Maras Artifact | description | "An artifact earned from your victory over Grand Deceiver Maras. Active Effect:Find 5% more gold from chests and other sources." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Grand Deceiver Artifact Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 150 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 35 |
name | "Glimmering Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 28 |
name | "Glimmering Molten Spectra" |
amount | 14 |
name | "Grand Iriscite" |
amount | 1 |
purchaseValue | null |
First Artifact | description | "An artifact from your encounter with the First Scribe. Active Effect: While at full health, increase ability power of self & nearby allies by 5%." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | name | "First Artifact Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 150 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 35 |
name | "Glimmering Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 28 |
name | "Glimmering Molten Spectra" |
amount | 21 |
name | "Radiant Octachron" |
amount | 1 |
purchaseValue | null |
Reaver King Artifact | description | "An artifact from your victory over the Reaver King. Active Effect: Increases crit rating when damaging an enemy. Scales inversely to the enemies impact meter, broken enemies give max buff of +10%." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Reaver King Artifact Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 150 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 35 |
name | "Glimmering Molten Spectra" |
amount | 28 |
name | "Pristine Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 14 |
name | "Opal of the King" |
amount | 1 |
purchaseValue | null |
Storm Twins Artifact | description | "An artifact from your fight with the Storm Twins. Active Effect: Using a healing flask will apply a small extra heal to yourself and nearby allies." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Storm Twins Artifact Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 50 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 35 |
name | "Glimmering Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 28 |
name | "Glimmering Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 14 |
name | "Storm Twin's Ire" |
amount | 1 |
purchaseValue | null |
Bloodbore Artifact | description | "An artifact from your fight with the Bloodbore. Active Effect: Increases weapon power with Inverse relation to current ammo count: +10% with 1 shot left. +1% at full ammo." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Bloodbore Artifact Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 100 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 35 |
name | "Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 28 |
name | "Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 14 |
name | "Corrupt M.L.U." |
amount | 1 |
purchaseValue | null |
Voidwhisper Artifact | description | "An artifact from your fight with the Voidwhisper. Active Effect: Reduces stamina cost to perform block counters, parries, and shoulder bashes by 5%." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Voidwhisper Artifact Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 100 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 35 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 28 |
name | "Pristine Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 14 |
name | "Opal of the King" |
amount | 1 |
purchaseValue | null |
Dread Legion Artifact | description | "An artifact from your fight with the Dread Legion. Active Effect: Increases your magical defense in relation to your impact meter, +10% when full." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Dread Legion Artifact Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 150 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 35 |
name | "Glimmering Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 28 |
name | "Glimmering Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 14 |
name | "Optic Cortex" |
amount | 1 |
purchaseValue | null |
Bloodrage of Vuul Artifact | description | "An artifact from your fight with the Bloodrage of Vuul. Active Effect: Increases your break power in relation to your Ult Meter, Max + 5% Break Power when Ult meter Full, +1% when empty." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Bloodrage of Vuul Artifact Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 100 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 35 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 28 |
name | "Glimmering Molten Spectra" |
amount | 14 |
name | "Optic Cortex" |
amount | 1 |
purchaseValue | null |
Slyv'r Artifact | description | "An artifact from your fight with Slyv'r. Active Effect: Increases Crit Power with Inverse relation to Ult meter, Max +5% Crit Power When Ult meter is empty. +1% when Full" |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Slyv'r Artifact Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 100 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 35 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 28 |
name | "Glimmering Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 14 |
name | "Master's Call" |
amount | 1 |
purchaseValue | null |
Malefic Maw Artifact | description | "An artifact earned from your victory over the Malefic Maw. Active Effect: Activating this artifact increases the yields of gold you find by 7.5%, also Increases damage taken by 5%." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Malefic Maw Artifact Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 100 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 35 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 28 |
name | "Glimmering Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 14 |
name | "Grand Iriscite" |
amount | 1 |
purchaseValue | null |
Primal Shrine | description | "Exchange one imbuement to receive two of another once per day." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Training Dummy | description | "He won't fight back. We promise." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Celestial Orrery | description | "As part of their research into the Architects, The Silver Codex studied the celestial bodies of the night sky." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Unyielding Cube | description | "This one is friendly. We promise." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Nexus of Memories | description | "An Artifact from completing the Trial of Lingering Light. Active Effect: Increases the Wayfinders Max health by 100 Points." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Artifacts" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 5 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Alchemical Mixer | description | "Grants a random flask from recipes you already know once per day." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Trickster's Artifice | description | "Try your luck for Trickster Rewards once per day." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Anvil | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Simple Cup | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Simple Cup Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Wood Barrel | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Wood Barracks Barrel | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Kragan Bed | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Kragan Bed Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Basic Bed | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Basic Bed Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Molten Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Librarian's Bench | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Librarian's Bench Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Corbin's Compendium: Ruined Aurelian | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Corbin's Compendium: Highlands Vol 2 | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Corbin's Compendium: The Golden Aerie | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Faeora Vex's Tricks of the Trade (Road) | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
