Gold Mite Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense" |
Twin Horn Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating" |
Skitterwig Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense" |
Grazer Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power" |
Grayhorn Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power" |
Rat Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health" |
Baltoad Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense" |
Aggressive Rat Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating" |
Bloodbag Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience" |
Tiding Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power" |
Wretch Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health" |
Balgrim Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense" |
Goblin Scavenger Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Break Power" |
Ichorling Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power" |
Broodspawn Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating" |
Foul Wretch Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense" |
Codex Initiate Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health" |
Archon Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Mag Defense" |
Shrike Sentry Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Break Power" |
Torrent Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power" |
Hollow Husk Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power" |
Explosive Ichorling Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power" |
Husk Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense" |
Hollow Charger Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience" |
Blackbird Husk Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power, Crit Rating" |
The High Roller Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Mag Defense" |
Lesser Deceiver Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Mag Defense, Crit Rating" |
Bonebinder Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Mag Defense, Ability Power" |
Alpha Hollow Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Weapon Power, Phys Defense" |
Rotbeak Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating, Weapon Power" |
Frostbeak Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Max Health, Ability Power" |
Deadeye Shrike Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power, Crit Rating" |
Shrike Skirmisher Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Weapon Power, Resilience" |
Deceiver Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Ability Power, Mag Defense" |
Herald Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Break Power, Mag Defense" |
Goblin Hunter Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating, Crit Power" |
Goblin Hacker Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Phys Defense" |
Balgrim Digger Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense, Max Health" |
Windhowler Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Break Power, Phys Defense" |
Talon Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power, Ability Power" |
Bloodletter Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Break Power" |
Codex Monk Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Crit Power, Max Health" |
Ichor Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Resilience, Ability Power" |
Broodhunter Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense, Mag Defense" |
Seer Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Crit Rating, Mag Defense" |
Oracle Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Crit Power" |
Explosive Talon Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Break Power" |
Shurrk Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Max Health, Crit Rating" |
Shrike Enforcer Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Max Health, Break Power" |
Prophecy Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Mag Defense, Crit Rating" |
Balgrim Beacon Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Break Power, Resilience" |
Primeval Duskhunter Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power, Weapon Power" |
Bonebreaker Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power, Break Power" |
Blood Warden Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Resilience" |
Codex Sage Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Crit Rating" |
Silk Mistress Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Ability Power" |
Thunderer Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense, Max Health" |
Bear Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power, Weapon Power" |
Goblin Seer Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Ability Power, Mag Defense" |
Plague Keeper Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Phys Defense" |
Archon Elite Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Break Power, Weapon Power" |
Warbear Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Weapon Power, Max Health" |
Shroudstalker Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Crit Rating, Mag Defense" |
Grim Morningstar Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Max Health, Weapon Power" |
Icy Turtlesaur Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense, Resilience" |
Dire Prophecy Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Ability Power, Resilience" |
Hobgoblin Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Crit Rating" |
Keeper of Lies Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense, Resilience" |
Hollow Horror Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Weapon Power, Resilience" |
Wurm Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense, Resilience" |
Loot Goblin Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Resilience, Phys Defense" |
Guardian Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Break Power, Weapon Power" |
Blood Berserker Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Weapon Power" |
Corroded Lancer Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Break Power, Mag Defense" |
