Gluttonous Wurm

Gluttonous Wurm is an Event that occurs in the Highlands. In the caverns beneath the Highlands lurks a monstrous wurm, but it can only be lured out with the proper bait.
The event takes place in the Umbral Tunnels, which can be reached from the Signal Fire near the Codex Halls breach. Inside the caverns is a clearing with one side covered in Gloom. Placing certain types of bait will summon Night's Maw; a massive wurm Boss corrupted by the Gloom.
Gathering the Bait[edit]
Scattered across the Highlands are piles of debris, which can be searched for a Chest containing a single Wurm Bait. On occasion,
Goblin Scavengers may appear as an ambush party instead. The locations of the debris can be found on the Highlands map. Two pieces of
Wurm Bait is needed to lure Night's Maw out once.
During the Despair and Hope quest, a recipe for Dark Star Wurm Bait is unlocked, which only requires one
Wurm Bait along with three
Shadow Imbuements. The Dark Star wurm bait can be used to lure an alternate variant of Night's Maw: File:Dark Star Night's Maw.pngDark Star Night's Maw.
Baiting the Wurm[edit]

Once enough bait has been acquired, pieces of bait can be placed on the left and right sides of the wurm's den. Alternatively, a single piece of the Dark Star bait can be placed in the center. In either case, after sufficient bait has been placed, Night's Maw or Dark Star Night's Maw will emerge.
Items unique to Night's Maw may be rewarded, such as:
- File:Night's Maw Echo.pngNight's Maw Echo / File:Dark Star Night's Maw Echo.pngDark Star Night's Maw Echo
Night's Maw Viscera