Traditions of Eventide

Traditions of Eventide
Category Quests
Type Live Event Side Story
Rewards 1200Resonance
2000Reward Tower XP
Eventide Decoration Bundle

Traditions of Eventide is a live event quest in Wayfinder.



Lord Halar has called for you to come and meet him for a special mission. He has not elaborated further.


Lord Halar has an unusual mission for you regarding Avala and the holiday known as Eventide. Speak to him at your convenience.


After speaking to Venge and participating in a goblin tradition, I helped Avala expand her understanding of Eventide. Still, she requires more data to see which came first; Eventide traditions or the change in the base elements.



Clear Eyes to See.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.


  • Phase 1
    • Speak to Lord Halar in Skylight
  • Phase 2
    • Speak to Seeker Avala in Skylight
  • Phase 3
    • Talk to Venge About Eventide Traditions
  • Phase 4
    • Collect Resources From Presents Dropped by the Plunderfool in the Highlands
  • Phase 5
    • Craft a Vale Shard Fragment
  • Phase 6
    • Enter the Eventide Vale
  • Phase 7
    • Complete Events Within the Eventide Vale (3)
  • Phase 8
    • Complete an Expedition in the Eventide Vale
  • Phase 9
    • Return to Skylight
  • Phase 10
    • Return to Avala in Skylight


Start Quest
Lord Halar

Wayfinder, I have an assignment in need of attention. There's no urgency, but it might brighten an old man's holiday. If you're game, come see me soon.

Clear Phase 1
Lord Halar

Punctual as always. This is a bit of a personal request, but I hope you will hear me out. My granddaughter Avala usually resides... elsewhere, but she appeared unexpectedly for Eventide.


That's... the winter solstice holiday?

Lord Halar

Right in one! No shame if you don't recall much about it, given all that your memory's been through. I suppose there's no harm in a brief summation.

On the darkest day of the year, we celebrate the light-to-be by burning logs. And we give gifts of fuel and food to last until the days lengthen again.

Or that's how we did it in the Dominion. There's all sorts of cultures here in Skylight, a veritable melting pot of them. And Avala's keen on discovering the differences, traditional and arcanic.

While other families grill grayhorn steaks, Avala is applying arcanism to holiday cheer. She thinks the time of year has an effect on the ebb and flow of the elements.

I could go into more detail, but I'll allow her to explain it. She is currently questioning passersby near Damon's Bell.

Clear Phase 2
Seeker Avala

Wayfinder! Come join us! Isn't Eventide a wonderful time of year? The snow! The singing! The deep-fried gelatin!

Or so I've been told. Honestly, I'm not sure why Eventide is celebrated differently in so many places. If it's a solstice custom that spread, the rituals should be very similar, but they aren't.

Grandfather had us burn a single log in the fireplace for seven days in the Dominion tradition. Skylighters don't have anything like that, but they give great piles of gifts on a single day.

So I have a hypothesis! I found a change in the Lunar element this month, the element of cold night and hidden secrets. But is the element affecting people, or are people affecting the element?

And that's where we come in! I intend to measure the Lunar element, and the others as well, before, during, and after the rituals of the various cultures in Skylight.

Let's start with Venge. I'll set up my arcanic readers. You talk to him and do some participant observation. That means celebrate with him, however goblins do it. For knowledge!

Clear Phase 3

Oh hello, hello! Are you interested in our Eventide Specials? I'm charging everyone else twenty percent more, but for you it's the same, so consider everything a bargain!


Is that... customary?


Of course! Greed is in the air! It's time to dress up right, to make sherry mousse with olives and sour cream, and steal everything that isn't nailed down!

True, it's not that different from normal months... but we wear festive outfits as we do it! And we get to beat the Plunderfool!

You're not familiar? One goblin is given our most expensive gifts. He hides it away, and runs around cackling and taunting everyone. If he gets away, he keeps everything!

So you follow him and BAM! Beat him silly! Then you grab as much loot as you can and run before he regains consciousness! Or, uh... I should say, "in case."

Try it out. Everyone gets a chance. I heard this year the little git has fled to the Highlands. Track him down and get your share of the shiny pile!

You'll see why it's a beloved tradition. Better than that raisin and salmon gelatin one, I'll say that.

Clear Phase 4

That's the spirit! Now to find his stash. It's in an elemental substrata, kind of like the Gloom. You'll need to craft an Eventide charm to get there.

Clear Phase 9

Ah, the magic of the holidays. As good as harvest-time, but with more begging for mercy. No need to bring me the spoils, it's your right for beating the snot out of him.


Wait, what was that strange bone stomper?


No idea. Usually there's some retaliation by the Plunderfool's family, but stompers aren't exactly controllable. Just, uh, go home, nail your doors shut, lay some traps, and happy Eventide! Bye!

Clear Quest
Seeker Avala

Maybe I forgot to control for the alcohol from the spiked onion gelatin... no. Oh, Wayfinder! I take it your time with Venge was fruitful? Tell me everything.


Here's what happened...

Seeker Avala

Fascinating! Let's get at least a residual reading off your arcanic signature and these items you brought back. Say, "Ah!"

Hmm. The elemental greed that goblins normally show increases exponentially during the holiday. But is it only Greed?

I don't think it could be, because then human traditions would be closer to the goblins. And it doesn't explain that bizarre stomper, which isn't a heavily Greed-influenced creature.

Maybe the Gloom is thrown off by the energies of the holiday. Or the holiday this year is thrown off by the Gloom. I'm sure we're on the right track, just give me a little time to ponder!

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