Ancient Turtlesaur Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Phys Defense, Crit Rating" |
Stormshrike Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Break Power, Resilience" |
Shriek Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Rating, Crit Power" |
Starfish Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Resilience" |
Woe Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Ability Power, Max Health" |
Silent Butcher Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Crit Rating" |
Earth Shaker Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Phys Defense" |
Tyran's Bane Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Break Power, Max Health" |
Vaelor's Blood Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Power, Max Health" |
Gloom Wurm Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Power, Phys Defense" |
Archon Commander Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Max Health, Ability Power" |
Arclight Sage Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense, Resilience" |
Loss Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Break Power" |
Misery Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Mag Defense" |
Duskhunter Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Crit Rating, Max Health" |
Emissary Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Phys Defense, Crit Power" |
Pouncer Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating, Ability Power" |
Ancient One Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Power, Phys Defense" |
Everburnt Apostle Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Resilience, Max Health" |
Flowing Guardian Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Resilience, Crit Rating" |
Animus Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Rating, Resilience" |
Ninth Herald Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense, Resilience" |
Heart-Ripper Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Break Power, Weapon Power" |
The Highlands Horror Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Resilience" |
Forgone Emissary Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Mag Defense" |
Fallen Guardian Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Break Power, Ability Power" |
Pridebound Stomper Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Break Power, Weapon Power" |
Commander Rigor Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense, Resilience" |
Embered Shuul Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Ability Power, Phys Defense" |
Ursen Mauler Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Phys Defense, Break Power" |
Rimehunter Nilras Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Weapon Power, Phys Defense" |
Old Ur'tos Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Break Power" |
Young Sot'Ru Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Crit Power, Max Health" |
Gor Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Resilience" |
Monstrosity Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Break Power, Crit Power" |
Shadoweater Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Ability Power, Phys Defense" |
King's Hollow Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Power, Resilience" |
Willow Witch Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating, Ability Power" |
Bone Stomper Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Max Health, Weapon Power" |
Forest Guardian Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Phys Defense, Break Power" |
Cryptographer Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Phys Defense, Crit Rating" |
Third Keeper Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Break Power, Ability Power" |
Basilisk Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Ability Power, Max Health" |
Hunter Telfyre Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Rating, Break Power" |
Cragtooth Drowner Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power, Ability Power" |
The Root Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Resilience, Weapon Power" |
The Trapper Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Ability Power" |
Emissary of Sacrifice Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Max Health, Mag Defense" |
Bumbles Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Max Health, Crit Rating" |
The Cook Master Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Ability Power, Max Health" |
Glacial Gobbler Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Phys Defense" |
The Runner Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Break Power, Weapon Power" |
Primeval Wurm Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Resilience" |
Primeval Shurrk Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Break Power" |
Guardian of the Altar Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Mag Defense, Max Health" |
Broodmother S'ilreth Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: Losing half your guardbreak meter. Effect: Grants damage shield equal to 25% max health & 50% reduction to incoming break damage. Expires when guardbroken or damage shield is spent. 2 minute cooldown." |
Winter Queen Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: Losing half your guardbreak meter. Effect: Grants damage shield equal to 25% max health & 50% reduction to incoming break damage. Expires when guardbroken or damage shield is spent. 2 minute cooldown." |
Mythic: Broodmother S'ilreth Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: Losing 40% of your guardbreak meter. Effect: Grants damage shield equal to 30% max health & 60% reduction to incoming break damage. Expires when guardbroken or damage shield is spent. 2 minute cooldown." |
Trickster Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: 25% chance when dodging in combat. Effect: Aggroes up to 4 enemies and applies 0-4 debuffs(25% chance each), randomly to their weapon power, ability power, resilience, and/or break power for 20 seconds. 20 second cooldown." |