The Maze War: Vol 6 | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "The Maze War: Vol 6 Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Tales of the Stone King | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Tales of the Stone King Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Highlands Field Manual | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Highlands Field Manual Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Fighting for the Reach: Truth and Fictions | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Fighting for the Reach: Truth and Fictions Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Ashfall: Legends of the Lost Kingdom | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Tales of the Tower | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Praefel's Guide to the Arcane Lords | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Wayfarer's Guide: The Seven Winds | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Discarded Book | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Discarded Book Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Librarian's Records | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Stack of Basic Books | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Simple Wooden Bookshelf | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Simple Wooden Bookshelf Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Glimmering Molten Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Watcher's Bookshelf | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Large Wooden Cupboard Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Bottle 1 | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Bottle 2 | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Bottle 3 | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Bottle 4 | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Ingredient Bottle | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Small Barracks Bowl | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Small Barracks Bowl Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Stack of Barracks Bowls | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Artisan Bread | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Artisan Bread Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Basic Wooden Bucket | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Large Wooden Cupboard | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Large Wooden Cupboard Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Unlit Candle | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Unlit Candle Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Melted Candle | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Melted Candle Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Librarian's Candle | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Simple Wooden Chair | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Simple Wooden Chair Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
name | "Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 2 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Unrefined Wooden Chair | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Unrefined Wooden Chair Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Padded Chair | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Wooden Wheel Chandelier | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Iron Chandelier | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Iron Lodge Chandelier | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Simple Wooden Crate | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Cutting Board | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Cutting Board Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Basic Wooden Side Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Basic Wooden Side Table Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Glimmering Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Simple Dresser | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Simple Dresser Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Glimmering Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Iron Log Holder | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Iron Log Holder Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Highlands Firestripe | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Highlands Trout | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Highlands Snapper | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Highlands Snapper Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Fishhead | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Fishtail | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Fishtail Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Wistwill Pitcher | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Wistwill Pitcher Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Founders Pack Wall Crest | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Founders Pack Gloom Dagger Case | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Founders Pack Goblet | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Founders Pack Statue | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Fruit Bowl | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Fruit Bowl Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Old Seeker's Shield | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Builder's Hammer | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Balled Builder's Hammer | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Simple Hammer | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Handsaw | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Handsaw Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Hack Saw | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Hanging Arcfuel Lantern | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Hanging Arcfuel Lantern Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Mounted Kitchen Rack | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Mounted Kitchen Rack Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Bloodsteam Smoker | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Bloodsteam Smoker Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Simple Jar | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Simple Jar Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Repaired Jar | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Thin-neck Jar | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Thin-neck Jar Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Corked Jar | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Corked Jar Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Tavern Keeper's Keg | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Tavern Keeper's Keg Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Molten Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Hot Pot | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Librarian's Desk | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Cartographer's Desk | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Scribe's Desk | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Grazer Meat | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Grazer Meat Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Grayhorn Meat | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Grayhorn Ribs | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Howler Meat | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Shrieker Meat | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Simple Mug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Seeker's Mug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Seeker's Mug Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Seeker's Tankard | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Seeker's Tankard Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Freestanding Iron Stove | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Barracks Pan | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Barracks Pot | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Barracks Floor Pot | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Barracks Floor Pot Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Barracks Dish | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Barracks Plate | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Stack of Barracks Dishes | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Stack of Barracks Dishes Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Arcanist's Ingredient Pot | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Arcanist's Ingredient Pot Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Arcanist's Storage Pot | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Arcanist's Lidded Pot | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Clay Pot | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Unlidded Clay Pot | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Opened Clay Pot | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Old Woodwen Shield | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Reaver Totem | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Wooden Rocking Chair | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Wooden Rocking Chair Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Rope | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Basic Cloth Rug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Basic Cloth Rug Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodwarped Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Market Row Rug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Market Row Rug Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Woven Cloth Rug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Woven Cloth Rug Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Grain Sack | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Grain Sack Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Barracks Ration