Executioner Melee

(Redirected from Greatscythe)

Executioner Melee is a class of weapon, an aggressive melee class covering all manner of two-handed weapons. Executioner weapons deal massive Weapon Power and Break Power damage, in exchange for relatively slower attacks. Heavy attacks are considerably slower than light attacks, but deal even greater damage. They can utilize a Crossover combo by alternating light and heavy attacks, either near the end of a combo or after a dash attack, to continuously attack without stopping. They can also block by bringing up the weapon to protect themselves and convert all incoming damage to stamina cost, although not as effectively as the Guardian Melee's shield can; performing an attack while blocking results in a Shoulder Tackle that deals damage while reducing incoming damage. As with all melee weapon classes, Executioner weapons have native +10% damage mitigation.

The Executioner's weapon mechanic is Momentum. Damaging enemies will build the Momentum meter, with heavy attacks building it faster. Remaining outside of combat and not attacking causes it to decay quickly. Building Momentum reduces incoming resilience damage, allowing you to continue attacking at less risk of being Guard Broken. Up to three levels of momentum can be stored, and performing a weapon ability consumes Momentum, with the strength of the ability increasing for each level of Momentum consumed.

There are three sub-classes of Executioner weapons: Breakers, Greatswords, and Greatscythes. All three types feature distinct attack patterns from each other.

  • Breaker - Two-handed axes and maces. Breakers are the "default" Executioner weapon class, with their behavior matching that of the overall class.
  • Greatsword - Two-handed swords. Compared to Breakers, Greatswords have a faster attack speed but deal less damage to resilience.
  • Greatscythe - Two-handed scythes. Greatscythe combos are unique compared to Breakers and Greatswords, featuring more wide sweeping attacks. They otherwise share the same default behavior.


Weapon Ability Ability Description


Consumes all Momentum to perform a strong overhead slam. A direct hit will Sunder the target, increasing all damage taken by 10% per Momentum Level consumed, for 10 seconds.

Draken Maw

Execute a sequence of three sweeping attacks. Each activation consumes one Momentum Level. The initial activation deals damage and pulls enemies in. The second activation is a follow up attack that deals increased damage. The final activation unleashes a devastating double swing.


Steel Vortex
Throws the axe to spin in a vortex in front of the Wayfinder, dealing damage multiple times before returning. Deals additional damage for each level of Momentum consumed.


Charge forward, dragging the weapon along the ground and dealing damage in a line, ending with a massive uppercut swing. Deals additional damage for each level of Momentum consumed.


Slam down the weapon dealing Heavy Damage in a radius around the wayfinder. Can be chained up to 3 times, each strike consuming 1 level of Momentum.


Weapon Ability Ability Description

Windmother's Fang

Execute a swift 3-5 hit combo, determined by the amount of Momentum consumed, inflicting substantial damage. Simultaneously, temporarily allowing the Wayfinder to exceed the Heat of Battle multiple cap up to 300%.

Titan's Bane

Molten Cleave
Consumes all momentum to cleave the ground and damage enemies in a line. The resulting cracks will pulse damage over a short period of time after the initial strike.


Gladiator Slice
Performs a quick Melee attack that buffs Ability Power by 20% for the next Wayfinder Ability used within 3 seconds. Consumes 1 level of momentum per use. Using Gladiator Slice again within 6 seconds will perform an Empowered Gladiator Slice, dealing an additional 20% damage, up to 2 times.


Cleave reality, creating a vacuum in space that draws in all opponents before exploding with dark energy.


Lingering Urges
Perform a savage attack with your blade. Any enemies killed by Lingering Urges will grant a stack of Blood Mania, increasing Weapon Power and causing the player to heal when striking enemies. Killing enemies while Blood Mania is active refreshes its duration, stacks up to 20.


Weapon Ability Ability Description


Wheel of Pain
Throws the scythe out in front of the Wayfinder, spinning in place as long as the button is held. Momentum is drained as the scythe is spinning. Wheel of Pain also heals the Wayfinder as it deals damage. Upon release, unleash a wide swipe attack that deals damage.


Arcane Harvest
A spinning slash that deals damage and steals Ability Power from enemies, increasing in power for each Momentum Level consumed.

Queen's Pyre
File:Royal Flame.png
Royal Flame
Spin through the air towards a nearby enemy before slamming the ground with fiery impact, damaging your target and any nearby enemies.


Hollow Pulse
Slam down the scythe's hilt, dealing damage and causing a pulse to surround the player. The pulse deals damage every second to nearby enemies, and its duration is determined by the amount of Momentum used.


At certain Wayfinder Ranks (10, 20 and 30), a Wayfinder will be granted higher tiers of a passive Weapon Mastery. The Weapon Mastery bonuses will vary based on the Wayfinder's Archetype.

Archetype Mastery Description
Warmaster Relentless Blows Using a 2H Weapon Ability increases your Weapon Power by (9/12/15)% for 8 seconds. This effect does not stack.
Arcanist Arcane Colossus 2H attacks have a (15/20/25)% chance to deal 80% of your Ability Power as bonus damage.
Survivalist Heavy Precision 2H Light Attacks increase Crit Chance by (2/3/4)% per stack, stacking up to 3 times and lasting 4 seconds. 2H Heavy Attacks increase Crit Power by (4/6/8)% per stack, stacking up to 3 times and lasting 4 seconds.
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