The Bloodspawn Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Landing a jump heavy slam attack. Effect: Causes physical damage equal to 150% of your weapon power to surrounding enemies, and reduces their <bold>movement speed by 50%. 30 second cooldown." |
Mythic: The Bloodspawn Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Landing a jump heavy slam attack. Effect: Causes physical damage equal to 200% of your weapon power to surrounding enemies, and reduces their <bold>movement speed by 66%. 30 second cooldown." |
Commander Creed Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Melee combo finishers and eagle eye shots. Effect: Creates a large blast of physical damage equal to 125% of your weapon power. 20 second cooldown." |
The Unraveled Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Melee combo finishers and eagle eye shots. Effect: Creates a large blast of physical damage equal to 125% of your weapon power. 20 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Commander Creed Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Melee combo finishers and eagle eye shots. Effect: Creates a large blast of physical damage equal to 175% of your weapon power. 20 second cooldown." |
Night's Maw Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Being hit by an enemy. Effect: Night's Maw echo bursts up from the ground causing physical damage equal to 125% of your weapon power. Enemies hit will suffer magical damage equal to 35% your ability power every 1.5 seconds for 6 seconds afterward. 30 second cooldown." |
The Bloodbore Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Hitting an enemy with the last shot in your clip. Effect: Releases a godsblood-powered beam of energy between you and your target, dealing magical damage equal to 300% of your ability power over 2 seconds to it and all enemies in between. 20 second cooldown." |
Mythic: The Bloodbore Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Hitting an enemy with the last shot in your clip. Effect: Releases a godsblood-powered beam of energy between you and your target, dealing magical damage equal to 400% of your ability power over 2 seconds to it and all enemies in between. 20 second cooldown." |
The Argent Hand Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Using a weapon ability. Effect: Creates a bomb above the closest enemy that will explode, causing magical damage and break damage equal to 300% of your ability power. 40 second cooldown." |
Mythic: The Argent Hand Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Using a weapon ability. Effect: Creates a bomb above the closest enemy that will explode, causing magical damage and break damage equal to 400% of your ability power. 40 second cooldown." |
Equilibrium Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Equipping this echo. Effect: Grants +30 to max stamina." |
Ryv'n Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Causing direct magic damage after killing 4 enemies. Effect: A burst of gloom energy causes magical damage equal to 250% of your ability power to all enemies in a moderate radius. 20 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Ryv'n Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Causing direct magic damage after killing 4 enemies. Effect: A burst of gloom energy causes magical damage equal to 425% of your ability power to all enemies in a moderate radius. 20 second cooldown." |
The First Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Double jumping in combat. Effect: +10% to resilience, weapon power, and ability power for 10 seconds. For you and all nearby Wayfinders. 45 second cooldown" |
Mythic: The First Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Double jumping in combat. Effect: +15% to resilience, weapon power, and ability power for 15 seconds. For you and all nearby Wayfinders. 45 second cooldown" |
Deposed King Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: 20% chance when killing an enemy. Effect: Restore 15% of yourmax health over 6 Seconds. 30 second cooldown." |
Azaar, Storm of Blades Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Damaging the enemy that last damaged you. Effect: Causes extra physical damage equal to 300% of your weapon power. 12 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Azaar, Storm of Blades Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Damaging the enemy that last damaged you. Effect: Causes extra physical damage equal to 350% of your weapon power. 12 second cooldown." |
Brel, Storm of Thorns Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Shooting enemies after a successful hotspot reload. Effect: Fire a barrage of 3 arrows in front of you up to 3 times within 7 seconds. 30 second cooldown, if used." |
Mythic: Brel, Storm of Thorns Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Shooting enemies after a successful hotspot reload. Effect: Fire a barrage of 3 arrows in front of you up to 4 times within 9 seconds. 30 second cooldown, if used." |
Maras Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: Dodging in combat. Effect: Leaves behind a trap that pulls enemies in and explodes, dealing magical damage equal to 325% of your ability power. 30 second cooldown." |
Malefic Maw Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: Performing a parry or block counter. Effect: Molten gold strikes enemies, dealing magical damage equal to 250% of your ability power instantly, then again over 5 seconds. The molten gold then returns, granting a damage shield; the less enemies hit, the stronger the shield. 30 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Maras Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: Dodging in combat. Effect: Leaves behind a trap that pulls enemies in and explodes, dealing magical damage equal to 400% of your ability power. 30 second cooldown." |
Kolaar the Beastmaster Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: Landing a critical strike. Effect: Proc one of the 3 beast effects: Vulture: Leaves a path of frost in its wake. Panther: Increases Crit Rating by a significant amount. Bear: Slams the target creating a small shockwave. 30 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Kolaar the Beastmaster Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: Landing a critical strike. Effect: Proc one of the 3 mythic beast effects: Vulture: Leaves a path of frost in its wake. Panther: Increases Crit Rating by a significant amount. Bear: Slams the target creating a small shockwave. 20 second cooldown." |