Sacks | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Barracks Ration Sacks Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Ration Sack | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Candle Sconce | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Twin Candle Sconce | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Scroll | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Half-rolled Scroll | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Loose Parchment | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Inked Parchment | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Inked Parchment Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Grouped Scrolls | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Grouped Scrolls Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Coupled Scrolls | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Coupled Scrolls Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Grindstone | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Tavern Stool | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Tavern Stool Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Round Wooden Stool | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Round Wooden Stool Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Square Wooden Stool | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Square Wooden Stool Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Rectangular Wooden Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Basic Wooden Dining Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Basic Wooden Dining Table Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Argent Spectra" |
amount | 16 |
name | "Glimmering Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Round Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Kragan Lantern | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Kragan Lantern Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Empty Toolbox | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Wash Tub | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Simple Broom | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Iron Lantern | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Iron Lantern Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Argent Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
"Full Throttle" | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | ""Full Throttle" Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
"Mean Machine" | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | ""Mean Machine" Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
"Last Watch" | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
"Ironeyes" | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | ""Ironeyes" Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Rimehunter Cub | description | "A rare rimehunter cub. These felines once thrived in the Frostmarch, though they are scarce since the Fall." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Spruce Jay | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Hermit Crab | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Venomspawn Bot | description | "An arcanic spider-bot made by an inventor from the Maze." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Turtle | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Skeleton Thief's Chest | description | "Grants one Skeleton key per day." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Grand Deceiver Artifact Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft the Grand Deceiver Artifact at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
First Artifact Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft the Omen Artifact at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Reaver King Artifact Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft the Reaver King Artifact at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Storm Twins Artifact Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft the Storm Twins Artifact at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Bloodbore Artifact Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft the Bloodbore Artifact at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Dread Legion Artifact Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft the Dread Legion Artifact at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Voidwhisper Artifact Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft the Voidwhisper Artifact at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Bloodrage of Vuul Artifact Recipe | description | "An artifact from your fight with the Bloodrage of Vuul. Active Effect: Increases your break power in relation to your Ult Meter, Max + 5% Break Power when Ult meter Full, +1% when empty." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Slyv'r Artifact Recipe | description | "An artifact from your fight with Slyv'r. Active Effect: Increases Crit Power with Inverse relation to Ult meter, Max +5% Crit Power When Ult meter is empty. +1% when Full" |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Malefic Maw Artifact Recipe | description | "An artifact earned from your victory over the Malefic Maw. Active Effect: Activating this artifact increases the yields of gold you find by 7.5%, also Increases damage taken by 5%." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Basic Bed Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Simple Wooden Bookshelf Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Small Barracks Bowl Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Unrefined Wooden Chair Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Simple Cup Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Basic Wooden Side Table Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Wistwill Pitcher Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Hanging Arcfuel Lantern Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Seeker's Mug Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Seeker's Tankard Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Basic Cloth Rug Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Square Wooden Stool Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Basic Wooden Dining Table Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Kragan Lantern Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Iron Lantern Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Simple Dresser Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Kragan Bed Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Rustic Lantern | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 3 |
Rustic Stool | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 5 |
Rustic Tea Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 10 |
Rustic Armchair | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 10 |
Rustic Chair | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 10 |
Rustic Drawers | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 10 |
Rustic Wall Shelf | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 5 |
Rustic Bed | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 10 |
Rustic Couch | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 10 |
Reachwood Bench | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 10 |
Reachwood Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 10 |
Rustic Wardrobe | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 10 |
Ironworn Side Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Side Table Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Ironworn Wall Shelf | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Wall Shelf Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Ironworn Fan | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Fan Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Ironworn Coffee Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Coffee Table Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Molten Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Ironworn Chair | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Chair Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Ironworn Armchair | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Armchair Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 7 |
name | "Glimmering Molten Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Ironworn Couch | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Couch Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 7 |
name | "Glimmering Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Ironworn Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Table Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Ironworn Bookshelf | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Bookshelf Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Molten Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Ironworn Hanging Light | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Hanging Light Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Ironworn Bed | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Ironworn Bed Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 500 |
