piles of gold are scattered throughout the area, and can be picked up for a small amount of Gold. However, each pile adds one stack of Greedy, increasing all damage taken. A Gold Mite may spawn after each pick-up. Breaking Spectra outcrops rewards some Gold.

Everfrost (Everfrost Bombs)[edit]

At random intervals, 1 - 3 red presents will spawn around players, which explode in a small radius after a short delay, similar to the Trickster Chests from the Chaos Imbuement. The explosions will damage players and apply one stack of Greed, increasing all damage taken.

On occasion, a blue present may appear instead, either by itself or alongside the red presents. Blue presents have a much larger explosion radius and a longer delay, but will instead apply the Gift of Eventide buff, greatly increasing movement speed and attack power for 25 seconds. In addition, blue presents will leave behind a small pile of gold or a Winterspawn Baby.

Dual Imbuements[edit]

Gloomshroud (Shadow/Shadow)[edit]

Enemies are Gloomtouched, and newly-spawned enemies may be accompanied by a Tiding. Throughout the zone are spheres of Gloom, severely limiting visibility and occasionally spawning Wretches. These areas can be dispersed by destroying the Gloom vegetation within. Larger spheres of Gloom will also appear, surrounding an unlit shrine. Interacting with the shrine will cause the sphere to shrink as long as a player remains within the sphere. During this time, Gloom enemies will spawn in three waves: Wretches, Heralds, then an Emissary. Completely cleansing the sphere and relighting the shrine will reward a sum of Gold.

Corpsebloom (Shadow/Flora)[edit]

Enemies are Gloomtouched, and are infected with Flora energy. On death, they spawn a toxic orb that slowly floats in the direction of players, dealing damage on contact. If the orb contacts with terrain, a toxic mushroom will grow in its place.

Black Flame (Shadow/Solar)[edit]

Enemies are Gloomtouched, and have a chance to inflict Solar Ignition. On death, enemies will explode into flame, damaging both players and enemies. The explosion will leave behind a permanent patch of fire, dealing light damage while in contact.

Shadowspawn (Shadow/Chaos)[edit]

Enemies are Gloomtouched. On death, after the Gloom explosion, an explosive Trickster Chest or a Gloom enemy will spawn. The type of Gloom enemy is determined by the strength of the defeated enemy. Weaker enemies will spawn Tidings or Wretches, while stronger enemies will spawn Heralds.

Golden Cache (Shadow/Greed)[edit]

Enemies are Gloomtouched. Throughout the area are indestructible gold mounds reinforced with Gloom crystals. These crystals can only be destroyed by the death explosion of Gloomtouched enemies, which will release the gold within.

Overgrowth (Flora/Flora)[edit]

As with the single imbuement, toxic mushrooms grow throughout the area. Along with damaging players, the toxic slime will also slowly heal enemies standing within it. On death, enemies will leave behind a small, permanent toxic pool which has the same damage/healing properties as the mushroom slime. However, the toxic pools will gradually increase in size as long as a player is within it. The size limit of the pools is very large, but not limitless.

Eruption (Flora/Solar)[edit]

Enemies are imbued with burning properties, inflicting Solar Ignition. At random intervals, pillars of toxic gas will erupt from the ground, dealing poison damage and applying Toxic Poison. The Heatwave effect will occur throughout, empowering enemies.

Chaos Spores (Flora/Chaos)[edit]

On death, enemies will drop large pink spores that grow into large mushrooms. After a delay, the mushrooms explode, damaging nearby players and inflicting Toxic Poison and Chaotic Spores, which prevents movement for 6 seconds. Jumping, rolling, dash attacks, and movement abilities are unaffected.

Gold Blooms (Flora/Greed)[edit]

Enemies are venomous, inflicting Toxic Poison. The piles of gold throughout the zone each surround a poisonous plant that creates toxic slime. Picking up the gold pile will remove the plant and slime, but will add one stack of Greedy and will occasionally spawn a Gold Mite.

Solar Flare (Solar/Solar)[edit]

Enemies are imbued with burning properties, inflicting Solar Ignition. The Heatwave will now create flame tornadoes in certain areas, dealing constant damage. These flares will subside when the Heatwave ends. Scorch marks on the ground denote where the flares will occur.

Firebombs (Solar/Chaos)[edit]

At random intervals, a Trickster Chest will spawn near players, which will detonate after a delay. The explosion will damage both players and enemies, and will also leave a permanent patch of fire behind. Enemies may drop fake items, indicated by red markings instead of blue. The fake items will explode shortly after they have been touched, or on their own after some time, and will also leave a small permanent patch of fire.

Phoenix Eggs (Solar/Greed)[edit]

Enemies are imbued with burning properties, inflicting Solar Ignition. On death, enemies leave behind a golden egg that can be destroyed, which applies one stack of Greedy to the destroyer. When the Heatwave occurs, the eggs will ignite and revive the enemy and imbues them with the Midas effect. The revival can only happen once per enemy, and reborn enemies do not drop additional loot.

Mayhem (Chaos/Chaos)[edit]

At random intervals, a Trickster Chest will spawn near players, which will detonate after a delay. The explosion will damage both players and enemies. The explosion will also have varying effects, such as: applying Midas to enemies, applying one stack of Greedy to players; and leaving behind a permanent patch of fire. Enemies may drop fake items, indicated by red markings instead of blue. The fake items will explode shortly after they have been touched, or on their own after some time. These bombs also share the same properties as the Chests.

Golden Bombs (Chaos/Greed)[edit]

At random intervals, a Trickster Chest will spawn near players, which will detonate after a delay. For players, the explosion will deal damage and apply one stack of Greedy. For enemies, a Midas effect will be applied.

Midas (Greed/Greed)[edit]

Enemies are affected by a Midas effect, giving them a Resilience bar. This includes enemies that normally do not have Resilience. Breaking their guard will apply one stack of Greedy to players.

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