Dark Arbiter Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: Blocking 4 incoming attacks in succession. Effect: Retaliates with Gloom energy dealing magical damage equal to 400% of your ability power. 20 second cooldown." |
Dread Legion Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Casting a Wayfinder ability in combat. Effect: Increase ability power by 25% for 10 seconds. 45 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Dread Legion Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Casting a Wayfinder ability in combat. Effect: Increase ability power by 30% for 12 seconds. 30 second cooldown." |
Wormwood Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Landing a jump heavy slam attack. Effect: A small pool of overgrowth heals Wayfinders 6% of their max health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds, players need to stay in the growth to heal. 45 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Wormwood Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Landing a jump heavy slam attack. Effect: A small pool of overgrowth heals Wayfinders 6% of their max health every 2 seconds for 12 seconds, players need to stay in the growth to heal. 45 second cooldown." |
Marrow Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Breaking an enemy's guard. Effect: Adds 10% crit rating & 20% crit power for 10 seconds. 30 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Marrow Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Breaking an enemy's guard. Effect: Adds 15% crit rating & 25% crit power for 12 seconds. 30 second cooldown." |
Aturach the Deathless Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Causing physical damage. Effect: Spawns a spectral axe that causes physical damage equal to 350% your weapon power. 20 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Aturach the Deathless Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Causing physical damage. Effect: Spawns a spectral axe that causes physical damage equal to 450% your weapon power. 20 second cooldown." |
Talon of Pyre Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Using a Dash attack in Combat. Effect: The Talon of Pyre's echo charges forward causing magical damage up to 525% of your ability power over 3.5 seconds. 45 second cooldown." |
Precursor Reborn Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Obtaining max combo meter. Effect: Overcharges melee weapon attacks, causing additional magical damage equal to 100% of your ability power up to <green>6 times over 10 seconds. 30 second cooldown." |
Kindled Heartwood Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Falling below 35% HP. Effect: Roots nearby enemies for 12 seconds. Hitting rooted enemies heals 3% of your total health. 30 second cooldown." |
Astral Zephyr Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Dodging backwards in combat. Effect: Spawns 3 black holes around the Wayfinder that deal magical damage equal to 500% of your ability power while pulling enemies in and exploding. 40 second cooldown." |
Harbinger of Dread Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Having all 3 main abilities on cooldown.Effect: Fires a barrage of 20 piercing gloom needles at surrounding enemies, dealing magical damage totalling 500% of your ability power over 5 seconds. 30 second cooldown." |
Fallen Greedlord Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Using the last of your Stamina to dodge. Effect: A ring of molten gold flows around the wayfinder dealing magical damage equal to 600% of your ability power over 7.5 seconds.40 second cooldown." |
Emissary of Ruin Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Performing a dodge attack in combat. Effect: Empowers the Wayfinders heavy attacks to knock back enemies a moderate distance for 12 seconds. 36 second cooldown." |
Bloodrage of Vuul Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Landing a jump heavy slam attack. Effect: Two flame globules explode in front of you, causing magical damage equal to 200% of your ability power, and burns them for another 200% over 8 seconds. 30 second cooldown." |
Slyv'r Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Dodging in combat. Effect: Makes your Wayfinder invisible to enemies for 5 seconds, and grants 500% weapon power for a single physical attack while stealthed. 30 second cooldown." |
Abominus Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Damaging a Loot Goblin Effect: Weapon attacks apply a stack of bleed, Ability attacks apply a stack of Gloom Static. No Cooldown" |
Plunderfool Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Dealing damage to an enemy in an eventide expedition or hunt. Effect: An eventide present appears that offers a random buff to the wayfinder who picks it up. Each buff has a 30 second duration and can stack up to 3 times. 10 second cooldown." |
The Renegade Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Landing a jump heavy slam attack. Effect: Summon a swarm of rats dealing physical damage equal to 300% of your weapon power, and a ring of poison dealing magical damage equal to 300% of your ability power over 7.5 seconds. 30 second cooldown" |
Mythic: The Renegade Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Landing a jump heavy slam attack. Effect: Summon a swarm of rats dealing physical damage equal to 350% of your weapon power, and a ring of poison dealing magical damage equal to 350% of your ability power over 7.5 seconds. 30 second cooldown" |
Teryssa the Silence Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Dash attacking in combat. Effect: Fires 8 bolts of energy targeting nearby enemies dealing magical damage totalling 480% of your ability power. 30 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Teryssa the Silence Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Dash attacking in combat. Effect: Fires 8 bolts of energy targeting nearby enemies dealing magical damage totalling 600% of your ability power. 30 second cooldown." |