Syndicate Wardrobe | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Syndicate Wardrobe Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Unstable Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Hanging Dusknettle | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Solstone Table Lamp | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Solstone Table Lamp Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Simple Jewlery Box | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Worn Jar | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Potted Plant | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 5 |
Witherward Palm | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Witherward Palm Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Witherward Fenwood | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Witherward Fenwood Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Colcasa Plant | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Colcasa Plant Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Shadhur Shroom | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Shadhur Shroom Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Potted Shiftstem | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Alconso Plant | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Gilded Chalice | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Worn Veridian Rug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Kragan Coffee Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Kragan Shoe Rack | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Kragan Wall Shelf | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Mounted Clock | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Kragan Bench | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Veridian Stool | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Woodwen Tapestry | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Avar Tapestry | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Dominion Tapestry | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Dominion Tapestry Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Bloodtouched Spectra" |
amount | 7 |
name | "Glimmering Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Mazen Tapestry | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Mazen Tapestry Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Miniature Breach | description | "Grants three random imbuements once per day." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 40 |
Unraveling Brazier | description | "A spark of chaos feeds these fires eternal." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 30 |
Queen's Snow Globe | description | "Summon a dusting of Eventide snow." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 75 |
Avala's Crochet Fox | description | "Perhaps not the best stitching, but adorable nonetheless." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Hollow Sapling | description | "Corruption has taken root in this sapling, though it seems harmless enough." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Basilisk Hatchling | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
Frostspawn Hatchling | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Deepwood Fledgling | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Witherward Fledgling | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 20 |
Solstone Fledgling | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Tiding | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 50 |
Bloodbag | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Coral Crawler | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Snow Cube | description | "No longer gelatinous." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Trophies" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 75 |
Lambent Lantern | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 3 |
Refurbished Jar | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 5 |
Golden Chalice | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Kragan Mounted Shelf | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Kragan Mounted Shelf Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Glimmering Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Veridian Table Lamp | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Veridian Table Lamp Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Kragan Table Lamp | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Kragan Table Lamp Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Grandfather Clock | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Grandfather Clock Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Kragan Dresser | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Kragan Dresser Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Glimmering Veridian Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Deepwood Rug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Deepwood Rug Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Bright Veridian Rug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Bright Veridian Rug Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Cragged Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Stormcall Rug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 250 |
Riverden Rug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 10 |
Closed Wicker Basket | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Closed Wicker Basket Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 3 |
Open Wicker Basket | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Open Wicker Basket Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Deepwood Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 3 |
First Eventide Giftbox | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Second Eventide Giftbox | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Third Eventide Giftbox | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Fourth Eventide Giftbox | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Fifth Eventide Giftbox | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Sixth Eventide Giftbox | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Seventh Eventide Giftbox | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Assorted Eventide Gifts | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 4 |
Eventide Giftpile | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 4 |
Eventide Cocoa | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 4 |
Eventide Cookies | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 4 |
Tray of Cocoa | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
First Eventide Garland | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Second Eventide Garland | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Hanging Snowflakes | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Hanging Stars | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
First Wreath | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 4 |
Second Wreath | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 4 |
Third Wreath | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 4 |
Eventide Centerpiece | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 8 |
Eventide Tree | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Rare" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 30 |
Eventide Snowflake | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 4 |
Red Hanging Bow | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Green Hanging Bow | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Purple Hanging Bow | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Blue Hanging Bow | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Red Eventide Ribbon | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Green Eventide Ribbon | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Purple Eventide Ribbon | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Blue Eventide Ribbon | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Red Eventide Bow | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Green Eventide Bow | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Purple Eventide Bow | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Blue Eventide Bow | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 2 |
Eventide White Lights 1 | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
Eventide White Lights 2 | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
Eventide Colorful Lights 1 | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
Eventide Colorful Lights 2 | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
Simple Kettle | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 100 |
