
List of known bugs that players may want to know about, this page can also be regarded as an Unofficial Bug Tracker because the official one doesn't update.

Glossary of Terms:

Unconfirmed - Player reported or wiki staff encountered, dev's have not commented on or acknowledged publicly.
Confirmed - The dev's or general consensus (whichever is greater) has confirmed the bug is in the game.
Patched - The dev's have deployed a patch to fix the issue, this does not mean the bug is solved yet, it may still occur in some edge cases or on some systems.

Resolved - The bug has been fixed and no players or staff have encountered it during normal play.



Presents not Placeable
Status: Resolved (0.2.1)
Affected Versions: 0.2.0
Presents are not placeable under the Eventide Holiday Tree.
Lures not Placeable
Status: Resolved (0.2.1)
Affected Versions: 0.2.0

Sometimes lures will not be placeable at the Plunderfool event.

Workaround: Relog and/or travel to another Highlands instance.
"We" (meaning AS) are also cycling (closing then reopening) them (regions) faster than normal to make sure they don't get into a stuck state.[1]

Combat Bugs[edit]


Abilities not Usable
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: 0.1.3+
When using a dual blade weapon ability, it is possible to "break" the use action for all other abilites, the weapon abilties remain useable - this will persisnt till a travel event occurs (end of LZ, map change ect).


Buff/Debuff Double Dipping
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: ???
Some buffs and debuffs are counted twice, for example the 1.5x damage buff on arcstorm benefits from accessory set bonuses twice, once for the base value that the buff is based on and once again for the buff.
Power Rating Desync
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: ???

This is mostly because the game seems to have two different internal systems for calculating powerrating, and they are not properly in sync. This can result in the game using system A, which includes PR from rush echos to decide whether to scale you, and then it uses system B, which doesnt include rush echos, to do the actual scaling calculation. Since the displayed PR is fake/desynced, it tries to scale you with a PR that is below the scaling threshold, and this results in your stats begin scaled up.

It's only a very narrow range of PR where this becomes a problem, but it can result in getting 10 % free stats by equipping a rush echo that does literally nothing but create a fake powerrating on your character sheet to confuse the scaling system.
Buff/Debuff Race Conditions
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: ???
Many buffs and debuffs in the game suffer from undefined behavior and race conditions that mean server lag is the deciding factor for whether they included in the damage of the hit that applied them.
Damage Calculations vs Enemy Resilience
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: ???

A broken resilience bar or a weapon with 100 % piercing only has 0.75*1.33=99.75 % resilience piercing.

This is most likely caused by a dev writing 0.33 instead of 1/3 (or the closest floating point approximation) somewhere.



Radiant Pulse
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: ???
Defense bonus on radiant pulse doesn't work


Crowd's Favor
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: ???

Crowd's favor causes damage stats to give less stats than their tooltip implies.

Senja has a negative -10% debuff at level 1 (empty bar) of her crowd's favor passive that means offensive stats (WP and AP) only increase by 90 % of the value of a weapon or echo you equip, this debuff is additive with accessory sets.


Oil Bomb
Status: Patched (awaiting confirmation)
Affected Versions: < 0.1.6

Oil bomb's crit chance bonus seems to be not working.

Silo's oil bomb has a level 2 crit chance upgrade that probably isn't working. It does not increase crit chance on the combat dummy as far as can be reasonably measured.



Crit Chance
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: ???

Higher critical chance than stated on tooltip.

Survivalists have crit passives on guns and daggers that seem to give more crit chance than their tooltip indicates.



Resilience Pierce
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: ???
Arcstorm only has half resilience pierce on its eagle eye hits, and they share a motion value/modifier with other guns.


Damage Desync
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: ???
Damage ticks are desynced between the client and the server
Crits not showing
Status: Confrimed
Affected Versions: ???
Display bug where it will show a wrong number of crits and a wrong number of hits. It always does 6 hits, the number of crits is arbitrary, this can be confirmed by counting boss health bars.



Items do not appear in 'All' Tab
Status: Resolved
Affected Versions: 0.2.0-0.2.3
Switching the shop tab can reveal items available for purchase in the shop that are otherwise not on the main tab, such as the 'Roll & Pump' emote and all vestiages. (At time of writting, December 19, 2023)


Certain Achievements not Obtainable
Status: Confirmed
Affected Versions: 0.1.0+
'A murder in Deepwood' & 'Last of the Woodwen' are currently not obtainable in game due to the achievements relating to these quests not existing.
Seeker of Truth
Status: Confirmed
Affected Versions: 0.2.0+
The 'Mass Deception' event can be cleared successfully in any region, however the achievement may not pop. Current workaround is just to do it again and pray.


Summoning Rites[edit]

Enemies Attack while Invuln.
Status: Unconfirmed
Affected Versions: 0.2.0+
During the Summoning Rite event, it is possible to agro and be attacked by the invulnerable Seers as well as begin attacked by the Primeval enemy, the event is still clearable however the difficulty does rise due to this occuring.


Night's Maw[edit]

Wurm Bait not Placeable
Status: Resolved (0.2.1)
Affected Versions: <0.2.0
The pedestals where you place bait can sometimes get "stuck" and will not allow anyone to place bait, even when glowing and you would otherwise be able to place it. (This is the second instance of this bug occuring)
Invisibility Bug
Status: Resolved
Affected Versions: 0.1.0 > 0.2.0
Occasionally, it is still possible for Night's Maw to play it's tunneling animations out of sequence which will render it invisible - the current known and best fix is for all players to leave agro (head towards the Gloom Gate by Codex) and wait 10-30 seconds before re-entering the arena and running to where Maw was last seen digging, as this often causes it to play an attack animation which will redraw the entity, fixing the invisability.

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