Hollowlord Vendraal Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Using a weapon ability while at least 1 wayfinder ability is available. Effect: Damage from wayfinder abilities cause a hollow hand to slam down, up to <green>3 times over 10 seconds. Causes physical damage Equal to 225% of your weapon power. 40 second cooldown." |
Mythic: Hollowlord Vendraal Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Using a weapon ability while at least 1 wayfinder ability is available. Effect: Damage from wayfinder abilities cause a hollow hand to slam down, up to <green>3 times over 10 seconds. Causes physical damage Equal to 275% of your weapon power. 40 second cooldown." |
Dark Star Nights Maw Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Being hit by an enemy. Effect: Dark Star echo bursts up from the ground causing physical damage equal to 250% of your weapon power. Enemies hit will suffer magical damage equal to 75% your ability power every 1.5 seconds for 6 seconds afterward. 30 second cooldown." |
Starcrossed Lovers Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered By: Performing a parry or block counter. Effect: All wayfinders receive a <white>damage shield equal to 15% of their max health. The wayfinder with the least health percentage receives 25% damage reduction and restores <green>40% of their <white>max health over <green>8 seconds. 30 second cooldown." |
AS-713 CONFLUX Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Hitting an eagle eye shot. Effect: Two beams shoot out from the wayfinder that sweep forward, dealing magical damage equal to 300% of your ability power over 3 seconds per beam. 30 second cooldown." |
Mythic: AS-713 CONFLUX Echo | type | "Rush" |
description | "Triggered by: Hitting an eagle eye shot. Effect: Two beams shoot out from the wayfinder that sweep forward, dealing magical damage equal to 375% of your ability power over 3 seconds per beam. 30 second cooldown." |
Balgrim Sapper Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power" |
Frost Ichor Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Crit Rating" |
Icetrapper Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Break Power" |
The Firebrand Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Ability Power, Mag Defense" |
The Mastermind Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating, Break Power" |
Shrike Upstart Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Mag Defense" |
Glittergreed Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Rating, Phys Defense" |
Ice Lancer Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Ability Power, Resilience" |
Pridelord Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense, Max Health" |
Gilded Ichorling Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health" |
Goblin Ichorite Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience" |
Wolf Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power" |
Rime Mistress Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Crit Rating, Phys Defense" |
Winterspawn Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense" |
Turach et Mourne Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Rating, Ability Power" |
Champion Witch Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power, Weapon Power" |
Gilded Ichor Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense, Resilience" |
Gorger Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Break Power, Resilience" |
Hollow Oakwarden Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Ability Power" |
Eldren Vaelguard Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense, Phys Defense" |
Eldren Wingblade Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Crit Rating, Phys Defense" |
Brumal Storm Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Resilience" |
Unraveling Horror Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Crit Power" |
Arcbound Sentinel Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Phys Defense, Break Power" |
Stomper Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Phys Defense, Break Power" |
Hollow Wurm Elite Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Crit Power" |
Frosthunter Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Weapon Power, Phys Defense" |
Phoenix Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Power, Mag Defense" |
Unraveling Remnant Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Break Power, Phys Defense" |
White Widow Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Resilience, Weapon Power" |
Felwing Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power, Weapon Power" |
Unstable Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "An echo of unknown origin. Too unstable to equip, but brimming with power and able to offer a large amount of XP in echo fusion." |
Turtlesaur Hatchling Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Break Power" |
Training Dummy Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power" |
Shrike Motivator Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense" |
Hollow Rootling Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense" |
Storm Jelly Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power" |
Gloom Sentry Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power" |
Hollow Flea Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense" |
Elemental Soldier Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Break Power, Crit Rating" |
Hollow Rotwurm Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Phys Defense" |
Eldren Striker Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Break Power" |
Shrike Betrayer Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Phys Defense, Weapon Power" |
Gloom Crawler Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Crit Rating" |
Scar Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating, Weapon Power" |
