Gloom Ambush

Gloom Ambush is an Event that occurs in all Lost Zones. During an expedition, the Gloom blocks the way forward and begins to close in with enemies.


A Gloom ambush will always occur at least once during a Lost Zone expedition and, in most cases, cannot be bypassed. The ambush takes place in certain rooms which will have a Memory Fragment in the center. Picking up or passing the fragment will seal the exits and initiate the event. Players outside of the ambush can pass through the one-way barriers into the room.

Fighting the Ambush[edit]

Various Gloom enemies will spawn in two waves, with the second wave starting after a majority of the first wave has been defeated. Tidings, Wretches, Foul Wretches, Husks, Heralds, Seers, and Oracles may spawn throughout. The high volume of enemies, as well as fighting in an enclosed space, may make certain Imbuement effects extremely hazardous.

The barriers blocking the exits will dissipate once all Gloom enemies have been slain, and the remaining enemies in the Lost Zone will have their levels increased by one.

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