Open Wicker Basket Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Closed Wicker Basket Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Bright Veridian Rug Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Kragan Dresser Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Potted Plant Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Corked Jar Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Market Row Rug Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Round Wooden Stool Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Fruit Bowl Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Artisan Bread Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Bloodsteam Smoker Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Grouped Scrolls Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Tales of the Stone King Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
"Ironeyes" Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Side Table Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
"Mean Machine" Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Hanging Light Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Wall Shelf Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Armchair Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Syndicate Wardrobe Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Table Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
"Full Throttle" Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Simple Jar Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Fan Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Couch Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Coffee Table Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Bed Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Chair Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Ironworn Bookshelf Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Dominion Tapestry Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Melted Candle Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Kragan Table Lamp Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Simple Mug Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Simple Mug Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Silver Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | null |
Witherward Fenwood Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Deepwood Rug Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Arcanist's Ingredient Pot Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Wooden Rocking Chair Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Librarian's Bench Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Handsaw Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Grandfather Clock Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Solstone Table Lamp Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Coupled Scrolls Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Grain Sack Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Fishtail Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Highlands Field Manual Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Cutting Board Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Tavern Keeper's Keg Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Colcasa Plant Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Veridian Table Lamp Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Simple Wooden Chair Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Kragan Mounted Shelf Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Discarded Book Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Fighting for the Reach: Truth and Fictions Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Grazer Meat Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Barracks Ration Sacks Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Hack Saw Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Wooden Wheel Chandelier Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Mazen Tapestry Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Bottle 1 Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Arcanist's Storage Pot Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Shadhur Shroom Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
The Maze War: Vol 6 Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Iron Log Holder Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Highlands Snapper Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Inked Parchment Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Tavern Stool Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Stack of Barracks Dishes Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Unlit Candle Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Witherward Palm Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Thin-neck Jar Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Barracks Floor Pot Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Mounted Kitchen Rack Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Seat of Darkness | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Seat of Darkness Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Glimmering Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Malformed Loveseat | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Malformed Loveseat Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Shadow's Rest | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Shadow's Rest Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Darkheart Table | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Darkheart Table Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Shadeborne Stool | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Shadeborne Stool Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Observer's Eyelamp | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Observer's Eyelamp Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Legion's Lamp | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Darkheart Table Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 8 |
name | "Glimmering Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Voideye Lamp | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Voideye Lamp Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 5 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Shadestone Shelf | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Wall Decor" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Shadestone Shelf Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Verdant Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
name | "Glimmering Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Shadeborne Cup | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Shadeborne Cup Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Shadeborne Pitcher | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Decorations" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Shadeborne Pitcher Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 4 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Voidmaze Rug | description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | name | "Voidmaze Rug Recipe" |
amount | 1 |
name | "Shadow-Warped Spectra" |
amount | 6 |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Shadeborne Pitcher Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Shadeborne Stool Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Voideye Lamp Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Observer's Eyelamp Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Voidmaze Rug Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Seat of Darkness Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Darkheart Table Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Legion's Lamp Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Malformed Loveseat Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Shadeborne Cup Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Shadow's Rest Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Shadestone Shelf Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Large Wooden Cupboard Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Watcher's Bookshelf Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Woven Cloth Rug Recipe | description | "Unlocks the ability to craft a housing item at Ruby the Foreman." |
tier | "Uncommon" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Furnishings" |
placement | null |
size | 0 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Slimelet | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Plaguerat | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Baltoad | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | null |
Gray Cub | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
Little White Lie | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
Swindler | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
Observer | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
| description | "Decoration that can be used to customize your home." |
tier | "Common" |
type | "Decor" |
subtype | "Lighting" |
placement | |
size | 1 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 35 |
Foundling Pup | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
Foundling Basilisk | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |
Foundling Turtle | description | "A pet that can be placed in your home." |
tier | "Epic" |
type | "Pets" |
subtype | null |
placement | |
size | 2 |
power | 0 |
craftingRecipes | null |
purchaseValue | 1 |