Shuul Baelhorn Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating, Ability Power" |
Rivenmaw Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Crit Rating" |
Silk-Seer Esharaa Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Resilience, Crit Power" |
The Lightkeeper Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Power, Ability Power" |
Armored Ichor Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Phys Defense" |
Hollow Stalker Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Weapon Power" |
Shrine Harbinger Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Mag Defense" |
Arclight Warbear Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Resilience, Break Power" |
Arclight Windhowler Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Max Health, Crit Rating" |
Gloom Crusader Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Resilience, Ability Power" |
Gloomtouched Warbear Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Phys Defense, Crit Power" |
Karon Dreadaxe Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Mag Defense, Break Power" |
Truth Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Crit Power" |
Wisdom Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Mag Defense, Ability Power" |
Duty Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Phys Defense, Mag Defense" |
Valor Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Max Health" |
Mythic: Truth Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Crit Rating" |
Mythic: Wisdom Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Break Power, Mag Defense" |
Mythic: Duty Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Phys Defense" |
Mythic: Valor Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Break Power" |
The Bloodcarver Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Crit Power" |
Key Master Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Max Health, Break Power" |
Feral Drakar Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Break Power, Weapon Power" |
Nightbriar Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Crit Rating" |
The Dire Song Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Phys Defense, Crit Power" |
Ancient Enchanter Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense, Resilience" |
Kahl Vuul Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Ability Power, Max Health" |
Crystal Phoenix Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Max Health, Resilience" |
Arclight Guardian Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Crit Power" |
Hollow Queen Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Ability Power, Max Health" |
The Woods Phoenix Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Break Power, Phys Defense" |
Gloom Hulk Miniboss Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Phys Defense, Resilience" |
Chain Warden Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Mag Defense" |
Sliverwig Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating" |
The Chemist Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Max Health" |
The Spendthrift Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Phys Defense, Crit Power" |
The Demolitionist Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power, Break Power" |
Magma Blaster Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power" |
Bright Ichor Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Phys Defense, Mag Defense" |
Immortal Phoenix Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Power, Mag Defense" |
Hollow Maw Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Crit Power" |
Earthshifter Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Crit Power, Resilience" |
Broodhopper Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Weapon Power, Mag Defense" |
Noxious Widow Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating, Ability Power" |
Threshrot Horror Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Mag Defense" |
Geartooth Prototype Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Max Health" |
Windhowler Baby Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience" |
Duskhunter Cub Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power" |
Crow Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense" |
Guts Breath Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Crit Rating, Mag Defense" |
Elemental Sentry Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Resilience, Weapon Power" |
Hollow Hound Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Mag Defense, Resilience" |
Felshurrk Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Crit Power, Max Health" |
Tarkan the Cruel Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Max Health, Break Power" |
Foreboding Prophecy | type | "Cross" |
description | "Ability Power, Mag Defense" |
Shield of Shadhur Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Resilience, Break Power" |
Falling Shadow Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Mag Defense, Ability Power" |
Vrako Ironblood Echo | type | "Balance" |
description | "Weapon Power, Resilience" |
Elder Monstrosity Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Break Power, Max Health" |
AS-621 VIGIL Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating, Break Power" |
The Albatross Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Weapon Power, Break Power" |
Faithblade Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Weapon Power, Max Health" |
Shuul Mydra Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Ability Power, Crit Power" |
AS-003 VANGUARD Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Ability Power, Max Health" |
BC-XR-26 PROTOTYPE Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Crit Power, Weapon Power" |
Wingblade Morne Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Resilience, Max Health" |
Baleful Hollow Echo | type | "Guard" |
description | "Max Health, Mag Defense" |
Commander Zeal Echo | type | "Cross" |
description | "Max Health, Phys Defense" |
Arcbound Sentry Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Power" |
Eldren Duskblade Echo | type | "Attack" |
description | "Crit Rating" |