The Maze

The Maze is or was one of the nations of Evenor, who focused on alchemy rather than technology or magic. It is occasionally described as a "nation of monsters," with giant beastmen and goblins among its ranks.
Little is known about the origins of the Maze, though they eventually entered a war against the Avar Imperium in a conflict commonly known as the Mazewar. The Gloomfall forced an end to hostilities. While the fate of the Maze itself is unknown, there are assorted members who now share a peace with members of the Imperium, since the Gloom serves as a common threat.
Notable People[edit]
Venomess - a "human" alchemist and inventor Wayfinder, former Maze spy and assassin. Before the Gloomfall, her handler was a goblin named Tox.
Grendel - a beastman barbarian Wayfinder, a mercenary by trade and one of the Maze's greatest warriors.
Niss - a Deep Eldren shadow dancer Wayfinder and temporary Maze agent. Following the destruction of her clan and exile to the surface, an aimless Niss temporarily joined the Maze as an agent before leaving again to resume her vow of vengeance against the Precursors. She has an unspecified relationship with the Venomess.
The Huntmaster - Huntmaster Rake, a beastman master hunter and tracker, and former Maze champion. While still bitter about the Mazewar, he now serves Skylight as the leader of the hunters of the Seekers.
Foreman Ruby - currently serves as leader of the Builders in Skylight, in charge of reconstruction of the city after the Gloomfall.
Known Creations[edit]
Tooth and Claw - a ferocious sword & shield used against the Empire.
Hellswarm - a shotgun that spews torrents of fire.
Nightshade - a scoped rifle shooting envenomed needles, the personal weapon of the Venomess.